Anonymous ID: 43fcea Jan. 26, 2020, 7:20 a.m. No.7919483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492 >>9584

Even DC is ignoring impeachment: 63% have watched ‘none’ of trial


You’d think that the city that brought the nation the impeachment of President Trump would care enough to watch the Senate trial that some TV analysts have called “dazzling.” But you’d be wrong.


According to an online "InstaPoll" from Fox 5, a whopping 63% haven’t watched a lick of the trial.

Another 22% are watching “some.”

And 15% check in for “updates," but from the "news," not the televised trial.

Those poor ratings echo Nielsen data that found daily soap operas twice as popular as the impeachment trial.


Updated Poll

Anonymous ID: 43fcea Jan. 26, 2020, 7:38 a.m. No.7919587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9651 >>9687 >>9740 >>9870 >>0022 >>0153


Again, regarding Trump’s impeachment trial, read the transcript!: Goodwin


Long before Democrats finished making their marathon impeachment case Friday night, momentum had deserted them. The loops of repetition had gone from annoying to unbearable and the wild assertions got even wilder as their talk, talk, talk became a trial of its own. Despite the historic nature of the event, the public voted by staying away. Many gallery seats sat empty, a fact that recalls a gem from the late Yogi Berra that “If the people don’t want to come out to the ballpark, nobody’s gonna stop them.”


Still, even a fraudulent impeachment is not a laughing matter and until the Senate votes, nothing is guaranteed. To that end, President Trump’s team finally got their first turn at bat Saturday and delivered several big hits in a strong start. They began with something Trump has said repeatedly, including to me when I interviewed him Jan. 7: “Read the transcript and you’ll see exactly what it is.”


Pat Cipollone, the White House counsel, echoed that view when he told senators the transcript of the president’s call with the president of Ukraine on July 25th “is the best evidence” that Trump “did absolutely nothing wrong.” He cited passage after passage in the transcript that undercut the Dems’ charge of a quid pro quo involving American military aid in exchange for investigations into Ukraine’s role in the 2016 presidential election and Hunter Biden’s lucrative gig with a corrupt energy company. After reading each passage, including those on the need to combat corruption in Ukraine and the presidents’ agreement that Germany and France should pony up more aid, Cipollone noted that Dems did not mention any of those in their presentation. He accused them of hiding evidence that didn’t fit their “predetermined outcome” and of trying to pull off “the most massive interference in election history.”


He returned to that point in his team’s final remarks, saying this impeachment amounts to interfering in this year’s election “by removing the President of the United States from the ballot.” Doing that, he said, is the true “abuse of power” that violates the Founders’ intent. It was a clear argument and Cipollone was followed by three more Trump lawyers who stuck to his theme — go on offense and put the motive and conduct of the impeachers on trial.


The aim wasn’t just to create reasonable doubt. The goal was to demolish the entire case against the president and expose lead prosecutor Rep. Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi as pure partisans trying to overturn the 2016 election and steal the next one. Some of the defense’s effort involved a meticulous reading of witness transcripts and comparing them to what Dems had said about those witnesses. And some of it was a much more casual effort at drawing contrasts. One of those contrasts simply involved time. Saturday’s session lasted just two hours, yet it was effective in part because it was concise. The fact that the president’s team would be brief in their first at-bat and not use the full 24 hours allotted them in coming days clearly was aimed at reminding the senators and the viewing public of how Dems erred in making the trial a test of endurance.

Anonymous ID: 43fcea Jan. 26, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.7919772   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interestingly enough…


'Making me think about things': Joe Manchin says Trump legal team did a 'good job'