Anonymous ID: d621fb Jan. 26, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.7918854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think the anon who suggested that "coronavirus" is cover for a clean out of the DS is onto something.


If you look at the numbers the "health care" industry kills more people than wars do. Also, drug addiction was fueled by opioids including the kind trafficked from foreign countries (China). If I wanted to really set people free from "addiction" to the things killing them, the first place I would start is the Chinese pharmaceutical industry which (last I knew) made about 80% of the materials for US pharmaceuticals. As an anti-vaxxer I was horrified that Hillary wanted to import and use, on ALL Americans, China made vaccines with ZERO quality testing.


How to extricate ourselves from this mess?


Developing a "vaccine" (bioweapon) against coronavirus is useless with the apparent rapidity of it spreading. What facilities and industries will be rapidly affected? Health care and pharmaceuticals.


Who are most likely to get infected with "coronavirus"?


Why did the President tell us it would be well, regarding "coronavirus"? Why did he thank Xi?


I think Trump's (and the white hat's) goal all along has been to tank the true "servants of Baal" (people practicing human sacrifice). A vaccine demands a baby be put at risk (sacrificed) to protect a fictitious "herd". The word itself derives from the Latin word for COW.

Vaccines make innocent babies into "cash cows" for the "pharm".


I have been wondering how it would play out (ending the pharmaceutical reign of terror) I think we might be looking at it. Will the world awaken to the reality that "plagues" are generally lab grown and that in a true pandemic vaccines are USELESS?


What if there is a US "shut down"? Would that be an opportunity for a "reset" of a few things?


I have ZERO insider information. But this "outbreak" really feels like the "movie" Q told us about. Also, something of this nature has been predicted by others. If "patriots are in control" could a DS technique (man made FF plague) be getting used for something else entirely?


Note that Jon references Sharyl Attkinson, a reporter who seems to have faced her share of persecution for truthful reporting.


I'd love to sit home for a few weeks. Have a lot to do here, and would love to have uninterrupted time with people who matter a lot to me. I'm used to living without "money"! No worries.


As one of my favorite YouTubers is wont to say "Eyes open, no fear, be safe everyone."