Anonymous ID: 8788cc March 25, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.792758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2766 >>2812



This, instead of helping this "new" baker do things right, and showing any gratitude whatsoever for the time that WAS put into it.


I cannot understand how you think you are helping ANYBODY by continuing to breathe.


What a piece of shit this board has become. Sorry fucks who proudly represent the worst society has to offer. The weakest pussies that over-protective mommies can churn out.


I'll take a board full of shills any day of the year over dealing with ingrates like that.


A response like that can only come from a snowflake screamer millennial who never had tow work a day in his sorry spoiled life.


Fuck you, fuck your attitude, and fuck your mommy for never allowing you to grow up.