Anonymous ID: b3fca3 Jan. 26, 2020, 7:39 a.m. No.7919593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7919316 All posts, Last Bread


>This is inappropriate



Neither of these posters, gets it!


It was (presumably) her parents that sold out her and her future to the globalists and their "Global Warming Money Grab".

Decisions (even for your children) have consequences.

Agreed, THAT was inappropriate.

Calling attention to that reality is NOT inappropriate; that is why we are here.

This anon is to be commended for calling a spade a spade.


OK, you reported the parents as Child Abusers?

Did you file your report in the appropriate Country?

Do you really expect any kind of positive results?


>>7919370 NOTABLE

>Even children are prostitutes to push propaganda!

>You really think she does this free of charge?

This anon GETS IT!

If you want to act like an adult, you will be treated like an adult.

If you want to at like a libtard, you will be treated like a libtard.

No one here is handing out immunity and pens like participation trophies. This is not a nest that fosters political correctness.

All decisions (like elections) have consequences.

I hope (but doubt) she learns from having made this mistake.

If not, so be it. She may have been reincarnated as part of the 4-6% that will be forever lost. This is how it appears to me.

I firmly believe; she chose her soul path to be born to those parents who set her up in this fashion. Good Luck proving that wrong.