Although to be honest if my government told me to get to a hospital to get a shot, I would tell them to fuck off.
Using logic, stating facts and making logical connections is not fear mongering.
We know that they want to kill off most of the human population of this planet.
I personally think (hope) that it's a massive hoax done by Q team, so that the stupid elites go to their bunkers. Bunkers were already prepared with cameras and microphones. You can figure out the rest.
>fact checking
According to fake news this right here is a massive conspiracy theory already.
So why would you be here?
>Why would China assist us in this?
This is a combined effort of good people in US, Russia and China (probably even more than that).
Why did Google (C_A) help China w/ their mass surveillance?
Maybe it wasn't "just" Iran and North Korea that was actually controlled by C_A.
Q #889