Anonymous ID: da881a Jan. 26, 2020, 8:33 a.m. No.7920022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0083




>>7919433, >>7919463, >>7919881, >>7919888, >>7919967 Eyes in the Sky

>>7919958 Hijack and break evil shit on twat!

>>7919829 NPR chatter

>>7919809, >>7919821, >>7919770, >>7919758 Some Rudy memes

>>7919799 A woman was killed and five members of her family sustained wounds when a vehicle belonging to the United States Embassy hit their car in the federal capital.

>>7919763 2 year delta

>>7919729 Jerry Nadler, Zoe Lofgren & Hakeem Jeffries actually voted AGAINST the very US aid to Ukraine they're lecturing President Trump about.

>>7919599 Hong Kong protesters set QUARANTINE-slated building alight, Cleansing by fire!

>>7919587 Goodwin/ Good Win/Potus twat reference

>>7919559 Illegal Surveilance

>>7919494, >>7919529, >>7919823, >>7919969 DJT Tweets

>>7919490 Hope in France: Marine LePen launches bid to oust Macron in 2022 Presidential election

>>7919450 Mystery as anonymous seller puts up for auction JFK assassination docs


Anonymous ID: da881a Jan. 26, 2020, 8:49 a.m. No.7920153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0172


>>7919433, >>7919463, >>7919881, >>7919888, >>7919967 Eyes in the Sky

>>7919873 - WH tweets "evergreen"

>>7919958 Hijack and break evil shit on twat!

>>7919829 NPR chatter

>>7919809, >>7919821, >>7919770, >>7919758 Some Rudy memes

>>7919799 A woman was killed and five members of her family sustained wounds when a vehicle belonging to the United States Embassy hit their car in the federal capital.

>>7919763 2 year delta

>>7919729 Jerry Nadler, Zoe Lofgren & Hakeem Jeffries actually voted AGAINST the very US aid to Ukraine they're lecturing President Trump about.

>>7919599 Hong Kong protesters set QUARANTINE-slated building alight, Cleansing by fire!

>>7919587 Goodwin/ Good Win/Potus twat reference

>>7919559 Illegal Surveilance

>>7919494, >>7919529, >>7919823, >>7919969 DJT Tweets

>>7919490 Hope in France: Marine LePen launches bid to oust Macron in 2022 Presidential election

>>7919450 Mystery as anonymous seller puts up for auction JFK assassination docs
