Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7920356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0382

“It Went Right to the Top – What They Did Was So Illegal – Never Been Anything Like This!” – President Trump Accuses Obama of ILLEGAL SPYING on His Campaign


President Donald Trump sat down with Maria Bartiromo this week during his travel to Davos, Switzerland.


Bartiromo ran the interview on Sunday Morning Futures this weekend.


During their conversation President Trump accused Obama of illegal spying on his campaign.


Maria Bartiromo: Attorney General Barr is looking at officials not in the Horowitz report. He’s looking at Brenann. He’s looking at other Obama officials. How far up the line do you think that it went?


President Donald Trump: I think it went right to the top. And I think what they did was they spied on my election. What they did was so illegal like in history there’s never been anything like it. They tried to defeat me before I got elected. And then the insurance policy kicked in. Remember the famous insurance policy? If he wins we’ll go get him here. And that happened. There has never been a thing like this. If this were reversed and this were Obama, President Obama that this happened to. People would be in jail right now for 50 year terms.


Via Sunday Morning Futures.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.7920371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

5 rockets hit near US embassy in Baghdad’s Green Zone – reports


Five rockets have landed in the vicinity of the US embassy in Iraq’s capital city of Baghdad, AFP reported. It was not immediately clear whether the projectiles inflicted any damage or casualties.


The missiles hit Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone, the agency said, citing security sources.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.7920379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0393 >>0543 >>0763 >>0896

Another Obama Solar Company Burns Out – DC Solar Owners Plead Guilty to Largest Ponzi Scheme in Eastern California History


Another Obama solar initiative bites the dust, but not until after stealing millions from individuals, companies and the US government.

This solar project turned into the largest Ponzi scheme in Eastern California history.


It was reported this week that the owners of a massive solar company turned ponzi scheme were indicted this week in Eastern California. According to the DOJ in Eastern California:


The owners of DC Solar, a Benicia-based company, pleaded guilty today to charges related to a billion dollar Ponzi scheme— the biggest criminal fraud scheme in the history of the Eastern District of California. The government’s investigation has resulted in the largest criminal forfeiture in the history of the District with over $120 million in assets forfeited that will go to victims, and has returned $500 million to the United States Treasury, with more to come, U.S. Attorney McGregor W. Scott announced.


Jeff Carpoff, 49, of Martinez, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering. His wife, Paulette Carpoff, 46, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and money laundering. According to court documents, between 2011 and 2018, DC Solar manufactured mobile solar generator units (MSG), solar generators that were mounted on trailers that were promoted as able to provide emergency power to cellphone towers and lighting at sporting events. A significant incentive for investors were generous federal tax credits due to the solar nature of the MSGs.


The conspirators pulled off their scheme by selling solar generators that did not exist to investors, making it appear that solar generators existed in locations that they did not, creating false financial statements, and obtaining false lease contracts, among other efforts to conceal the fraud. In reality, at least half of the approximately 17,000 solar generators claimed to have been manufactured by DC Solar did not exist.


U.S. Attorney Scott stated: “This billion dollar Ponzi scheme hurt investors and took money from the United States Treasury. This case represents not only the largest criminal fraud scheme in the history of the District, it also represents the largest criminal forfeiture in the history of the District with over $120 million in assets forfeited. All of this money will be returned to the victims. This scheme also targeted the United States Treasury, and we have returned $500 million to the Treasury to date. Agents, investigators and attorneys from various federal agencies are still working to continue to return money to victims and the United States Treasury. Today’s guilty pleas sends a strong message that fraudsters will get caught and will pay for their crimes. You can run, but you cannot hide.”


The forfeiture included seizing and auctioning 148 of the Carpoffs’ luxury and collector vehicles, including the 1978 Firebird previously owned by actor Burt Reynolds. This historical auction resulted in recouping approximately $8.233 million for victims. In addition to their collection of luxury and collector vehicles, Jeff and Paulette Carpoff used money from the scheme to pay for a minor-league professional baseball team and a NASCAR racecar sponsorship; to purchase luxury real estate in California, Nevada, the Caribbean, Mexico, and elsewhere; a subscription private jet service; a suite at a professional football stadium; and jewelry.


The Wall Street Journal reported that both Berkshire Hathaway and Progressive Insurance Company invested in the phony solar firm and they obviously lost money as well.


This is not the first solar company that originated during the Obama Administration and benefited from government subsidies in the process. Solar startup Solyndra went bankrupt and swindled the US government out of more than a half a billion dollars as well.

Maybe it would be a good idea to allow free market capitalism to run things and perhaps a working solar initiative will come into fruition that won’t cost the US government billions.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7920404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0430 >>0444

Italians Head To Polls In Regional Vote That Could Topple The Government


Italians in Emiglia Romagna and Calabria are heading to the polls on Sunday to vote in critical local elections that could dramatically shift the balance of power in the Italian government, and possibly trigger the collapse of a fragile ruling coalition already showing signs of strain.


The candidate of the League-led center-right coalition is expected to win handily in Calabria, a stronghold in the conservative south, but if the League candidate manages to win the governorship in Emilia-Romagna, it would be a huge step for League leader Matteo Salvini as he plots his political comeback and seeks his revenge on his former partners, the Five Star Movement. For months, opinion polls have consistently shown that the far-right, anti-migrant League is the most popular political party in the country.


Readers outside Italy may or may not remember the circumstances surrounding the collapse of the last Italian government over the summer, but in any case, here's a quick refresher. After weeks of intrigue, then-Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio outflanked League leader Matteo Salvini, his fellow co-deputy PM, and managed to form a new ruling coalition led by Five Star and the center-left Democratic Party, while banishing Salvini - whose decision to dissolve the government to try and rid himself of his Five-Star partners backfired in a big way - to the opposition.


Unfortunately for Di Maio, since Five Star Movement's entire raison d'etre is based in the populist backlash to the technocratic political hacks who have been blamed for running Italy's economy into the ground, the deal with the PD was a political liability from the very start, and has proved unpopular among supporters of both parties.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:23 a.m. No.7920423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0431 >>0436 >>0576

Cleansing by fire? Hong Kong protesters set QUARANTINE-slated building alight as locals reject any coronavirus patients near them


In a bizarre attack, masked protesters have thrown Molotov cocktails into the lobby of a building that the Hong Kong authorities were planning to use to quarantine people in need of testing for the deadly coronavirus.


As of Sunday, a total of eight people in Hong Kong had been diagnosed with the disease originating from the mainland China city of Wuhan, with three more patients added to the list. Hong Kong has declared a state of emergency over the outbreak and rolled out measures to prevent the spread of the infection.


One of these was meant to reserve a newly-built empty public housing building in the Fanling area as a backup quarantine area for people who may have contacted infected patients but don’t show symptoms themselves.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.7920451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0544 >>0560 >>0582 >>0717 >>0730

‘We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry’: White House spiritual adviser sparks intense reactions with bizarre sermon


Televangelist Paula White has brought some odd attention to the White House after a video of her sermon about “satanic pregnancies” went viral, sparking trending hashtags like ‘#satanicpregnancies’ and ‘#rosemarysbaby’ on Twitter.


White, who is an adviser to the Faith and Opportunity Initiative at the Office of Public Liaison, can be seen giving a fiery, if somewhat disturbing sermon in a video posted by the group Right Wing Watch on Twitter.


“We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now,” the Florida preacher told her congregation. “We declare that anything that’s been conceived in wombs, that it’ll miscarry. It will not be able to carry forth any plan of destruction, any plan of harm.”


She also talks about “demonic manipulation” and “witchcraft” being used to hurt both herself and US President Donald Trump, whom she has advised for years now.



Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.7920473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0526

Instead of Firing Him, Cop Named ‘Officer of the Year’ for Racism, Excessive Force, Sexual Assault


Orlando, FL — Orlando Police Department’s Jonathan Mills was named the Officer of the Year in 2018. This award was given to him despite his extremely tainted history. Before this award, he was verbally warned for an accusation of racism in 2016, and was hit with an excessive force lawsuit in 2017—and they still named him officer of the year!


To stave off the fury of citizens calling for accountability, the department announced this month that they ‘disciplined’ Mills. Exactly what this ‘discipline’ consisted of remains a mystery.


This ‘discipline’ spawned from an incident with three teenagers outside an Orlando liqueur store in which he tried to provoke them into violence. The three teenagers, aged 17, 19, and 19, had already been approached by another officer in Parramor and told to take a hike. But instead of leaving, the kids hung around, prompting Mills to come and initiate a second police contact.


Once Mills arrived on scene he began to speak to the teenagers in a way which was not according to the “high standards” of the OPD. Following an internal investigation of the incident which took place in May, the OPD concluded Mills attempted to “taunt, belittle, humiliate and even incite … violence” against the teenagers.


The three teenagers were arrested for disorderly contact but one of the parents was successful in filing a complaint against Mills. The complaint led to an internal investigation which reviewed the body camera footage of the incident in question. Mills can be seen and heard grabbing the hands of one of the teenagers and remarking:


[t]hese soft hands have been through something. You have no marks on your knuckles, you’ve never been in a fight.


The Officer of the Year also appeared to taunt one teenager into running from the police, presumably as a threat that if he did he would be able to escalate his use of force against the teenager. He told the kids:


I hope he runs.


When Mills saw one teenager talking quietly on the cell phone he took the kid’s phone and tossed it to the ground. Mike Stanley of OPD’s internal affairs wrote in his findings Mills’ actions were not reflective of the police department’s code of conduct. He stated:


[Mills’ actions were] not representative of the high standards of the professional conduct expected from members of the Orlando Police Department.


Stanley noted all three teenagers were detained and seated on the ground when Mills made his statements. He also dismissed Mills’ explanations as to why he said what he said. Stanley wrote:


[The teenagers were] detained and seated on the ground in a position of disadvantage…[and his comments were meant] only … to taunt, belittle, humiliate and even incite a person to do violence.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.7920487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Ducks Questions About Conflict of Interest in Ukraine


Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed in an interview set to air Sunday morning that no one had been able to point to anything he had done wrong in Ukraine.


Biden told Manchester, New Hampshire’s WMUR-9:


My case has already been made. There’s not a single solitary person in this administration who said I did anything other than my job. Not anybody in the United States of America that has been involved at all. Not anybody abroad … I did my job, and I did it really well. The problem is here, this is all about Trump’s ability to take the focus off.


Biden’s claim contradicts the testimony of several of the witnesses Democrats themselves called in the House impeachment inquiry.


George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the European and Eurasian Bureau at the State Department, told the House Intelligence Committee that Biden had an apparent conflict of interest because his son, Hunter Biden, had been appointed to a well-compensated position on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, that was widely perceived to be corrupt.


Kent said that he brought the issue up in 2015: “I raised my concerns [with the vice president’s staff] that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. Government had spent money trying to get tens of milljons of dollars back and that could create the perception of a conflict of interest.”


He added that the vice president’s office had said that Biden was too busy dealing with the tragic death of his other son, Beau. But nothing was done afterwards, either.


Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch told the committee that she had been specifically briefed by the Obama administration before her confirmation hearing not to answer questions about Biden’s conflict of interest, but to direct all questions to the vice president’s office, instead.


Reporters had first raised the question of Biden’s apparent conflict of interest in 2014, after Hunter Biden’s appointment, but nothing was apparently done about it.


Biden himself admitted last week that the arrangement “looked bad.”


The full interview airs Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. on WMUR-9.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:34 a.m. No.7920511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0644

Sweden: Police Struggle to Find Recruits as Govt Demands Diversity Hires


The Swedish government has said it wants to greatly expand the number of police across the country but a recent report has suggested hundreds of recruitment places remain unfilled.


The government has promised to increase the size of the police force by 10,000 by 2024 but is already running into problems with 400 places remaining empty this semester in the country’s police training courses, broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.


The police authority has also been commissioned by the government to hire new police for different backgrounds, primarily women and ethnic minorities, in order to make the police force more diverse, but many frontline officers are sceptical of the probability of fulfilling the request.


“We need those skills, especially as the police force is growing. There is a language competence but also what I call cultural competence,” police chief Max Lutteman has insisted.


Of the police candidates admitted to training programmes last Autumn, around ten per cent were from migrant backgrounds, just over two per cent of them women.


“I hope they feel that you represent a little more diversity. That they recognise themselves more, when there is a wider culture within the police,” said a police candidate named Natascha whose father is Iranian and mother is Danish.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:35 a.m. No.7920524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0543 >>0646 >>0763 >>0896

Australia Day Protested as ‘Invasion Day’ by Aboriginals and Anti-Patriots


Thousands of people joined “Invasion Day” protests in cities across Australia on Sunday to mark the beginning of British colonisation of the vast continent.


January 26 is officially recognised as Australia Day, a public holiday to celebrate the origins of the modern nation and is commemorated with fireworks, concerts and citizenship ceremonies.


However, the date is a time of mourning for indigenous Australians, who have inhabited the land for 65,000 years and view the arrival of British settlers in 1788 as heralding two centuries years of pain and suffering.


Annual rallies have steadily grown in size as protesters bring attention to injustices faced by indigenous people and call on the government to change the date of Australia Day.


It was only formally established as a nation-wide celebration in 1994.


This year, non-indigenous Australians were asked to give reparations in the form of a donation to the #PayTheRent campaign.


Melbourne rally organiser Lidia Thorpe, a former Victoria state government politician, drew attention to the plight of Aboriginal families who had to pay for the funerals of relatives who died in custody.


“It’s 2020 and we’re still trying to raise money to bury our people. So we’re asking people to pay the rent, you’re on stolen land,” she said.


“It’s time to reparate for the mass injustice that we’ve had as first people of this country.”


Chants of “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land” rang out as large crowds marched through the city.


Some waved the Aboriginal flag while others held aloft signs with slogans such as “No Pride in Genocide” and “Sovereignty Was Never Ceded”.


One protester, who gave her name only as Sophie, said she believed Australia Day should be abolished entirely rather than simply moved to another date.


“I think any day that has these barbeques and celebrating Aussie pride, I think that’s absolutely inappropriate,” she told AFP.


“I don’t think there’s any day that you can celebrate Australia Day without also celebrating a genocide.”

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7920547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0556

Top Los Zetas Cartel Kidnapper Sentenced to 90 Years in Mexican Prison


CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas – A Mexican court sentenced a Los Zetas cartel kidnapper related to the highest leaders of Mexico’s Gulf Cartel to 90 years in prison.


Known in the criminal underworld as El Duro or The Hard One, Joel Reyes Cruz spent several years operating along the highway that connects Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, with the Monterrey metropolitan area in the neighboring state of Nuevo Leon. Along that highway, El Duro and at least two of his henchmen kidnapped dozens of victims, including women and children. Many of the victims were killed even after a ransom was paid. The feared cartel boss is linked to numerous rapes of the women he kidnapped.


Many of the rape victims refused to officially come forward in court fearing reprisal.


This week, a state judge in Tamaulipas sentenced Reyes Cruz and two of his henchmen to 90 years in prison for the June 2018 kidnapping of a woman and her 11-month-old daughter.


According to case file information obtained by Breitbart Texas, El Duro and several of his men stormed a party in the town of Hidalgo and took the woman and her child. After a high-profile operation, the Mexican military managed to rescue the woman and arrest Reyes Cruz’s cell.


Since then, a judge convicted the group that has been in a prison since that time. Prosecutors tried to convince more of his victims to come forward, however many fear future reprisal.


The man known as El Duro went on the run after a recent clash with a Gulf Cartel Commander known as Eloy “El Licenciado” Flores Trevino. El Licenciado is one of the leaders of the Pedro J. Mendez Armed Column — a Gulf Cartel cell that passes themselves off as a self-defense group and has been recently meeting with federal government officials.


El Duro has also been linked to the kidnapping and murder of a Mexican soldier named Aristides Gaspar Cruz Mortagon. El Duro is believed to have kidnaped the soldier along with his father in law as the two traveled along the highway to Monterrey. Authorities found the soldier’s body in an open field near Hidalgo. The fate of the other man remains unknown.


Police files revealed that El Duro had three sons who are all linked to organized crime. His oldest son Jorge “El Black Reyes Escobedo grew into the family business and climbed the ranks of Los Zetas who were part of the Gulf Cartel until late 2010. During his time, El Black married the daughter of Antonio Ezequiel “Tony Tormenta” Cardenas Guillen — one of the maximum leaders of the Gulf Cartel who died in a fierce gun battle in Matamoros in November 2010. Unknown gunmen killed El Black in June 2013 in Ciudad Victoria, in a crime that remains unsolved.


El Duro’s second son Jovanni “El Durito” Reyes Escobedo also worked as an organized crime member until his murder in December 2013. There is a third son known only as El Guero who remains missing.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:39 a.m. No.7920557   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Libya’s (Mossad's) Haftar defies cease-fire, launches attacks


Libya’s UN-recognized government said that forces of commander Khalifa Haftar had launched attacks in the country’s northwest despite a call for cease-fire, Anadolu Agency reports.


The militias attacked Abu Qurain area, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) south of the port city of Misrata, said Abdul-Malik Al-Madani, spokesman for the Burkan Al-Ghadab (Volcano of Rage) Operation by Libya’s UN-recognized government.


The attacks came despite calls for cease-fire by the Berlin Conference.


Al-Madani said that violent clashes were ongoing in the region which was still under their control and civilian settlements were being shelled.


On 12 January, parties in Libya announced a cease-fire in response to a joint call by the leaders of Turkey and Russia. But talks for a permanent cease-fire ended without an agreement after Haftar left Moscow without signing the deal.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.7920609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0763 >>0896

Trump defense team signals focus on Schiff


At several points during their opening argument, President Trump’s defense team trained their fire on Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), removing any doubt about their intent to make the House manager’s credibility an issue at the impeachment trial.


Addressing the Senate on Saturday, Trump’s lawyers accused Schiff of repeatedly stretching the truth and creating false impressions amid his pursuit to take down the president.


“Chairman Schiff has made so much of the House’s case about the credibility of interpretations that the House managers want to place on — not hard evidence — but on inferences,” said Patrick Philbin, deputy counsel to Trump.


“It is very relevant to know whether assessments of evidence he’s presented in the past are accurate,” Philbin said of Schiff. “And we would submit they have not been, and that that is relevant for your consideration.”


The defense team portrayed Schiff as having first launched his overreaching efforts against Trump during former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and continuing through Trump’s impeachment trial.


The attacks on Schiff were perhaps unsurprising, as the House Intelligence Committee chairman has emerged as the lead prosecutor among House managers pressing the case against Trump in the Senate.


In fact, Schiff anticipated the offensive and delivered a warning to senators last night that spelled out specific attacks he expected to be lodged against him, some of which materialized Saturday.


“I think the second thing you'll hear from the president's team is, attack the managers. Those managers are just awful. They're terrible people,” Schiff said. “Especially that Schiff guy. He's the worst. He's the worst.”


Schiff’s prediction earned him smiles from some Senate Republicans, notably Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who has praised the congressman during the proceedings, despite his nearly assured vote for Trump’s acquittal.


If he wasn’t already, Schiff became one of the prominent faces of Democratic impeachment efforts Thursday, after an emotional speech went viral, during which he discussed the need for moral consensus, saying that “right matters, and the truth matters.”

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7920624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0660 >>0841

Convicted Israeli woman pleas for pardon


Naama Issachar, her family and defense attorneys hope that the Russian president will soon take a decision on her pardoning and release in accordance with his constitutional powers


MOSCOW, January 26. /TASS/. Israeli and US national Naama Issachar, who was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison in Russia on drugs smuggling charges, has filed a plea for pardoning and the soonest release from the penitentiary colony, her defense attorneys said on Sunday.



"Today, we discussed with Naama Issachar Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov’s statement that her personal plea to the president is needed to pardon her. After our conversation, Naama decided to appeal to the Russian president for pardoning in line with the established procedure, via the administration of the pre-trial detention facility she is being kept in," they said in a press statement.


"Naama, her family and defense attorneys hope that the Russian president will soon take a decision on her pardoning and release in accordance with his constitutional powers," the statement says.


Russian president’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that under Russian laws a personal plea for mercy is an obligatory procedure. "We must follow some formalities to start this process," he stressed.


Naama Issachar, 25, was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport on April 9, 2019 when she was in the airport’s transit zone before boarding a connecting flight to Tel Aviv after arriving from New Delhi. The airport’s security guards found 9.6 grams of cannabis in her luggage.


On October 11, 2019, the Khimki City Court in the Moscow region found Issachar guilty of drug possession and smuggling (part 1, Article 228 and part 2, Article 229.1 of the Russian Criminal Code) and sentenced her to 7.5 years in a standard regime penal colony. Issachar admitted her guilt of possessing the drug but denied smuggling charges, saying she had no access to her luggage checked in for the transit flight. She claimed she never took drugs and had no idea of how the cannabis could happen to be in her backpack. Moscow’s region court upheld the verdict on December 19.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.7920647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virginians respond to gun control proposals by purchasing almost 74,000 firearms in December


Gun control bills and measures have been a hot topic in the state of Virginia, and with good reason.


Democrats within Richmond have been adamant in bringing forth legislation that can be contorted to strip citizens of their second amendment rights. As a result, citizens of the state thought it a good idea to purchase their weapons while they still could.


According to the Associated Press, December of 2019 saw an increase of 47% over the number of firearm sales when compared to December of 2018.


The tallied number of guns sold totaled out to 73,849. The outlet reported that the increase in sales was likely “due to growing fears of increased firearms restrictions backed by Democrats who control the state government.”


In the past 30 years, there was only one month that toppled the sales from this past December, and that would be December of 2012. That holiday season saw an estimated 75,120 firearm sales, which might have had something to do with then-Governor McDonnell removing the restriction of only being allowed to buy one gun a month.


Several gun store owners made mention of the notable increases in both foot traffic and purchases within their shops. Some customers mentioned that they were first-time buyers, while others were looking to acquire firearm accessories they thought might be subject to banning later on.


One of the first-time gun purchasers was a 66-year-old grandmother of eight. Ida Wright expressed concerns that the impending legislation championed by Democrats within Virginia geared her toward purchasing a weapon:


“I didn’t think I would ever be buying a gun, but things are changing so drastically. If we don’t protect ourselves, who else is going to protect us?”


One of the managers from Bob Moates Sports Shop, Richard Hill, noted the increase in customers filing into the store in December:


“On the basis of what we would have been doing a year ago at this time, you’re looking at a 500 to 1000% increase depending on the day.”


Hill mentioned that with all the bills being pushed forward that aim to restrict lawful gun owner’s rights, it’s creating an increased demand overall. He was also critical of the fact that political pundits in Richmond haven’t addressed the fact that there are criminals already in violation of existing gun laws:


“I have yet to see a single law that addresses what we are going to do with the criminals we’ve already got that are violating untold numbers of laws.”


Gerald Stauffer Jr., who is the manager of Southern Gun World in Chesterfield County, also stated that in the wake of everything going in the state Senate and House, business is booming.


He pointed out that while the rally was going on in Capitol Square, there was a remarkable number of sales from attendees:


“About noon we saw a very steady amount of people coming in with their stickers on, most of them buying a new firearm. They were motivated.”


This outcome is hardly surprising, as there’s been previous studies that show when lawful gun owners think their rights are going to be infringed upon, gun sales experience an uptick.


Maurizio Porfiri, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the Tandon School at New York University, found that whenever the media or legislators attack gun rights then there’s a near immediate bump in sales.


The study, which gathered data between January 1999 and December 2017, cross-examined whether gun purchases increased following mass shootings or when media attacks and reporting of oncoming gun reform happened.


The study proved there to be zero fundamental link between an actual mass shooting and gun purchases – just gun sales increasing when people try to relieve lawful gun owners of their weapons. A testament that the “fear of loss” inevitably creates demand.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7920669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AG announces indictment against Likud MK David Bitan, pending hearing


Avichai Mandelblit says he will pursue charges of bribery, money laundering, fraud and breach of trust against senior member of ruling party


Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit announced on Sunday that he will file an indictment, pending a hearing, against senior Likud MK David Bitan for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, as well as money laundering and tax offenses.


Bitan is accused of receiving NIS 992,000 ($287,000) in bribes while serving as deputy mayor of Rishon Lezion and as a Knesset member.


Ephraim Dimri, a lawyer representing Bitan, dismissed the charges, saying they would be dropped in the pre-indictment hearing.


“From an initial look at the material, there won’t be a need to ask for immunity because most of the clauses will turn out to be nothing during the hearing,” Dimri told Radio 103FM.


Police recommended last year that Bitan be indicted on multiple corruption charges including bribery, fraud and money laundering over allegations he accepted money in exchange for political favors.


While he has denied wrongdoing, Bitan stepped down from his role as coalition whip in 2017 shortly after news of the police investigation broke.

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7920686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu en route to Trump meeting: ‘Together we’ll make history’


Taking off for Washington, PM contrasts the Iran nuclear deal championed by Barack Obama with the Deal of the Century to be released by ‘huge friend’ of Israel, Donald Trump


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed to “make history” as he headed to Washington for two meetings with US President Donald Trump during which the White House is expected to unveil its much-anticipated plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace.


“Over the last three years, I spoke countless times with President Trump — a huge friend of Israel — and his team about these vital security needs, about our security, about our justice,” Netanyahu declared. “I will meet with President Trump tomorrow, and on Tuesday, together with him, we will make history.”


As he boarded his Boeing 777 en route to to the American capital, Netanyahu contrasted his antagonistic stance toward the last US president, Barack Obama, with his strong alliance with the current inhabitant of the Oval Office.


777 mentioned….hmmmm

Anonymous ID: b3808e Jan. 26, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.7920750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0940

Coronavirus in Perspective: Spanish Flu (1918) Killed 60 Million


A pandemic is an efficient way to get rid of "useless eaters" without destroying property.


The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 infected 500 million people, 20% of the world's population and killed over 60 million people. This is roughly three times as many people as were killed and maimed in World War One, and is comparable to WWII losses. Yet this modern plague has slipped down the memory hole. Why? Was it a deliberate ploy by the Illuminati to finish the job WWI began?


China's coronavirus is spreading around the globe and investor concern with it. U.S. health authorities are monitoring more than 60 people for potential infection, including patients in New York and Illinois, and France confirmed its first two cases.


At least 903 people in China have been sickened, including 26 fatalities, the Global Times reported. 45 million Chinese are under quarantine.


See new First Comment below- Vaccines used to address virus are the real threat.


Was Spanish Flu (1918) Deliberate Genocide?