Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.7921023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wuhan Mayor Says Over 5 Million People Left City Since Coronavirus Outbreak


More than five million people have left Wuhan since the beginning of the outbreak of the fatal coronavirus, the city’s mayor Zhou Xianwang said on 26 January.


"Under the influence of the New Year and the epidemiological situation, more than five million people have left Wuhan now, nine million more remain in the city", Zhou Xianwang said at a briefing.


Wuhan has been under virtual lockdown since 23 January as Chinese authorities are taking drastic measures to contain the spread of the never-before-seen virus which is said to have originated from a local seafood market. Authorities have suspended all transportation in and out of the city and advised its citizens to stay indoors if possible.


Earlier in the day, China's National Health Commission director Ma Xiaowei told reporters that the virus’ spreading appears to be accelerating despite mitigation efforts, with the latest estimates placing the number of dead at 56 with nearly 2,000 infected.


On 25 January, the Chinese central authorities announced the government would send at least 2 million personal protective equipment units to Wuhan in Hubei province.


The previously unknown coronavirus has resulted in 56 deaths according to the latest official numbers, with over 2,000 confirmed infected. China has taken drastic steps to contain the spread of the virus by placing quarantines on large regional cities and restricting travel across the country and beyond.


Internationally, infections with the coronavirus have been detected in South Korea, Japan, France, Portugal, the United States among others.

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.7921029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1277

Warden in Charge When Jeffrey Epstein Died Behind Bars Given Top Job at ‘Club Fed’ Prison


The warden in charge when Jeffrey Epstein died in his jail cell is getting a cushy new supervisor’s job at ‘Club Fed’ despite Attorney General Bill Barr’s demand that he be reassigned to a desk job.


Lamine N’Diaye is being reassigned to a leadership role at FCI Fort Dix, a low-security prison in Burlington County, New Jersey, two people familiar with the matter said.


The move comes months after Barr ordered N’Diaye be reassigned to a desk post at the Bureau of Prisons’ regional office in Pennsylvania after Epstein´s death as the FBI and the Justice Department´s inspector general investigated.

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.7921051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1065 >>1093

Leader Of 'The Base' Militant Group Revealed As Intelligence Contractor, Suspected Federal Agent


Readers will no doubt be shocked to learn the leader of the "white supremacist neo-Nazi terrorist group" the Base is an intelligence contractor and appears to be a federal agent.


In truth, it'd probably be more shocking to learn he wasn't a fed.


From The Guardian, "Revealed: the true identity of the leader of an American neo-Nazi terror group":


The Guardian has learned the true identity of the leader and founder of the US-based neo-Nazi terror network the Base, which was recently the target of raids by the FBI after an investigation into domestic terrorism uncovered their plans to start a race war.


Members of the group stand accused of federal hate crimes, murder plots and firearms offenses, and have harbored international fugitives in recent months.


The Base’s leader previously operated under the aliases “Norman Spear” and “Roman Wolf”. Members of the network do not know his true identity due to the group’s culture of internal secrecy.


But the Guardian can reveal that “Norman Spear” is in fact US-born Rinaldo Nazzaro, 46, who has a long history of advertising his services as an intelligence, military and security contractor. He has claimed, under his alias, to have served in Russia and Afghanistan.



Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.7921065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1242



Seems very fed-like.


Materials inspected and sources consulted by the Guardian indicate that Nazzaro, as “Spear”, has faced persistent suspicions from current and former members of the group that he is a “fed”, or the agent of a foreign government, or that the Base is a “honeypot” intended to lure neo-Nazis out into the open for the benefit of law enforcement agencies.


Former members have cited this as a reason for leaving.


A connection with Russia


New York marriage records show that Nazzaro and his wife were married in New York City in 2012, during the period when Nazzaro is recorded as maintaining a midtown Manhattan address. At that time, he was recorded as having one child.


A Russian site that scrapes and archives social media accounts had captured a profile, and photos, posted by Nazzaro’s Russian-born wife to VK, the Russian social media site.


She has since hidden that profile, but other social media archives confirm the prior existence of an account in Nazzaro’s wife’s name (using her married name).


The photographs show the same person who has been presenting himself as “Norman Spear”.


The BBC shared these photos they appear to have taken off his or his wife's social media account:



Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.7921079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Americans Deceived, and Kept in the Dark, by ‘Our’ ‘News’ Media: Harnessing Public Support for Continued US Occupation of Iraq


Iraqis are furious that the U.S. continues its military occupation — a continuation of the 2003 U.S. invasion — of their country, after the U.S. was finally ordered out by Iraq’s Government on January 5th.


Iraqis are furious that the U.S. continues its military occupation — a continuation of the 2003 U.S. invasion — of their country, after the U.S. was finally ordered out by Iraq’s Government on January 5th. U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media constantly lie about this and about anything else which reveals the ugly imperialist reality of U.S. foreign policy. Americans are deceived, and kept in the dark, by ‘our’ ‘news’-media.


First, the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media lied and reported that U.S. troops were only ‘requested’ to leave — though Iraq’s Parliament had unanimously voted for a resolution to demand the U.S. to leave, and Iraq’s Prime Minister supported it 100% so that the entire Iraqi Government were demanding — not merely ‘requesting’ — the U.S. to leave.


Then, when the Trump regime refused to leave, a call went out by an opponent of the occupation, Muqtada al-Sadr, for Iraqis to march in Baghdad on January 24th to demand that the U.S. regime immediately comply with their Government’s demand; and, on the morning of Friday January 24th, America’s AP ‘news’ agency bannered “Iraqis rally against US troops, demanding they leave”, and reported:


“Tens of thousands of Iraqis marched peacefully through Baghdad on Friday to demand the ouster of U.S. troops from their country. … There were no official estimates of the turnout and organizers gave varying figures, but it clearly fell short of the ‘million-man’ march that had been called for by al-Sadr.”


That’s a lie, because there already had been tweeted photos and videos of the march showing that


“This is a Million-Man miracle for the largest human gathering in Iraq’s history. This morning in the capital, Baghdad, struck by a two-million human-flood in a demonstration to expel American troops and to end their bases in Iraq.”


And: “The Chief of Police in Baghdad just estimated the number of Iraqis protesting against the US’ presence in Iraq today to be in excess of one million people.”


Photos like this were shown, which would never be shown in U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media. And this tweet showed four such photos, and said,

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.7921274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1283 >>1286 >>1541

Hillary Parrots Soros, Says Facebook 'Intends To Reelect Trump'


Just 48 hours after left-wing billionaire George Soros accused Facebook of helping to "reelect Trump" so that "Trump will protect Facebook," Hillary Clinton parroted the same talking point at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.


Clinton was in town to promote a four-part viewing of her new Hulu docu-series, "Hillary," when she told The Atlantic that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is an "authoritarian" who "intend[s] to reelect Trump."


She described the company's decision to allow a slowed-down video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to remain on the platform as "Trumpian."


"I said, ‘Why are you guys keeping this up? This is blatantly false. Your competitors have taken it down. And their response was, 'We think our users can make up their own minds,'" Clinton told the magazine, adding that Facebook is "not just going to reelect Trump, but intend[s] to reelect Trump."


“They have, in my view, contorted themselves into making arguments about freedom of speech and censorship,” Clinton alleged, the Atlantic reported, “which they are hanging on to because it’s in their commercial interests.”


"I feel like you’re negotiating with a foreign power sometimes," Clinton said of her conversations "at the highest levels" of Facebook, adding "This is a global company that has huge influence in ways that we’re only beginning to understand."


Soros, meanwhile, said at Davos: "Facebook will work to re-elect Trump and Trump will protect Facebook," adding "It makes me very concerned about the outcome of 2020."


Facebook responded to the accusation, telling Politico, "This is just plain wrong."


In other words, Trump can't win elections because he's that good – he's only winning because "Authoritarian" Mark Zuckerberg is allowing gullable Americans to be misled by fake news, or so the narrative goes.

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.7921300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1331 >>1390 >>1391


Pandemic breaks out in China the very week "PANDEMIC" is released on NETFLIX?


Do you believe in coincidences?


Are you awake or are you still a sheep?

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.7921332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Gates simulated coronavirus outbreak 6 weeks before first case in Wuhan.


Event 201: Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Simulated Coronavirus Outbreak 6 Weeks Before First Case in Wuhan

January 26, 2020


Event 201 is a pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated the pandemic preparedness efforts needed to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic. Drawing from actual events, Event 201 identifies important policy issues and preparedness challenges that could be solved with sufficient political will and attention. These issues were designed in a narrative to engage and educate the participants and the audience.


Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.7921356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377

Tom Homan hits back at AOC for bashing ICE at Sanders rally: Her statements are 'dangerous' and 'idiotic'


Former Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan said Sunday that U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made “dangerous” and “idiotic” statements regarding ICE and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at a campaign rally for 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in Iowa.


“She's disgusting,” Homan said on “Fox & Friends Weekend” on Sunday morning, reacting to Ocasio-Cortez’s comments the night before.


On Saturday, with Sanders, I-Vt., tied up in Washington at President Trump's Senate impeachment trial, Ocasio-Cortez addressed his supporters in Ames, Iowa, calling for the abolition of ICE and CBP.


The New York Democrat also urged Sanders' supporters to start "tipping people off" if they see federal immigration authorities taking action against illegal immigrants in their communities.


“Organizing is about tipping people off if you start to see that ICE and CBP are in communities to try and keep people safe,” Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said in Iowa on Saturday.


“I'm to not here to reform some of these systems when we talk about immigration. I'm here because Sen. Sanders has actually committed to breaking up ICE and CBP. That's why I'm here.”


“I’m disgusted,” Homan said reacting to her statements. “She says you want to tip off the community to keep the community safe, that's what ICE is doing.”


Homan then brought up statistics from 2018, pointing out that most of the illegal immigrants ICE agents arrested last year had criminal histories, which include homicide, rape or assault.


According to the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report for fiscal year 2018, 138,117 aliens with criminal histories, which include convicted criminal and pending criminal charges, were arrested.


“ICE Is keeping the community safe,” Homan said. “She [Ocasio-Cortez] stands up on stage – first of all, it's an incredibly stupid statement she made, which doesn't surprise me, because she’s about as far from smart as anybody could possibly be, but what she said is dangerous.”


“These men and women put their lives on the line every day to arrest criminals off the streets, especially in New York,” he continued.


“My last year as ICE director, we took 5,000 criminals off the streets of New York. These ICE agents [have done] more to protect the residents of New York than she ever has done or ever will do.”


He then went on to say her comments on Saturday night were “dangerous” and “idiotic,” adding that he “can't believe she can stand up on stage and make a statement like that and not have any repercussions from the House Ethics Committee.”

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.7921371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1388

Like clockwork


Israeli Air Force strikes in Gaza Strip following rocket attack on Israel


The IAF struck a Hamas outpost in retaliation to earlier attacks on Israel, the IDF spokesperson reported.


The Israeli Air Force struck targets in the Gaza Strip on Sunday evening following a rocket fired at Israel earlier and incendiary balloons spotted in the South.

The IAF struck a Hamas outpost in retaliation to these attacks, the IDF spokesperson reported.

One rocket was fired earlier at Israeli territory although it landed in an open field and did not cause any damage. Incendiary balloons carrying explosives were also spotted near Nahal Oz, near the Gaza border. Police were alerted and a bomb disposal unit was called to the scene. Police defused the explosives and no casualties were reported.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz are currently en route to the US where they are expected to hold separate meetings with US President Donald Trump concerning Trump's "Deal of the Century."

The American plan is meant to bring about an ending to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, yet the Palestinian Authority and Hamas gave separate public statements that they are against the plan and will not discuss it.


Why would you fire rockets that never hit anything over and over again when you know the result will be death of citizens from airstrikes???? IMO you wouldn't

Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.7921408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus and the Dangers of Fake News – Someone is Lying to You


Before the infestation of Fake News (or should I call it an outbreak?), you could be assured that simply tuning into any newscast or reading any newspaper you could get unbiased FACTS. You could know what is happening in the world, without question.


News reporters, journalists, writers, editors, their producers and bosses all prided themselves on getting the story right, having credible sources, leaving emotion out of their news, and most importantly, getting the FACTS STRAIGHT.


Nowadays that is essentially impossible to find anymore.


Almost every news organization has an agenda now. They have buzzwords such as “climate change” that they need to pack into every story. They insist on 72 genders. And in the next breath they try to convince you that women are just as strong, capable and equal to men and at the same time, don’t make as much as men. Did they forget about those other 70 genders already?


Almost every news outlet has a persistent case of TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Orange Man Bad, Russian Collusion, Quid Pro Quo… the list goes on. Lamestream News is about ratings now. Clicks to get ad revenue. Emotion over facts.


Most of the time, this is just a nuisance to be avoided. A smart person can extract enough useful information from the hyped up stories and fear mongering to at least know what is going on in the world. Read between the lines. If you ignore the climate change BS, you can see that there are fires in Australia. Ignore the made up charges against POTUS and you can figure out that he is being impeached.


This doesn’t become a real problem, until suddenly important events are happening in the world. Events where detailed facts become paramount to the story.


In the scope of important news… Pandemics are that type of important event, where you need facts. You don’t need hype, or emotion, and definitely not fake news.


Unfortunately, for you, for me, for everyone, there is a Pandemic spreading as you read this.



Anonymous ID: a1b62d Jan. 26, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.7921450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1501

Pesticide Use Could Be Slashed By Planting Wildflowers Across Farm Fields: Study


In Switzerland, there are rows of wildflowers like red poppies and blue cornflowers planted among the crops. These beautiful wildflowers can serve as an eco-friendly way to reduce the usage of pesticides.


Swiss farmers are trying to replace pesticides with these wildflowers to protect their crops. Scientists are working closely with them to develop a technique in which these wildflowers are used to attract the pests.


Matthias Albrecht and Matthias Tschumi brought forth this concept for the first time. The research was taken up due to the demand and pressure from both the government and the public. Pesticides have harmful effects on both humans and the environment.


The Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems (ASSIST) program of the UK has taken this concept further. In the next 5 years, their scientists are planning to test the efficiency of these wildflowers as a pest control. ASSIST is funded by the UK government and the project is worth £11 million. They aim to develop sustainable means of increasing food production while having minimal adverse impact on the environment.


Commercial farmers are sowing wildflowers in their fields under scientists’ guidance. Flowers like red clover, wild carrot, oxeye daisy, and common knapweed are planted on fifteen farms in eastern and central England. The test will focus on increasing the population of various beneficial predatory as well as parasitic insects.


The research results as of now are demonstrating that more complex the predator and parasite communities, better the pest-control. These beneficial insect populations can be attracted by planting particular wildflowers and grasses, according to the researchers. Parasitic wasps, hoverflies, and ground beetles are important for pollination and controlling the pests.


Parasitic wasps require open flowers for feeding on the nectar and pollen grains. In the absence of this, their population will decrease since they won’t be able to breed. Planting wildflowers will provide these insects with the required breeding ground, thus increasing their population.


The scientists need to come up with innovative ways to increase food production sustainably because of the growing world population. The current world population is 7 billion which is expected to reach 10 billion in the next 30 years.


According to scientists, wildflowers may be the solution to the pesticide problem. Projects like these are essential to achieve food security and maintain the environment at the same time.