Anonymous ID: faf1e4 Jan. 26, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.7922466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schiff, House Democrats Conceal Testimony Of 18th Witness From Trump Team


Rep. Adam B. Schiff and his fellow colleagues on the House impeachment management team spent nearly 24 hours last week repeatedly hyping the testimony from 17 witnesses interviewed during the House’s impeachment inquiry.


But they seem to have forgotten all about the testimony from an 18th witness.


Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community’s inspector general, delivered 179-pages worth of testimony before House investigators. Atkinson, it turns out, has direct knowledge of the origins of a complaint from a whistleblower that kicked off the whole impeachment probe.


While Schiff and his colleagues talk openly about the testimony of the 17 witnesses, members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence who interviewed Atkinson are not permitted to talk about the IG’s testimony.


But Republicans on that committee say his testimony should see the light of day.


“The reason it hasn’t been released is it’s not helpful to Adam Schiff. It is not helpful to the whistleblower,” said Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX). And Ratcliffe knows: he is among the lawmakers who attended the October interview of Atkinson. “It raises credibility issues about both of them.”


Schiff, Ratcliffe said, “is trying to bury that transcript.”


Because Atkinson’s testimony has been deemed classified, only members of the House intelligence committee have seen it, and President Trump’s legal team has not been allowed to view the transcript.


It is denied a copy.


Atkinson’s interview before House lawmakers covered the origins of the whistleblower complaint that led to the two articles of impeachment, the Washington Times reported. “Mr. Trump’s supporters charge that the whistleblower was part of a scheme to take down the president and that the complaint was coordinated by Mr. Schiff, chairman of the intelligence committee and the lead House impeachment manager prosecuting the case.”

Anonymous ID: faf1e4 Jan. 26, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.7922504   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Andrew Constance slams Red Cross, Salvation Army and St Vincent De Paul for bushfire relief delays


At an emotional press conference in Batemans Bay, Member for Bega Andrew Constance came out swinging against the Red Cross, Salvation Army and St Vincent De Paul for taking too long to distribute money.

Key points:


Andrew Constance said money needs to get to people who are "on their knees".

Australian Red Cross has allocated $30 million of the $95 million donated so far

Mr Constance challenges charity bosses to come and see the bushfire devastation


"The money is needed now, not sitting in a Red Cross bank account earning interest so they can map out their next three years and do their marketing," Mr Constance said.


"We need a very real change, very quickly so that the money can get to those who need it most … people are on their knees and we can't have a drip-feed."


The Australian Red Cross has received $95 million to date and on Wednesday announced they have allocated $30 million to victims.


A spokesperson said the organisation has paid out 559 grants but has 1,492 open applications.


St Vincent De Paul has raised $12.5 million and spent close to $1.1 million through financial packages for eligible households.


Since the Salvation Army's bushfire appeal began in November, $43 million has been pledged and $11 million has been received.


From September to now, $7.6 million worth of goods and cash relief has been distributed.