Anonymous ID: a9dc25 Jan. 26, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.7920796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0802 >>0923 >>0950 >>0997


Interesting article:


Furthermore, here is what was interesting posted in the comment section(maybe even originated here?)


Part 1 of 2


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-<The BAMG-Foundation(& Others) Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Run Just THREE (03) Months Ago.


The BAMG-Foundation also funded the group who OWNS THE VIRUS PATENT and is funding research for a vaccine to stop it from spreading.


How convenient.


Brought to you by the same eugenicists who created the Zika virus in a lab, weaponized mosquitos, released them in an attempt to wipe out as many as possible in South America. And those same eugenicists tell you to drink (literal ****) water and they support chemtrail programs.


On June 19, 2015, the UK government-funded Pirbright Institute filed an application for a patent for the live coronavirus, which was approved on Nov 20, 2018.


Suspiciously, a Pirbright Institute “primary funder” is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Specifically, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated $189,232 to the Pirbright Institute in a 2013 grant looking “to improve our understanding of, and effective use of, current control tools and measures (including vaccines) against peste des petits ruminants and foot and mouth disease, two serious diseases affecting livestock that are widespread in developing countries.”


Then, in November of 2019, the Pirbright Institute’s website published an article focusing on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s funding of “a Livestock Antibody Hub” to the sum of $5.5 million.


“The ambitious programme of work will see extensive collaboration between multiple UK research organisations in order to utilise research outcomes in livestock disease and immunology to support human health as part of the ‘One Health’ agenda,” the Pirbright Institute wrote last November.


Professor John Hammond, the lead researcher on the program, said, “New technology has given us the opportunity to utilise these detailed antibody responses to make the next generation of vaccines and therapies, which will improve animal health and ultimately human health, as well as ensuring the security of our food supply.”


Pirbright Institute Hires Coronavirus Expert To Work With Livestock Antibody Hub


Additionally, at the same time the Pirbright Institute announced the Livestock Antibody Hub program, they posted a job opening for a 4-year Postdoctoral Scientist position on


The advertisement for the job opening explains, “The post-holder will report to the Heads of the Coronavirus Group and the Viral Oncogenesis Group work and will work closely with a multidisciplinary team to advance the aims of the overall Pirbright Livestock Antibody Hub.”


Keep in mind, this all took place PRIOR TO the current Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.


Bill And Melinda Gates Behind Global Pandemic Excercise Focusing On Coronavirus


Meanwhile, on Oct. 18, 2019, (again—BEFORE the outbreak), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the World Economic Forum co-hosted an event in NYC where “policymakers, business leaders, and health officials” worked together on a simulated coronavirus outbreak.


Three (03) months BEFORE the current outbreak.


Titled the “Event 201” pandemic, the high-level pandemic exercise “dropped participants right in the midst of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak that was spreading like wildfire out of South America to wreak worldwide havoc.”


“In the simulation, ‘CAPS’ (the coronavirus nickname) resulted in a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months,” according to John Hopkins University.


A video highlight reel from the event shows fictional newscasters from “GNN” discuss how the hypothetical immune-resistant virus (nicknamed CAPS) was crippling trade and travel, sending the global economy into freefall.


It just so happens that a professor from Imperial College London recently warned the coronavirus has the same kill rate as the Spanish flu, which claimed the lives of 20-50 million people in 1918.


Event 201 Promotes Globalism As Solution To Pandemic


In the video, Tom Inglesby of the John Hopkins Center For Health Security promoted globalism as a solution, saying, “there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.”

Anonymous ID: a9dc25 Jan. 26, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.7920802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part 2 of 2


In the video, Tom Inglesby of the John Hopkins Center For Health Security promoted globalism as a solution, saying, “there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.”


Further promoting globalism as an antidote to the hypothetical outbreak, participants in Event 201 proposed the following:


1: Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic.


2: Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic.


3: Countries, international organizations, and global transportation companies should work together to maintain travel and trade during severe pandemics.


4: Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic.


5: Global business should recognize the economic burden of pandemics and fight for stronger preparedness.


6: International organizations should prioritize reducing economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics.


7: Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis-and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.


Once again, remember that ALL of this took place PRIOR TO the first documented report of the illness in late December of 2019.


Outbreak Emanates From Chinese City With Controversial Lab


The deadly virus, (called the Wuhan coronavirus because of the name of the Chinese city it emanated from), comes just years after a controversial lab was opened in Wuhan to work with the world’s most dangerous pathogens.


As of January 15, the virus made its way to America with a man carrying the illness from Wuhan, China to Washington State.


Now, a report out of Texas on Thursday claims officials at the Brazos County Health District are investigating a suspected case of the coronavirus.


At the time of writing this article, the death total has reached 25 and the estimated number of people infected with coronavirus in Wuhan is around 4,000.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Look To Develop Coronavirus Vaccine


But don’t worry, the same globalists who OWN THE PATENT to the virus and predicted its rise are “scrambling to develop vaccines for the deadly Wuhan coronavirus.”


According to Business Insider, “A coalition backed by Bill Gates is funding biotechs” who are attempting to develop a coronavirus vaccine.


Is this illness being intentionally spread so governments worldwide can join forces in the name of stopping the virus, or so groups like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can step in and become saviors, or is it all just a massive coincidence?


I don’t believe in ANY coincidences…I.E.: there are NO coincidences.


You decide.