Anonymous ID: 4d7f77 Jan. 26, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.7920627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0650 >>0705 >>0763 >>0896


Published 24 mins ago


Tom Homan hits back at AOC for bashing ICE at Sanders rally: Her statements are 'dangerous' and 'idiotic'

Talia KaplanBy Talia Kaplan | Fox News


Former Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan said Sunday that U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made “dangerous” and “idiotic” statements regarding ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at a campaign rally for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in Iowa.


“She's disgusting,” Homan said on “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Sunday morning, reacting to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments the night before.


On Saturday, with Sanders, I-Vt., tied up in Washington at President Trump's Senate impeachment trial, Ocasio-Cortez addressed his supporters in Ames, Iowa, calling for the abolition of ICE and CBP.


The New York Democrat also urged Sanders' supporters to start "tipping people off" if they see federal immigration authorities taking action against illegal immigrants in their communities.


“Organizing is about tipping people off if you start to see that ICE and CBP are in communities to try and keep people safe,” Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said in Iowa on Saturday.


“I'm to not here to reform some of these systems when we talk about immigration. I'm here because Sen. Sanders has actually committed to breaking up ICE and CBP. That's why I'm here.”


“I’m disgusted,” Homan said reacting to her statements. “She says you want to tip off the community to keep the community safe, that's what ICE is doing.”


Homan then brought up statistics from 2018, pointing out that most of the illegal immigrants ICE agents arrested last year had criminal histories, which include homicide, rape or assault.


According to the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report for fiscal year 2018, 138,117 aliens with criminal histories, which include convicted criminal and pending criminal charges, were arrested.


“ICE Is keeping the community safe,” Homan said. “She [Ocasio-Cortez] stands up on stage – first of all, it's an incredibly stupid statement she made, which doesn't surprise me, because she’s about as far from smart as anybody could possibly be, but what she said is dangerous.”


“These men and women put their lives on the line every day to arrest criminals off the streets, especially in New York,” he continued.


“My last year as ICE director, we took 5,000 criminals off the streets of New York. These ICE agents [have done] more to protect the residents of New York than she ever has done or ever will do.”


He then went on to say her comments on Saturday night were “dangerous” and “idiotic,” adding that he “can't believe she can stand up on stage and make a statement like that and not have any repercussions from the House Ethics Committee.”


“I mean, they're trying to remove the president of the United States, a sitting president, at the same time she's saying ICE shouldn’t remove criminal aliens,” Homan said. “They are saying the president is obstructing them. There's nobody been obstructing more than Congress. They've been obstructing this president from Day One.”


He went on to say, “Standing on stage and telling people to give a heads up that the good guys are going to be arresting the bad guys, ICE is in your neighborhood, go run and hide. That's obstruction. That's a crime and she’s standing on stage doing that. She's disgusting. Something needs to be done about it.”


When asked why he thinks ICE had become a targets for Democrats Homan answered, “Because they're enforcing the law.”


“President Trump, who in my opinion is the greatest president I ever worked for, he believes law enforcement should enforce the law. He believes you don't reward law breakers, you reward them with a set of handcuffs. That’s the way it’s supposed to be,” Homan said.


“So they're vilifying the men and women of ICE for simply doing their jobs, to run toward danger when everybody else is running away from danger.”


He went on to say, “AOC wouldn’t have the backbone to do the job they do. She doesn't like what they do? Then change the law, but stop vilifying the men and women of ICE.”


“I buried ICE agents, I buried border patrol agents,” he continued. “Maybe she ought to see what it's like to try to console a wife or a child of a fallen officer?”


Homan added, “It’s disgusting what she said.”


Fox News’ Nick Givas contributed to this report.

Anonymous ID: 4d7f77 Jan. 26, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7920705   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AOC bashes ICE, Sanders bashes Trump during Iowa rally

By Nick Givas | Fox News


U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged supporters of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday night to start "tipping people off" if they see federal immigration authorities taking action against illegal immigrants in their communities.


It was just one of many tips the New York Democrat had for a crowd in Ames, Iowa, as she continued stumping for Sanders ahead of the state's presidential caucuses on Feb. 3.


Unlike a Friday night event in Iowa City, in which Ocasio-Cortez promoted progressive causes like the Green New Deal, government-funded health care and immigration reform – but never mentioned the name of Sanders, who was absent because of Senate impeachment trial duties in Washington – the 30-year-old freshman congresswoman on Saturday, with the 78-year-old Sanders now in attendance, reminded the crowd who she supported.


“We need a true Green New Deal in this country," she said. "Sen. Sanders has the largest plan in the field to address the climate crisis. I’m here because we need true immigration justice. And I’m not here to reform some of these systems when we talk about immigration, I’m here because Sen. Sanders has truly committed to breaking up ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Protection)."


As for Sanders himself, the independent U.S. senator from Vermont spent much of his speech in Ames blasting President Trump – just one week after Trump defended Sanders following an attack by his Democratic progressive rival, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.


"What we can agree on is that in our great country, we should not have a president who is a pathological liar," Sanders said. "We should not have a president who is running a corrupt administration. We should not have a president who is a racist, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a religious bigot.”


"We can have our differences of opinion,” Sanders added. “But we do not need somebody like Donald Trump in the White House, who forces parents to turn off the TV when kids are in the room – who is an embarrassment to us all over the world.”


The Vermont progressive also referred to Trump as "the most dangerous president in the modern history of America" and claimed his policies on climate change threaten the entire world.


"Donald Trump is doing many bad things for our country," he said. "In terms of climate change, he is rejecting science. We cannot have a government that rejects science.”


Sanders also echoed Ocasio-Cortez's emphasis on engaging young voters and said increasing voter turnout is the only way to make a lasting impact, that transcends the ballot box.


“If you are tired of student debt – if you are sick and tired and scared about climate change – If you are disgusted with racism and sexism… if you believe health care is a human right, you can’t sit it out," he said.


"You can’t complain. You have to be involved. If young people were to vote in Iowa and in this national election at the same rate as older people – not only will we beat Trump, but we lay the groundwork for transforming this country.”


As for his policy agenda, Sanders echoed his previous calls for a Green New Deal, Medicare-for-all, and the elimination of student debt.


“We can cancel all student debt in America with a modest tax on Wall Street speculation," he proposed.




Rally referenced in article;


36,147 views•Streamed live 16 hours ago


Bernie Sanders

286K subscribers

Anonymous ID: 4d7f77 Jan. 26, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7920821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0844 >>0891 >>0896

Secy. Pompeo: ‘NPR reporter lied to me’

3,126 views•Jan 26, 2020


One America News Network

544K subscribers


Following this week's Senate impeachment trial, the World Economic Forum and a historic presidential address, the liberal media is in the spotlight regarding questionable practices by NPR's Mary Louise Kelly. One America's Jenn Pellegrino has more from Washington.


OAN report includes exerpt from the Pompeo NPR interview;

Anonymous ID: 4d7f77 Jan. 26, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.7920844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0858 >>0896


'''Statement by Secretary Michael R. Pompeo





JANUARY 25, 2020


NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. First, last month, in setting up our interview and, then again yesterday, in agreeing to have our post-interview conversation off the record. It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency. This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this Administration. It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity.


It is worth noting that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine.