Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.7926409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6450

'''Lover of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock caught with fake gun in New Zealand


New Zealand police seized a fake pistol from the mistress of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock after she flashed it at a newspaper reporter and claimed it was real, according to a report. The mistress was known to be dating Paddock, who also had a long-term girlfriend, but her name remains a mystery; she had fled to the island in the wake of the massacre. Authorities confiscated the phony firearm after she pulled it from her handbag in front of a reporter at the New Zealand Herald, the paper reported.


The woman, whom the paper did not identify, originally told the paper she had a real pistol that she was carrying for her safety. “I have a permit to conceal and carry it with me,” she said during the interview outside an Auckland. The paper reported the apparent weapon to the police, who visited her home and seized it after determining it to be a fake. “Inquiries were made this evening and a replica pistol was located and it has been surrendered to police for destruction,” cops told the paper. A female has been warned for unlawfully carrying an imitation firearm.”


The mistress told the paper she had fled to New Zealand after her former lover killed 58 people at a Vegas music festival in October 2017. “I have been living here a while but I didn’t want anyone to know,” she told the paper. “The investigation is still ongoing in the States. I still live with a lot of guilt knowing I could have potentially prevented it so as a result, I have a lot of people who want me dead for failing to do something.” The mistress reportedly maintained a sexual relationship with Paddock for several years as he dated his longtime girlfriend Marilou Danley.

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 6:44 p.m. No.7926433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6436 >>6482 >>6624 >>6751 >>6761 >>6777 >>7054

Kobe Bryant, Daughter GiGi Die in Helicopter Crash … Pics From Her Last Game




2:40 PM PT – Officials say they believe 9 people were on board – 1 pilot and 8 passengers – and there were no survivors. Still unclear why the chopper crashed but an investigation is under way.


4:56 PM PT – The Mayor of Costa Mesa, Katrina Foley, just confirmed the identity of one of the other victims in the helicopter crash … girls basketball coach Christina Mauser, who's married to Tijuana Dogs singer Matt Mauser. Matt also confirmed the news himself. On Facebook, he wrote … "My kids and I are devastated. We lost our beautiful wife and mom today in a helicopter crash. Please respect our privacy. Thank you for all the well wishes they mean so much."

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 7 p.m. No.7926489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nothing more that I can see at the moment..


This though is standing out to me as a dig that was done some time ago.. Tijuana Dogs


Christina Mauser, who's married to Tijuana Dogs singer Matt Mauser

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.7926649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schiff claims Trump impeachment tweet calling for him to pay the price is ‘intended to be’ a threat


Lead impeachment manager Adam Schiff alleged that President Trump attempted to threaten him by tweeting that the California Democrat should “pay the price.” Schiff, 59, spent much of last week delivering 24 hours of arguments as to why House Democrats believe that Trump should be removed from office. Several of his arguments drew controversy, including his claim that Trump would have GOP senators’ heads “on a pike” if they voted to remove him from office, something every moderate Republican condemned as false.


On Sunday morning, Trump bashed Schiff for his handling of the impeachment process, tweeting, “Shifty Adam Schiff is a CORRUPT POLITICIAN, and probably a very sick man. He has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!”


During an interview on Meet the Press just after, Schiff addressed the tweet and claimed that it verified his “head on a pike” comment from his remarks last week. He said: “I made the argument that it’s going to require moral courage to stand up to this president. And this is a wrathful and vindictive president. I don’t think there’s any doubt about it, and if you think there is, look at the president’s tweets about me today.” Host Chuck Todd replied, “You take that as a threat?” Schiff answered, “I think it’s intended to be.”''


The congressman noted that he believed his “head on a pike” remark was fair because it highlighted the challenging position Republicans who support Trump’s removal could face. So far, no Republicans have signaled support for removing Trump, but a few have shown interest in hearing from further witnesses.

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 7:53 p.m. No.7926805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraqi security forces kill protester, rockets hit U.S. embassy


BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces shot at anti-government protesters in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least one person, and unidentified men set fire to sit-in tents in a southern Iraqi city, police and medics said, as months-long civil unrest escalated. Separately, 'at least one of five Katyusha rockets fired at Baghdad’s fortified Green Zone hit the U.S. embassy, wounding three people, in a rare direct targeting of the compound, security sources said. Reuters could not independently verify the rocket attacks'.


Anti-government protests erupted in Baghdad on Oct. 1 and quickly turned violent. Security forces and unidentified gunmen have shot protesters dead. Nearly 500 people have been killed in the unrest. The protests are an unprecedented leaderless challenge to Iraq’s Shi’ite Muslim-dominated and largely Iran-backed ruling elite, which emerged after a U.S.-led invasion toppled Sunni dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003. Demonstrators are demanding that all parties and politicians be removed, free and fair elections be held and corruption rooted out. The government has responded with violence and piecemeal reform. The international community has condemned the violence but not intervened to stop it.


In Baghdad, one protester was killed, police sources and medics said, and more than 100 others hurt across the country after the security forces tried to clear protest camps. At least 75 of those hurt were in the southern city of Nassariya. A Reuters witness said protesters set fire to two security vehicles and hundreds of other demonstrators controlled key bridges in the city. Later, unidentified men set fire to tents that are part of a months-long sit-in in the city centre. Protests have flared in the last two days after populist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, many of whose supporters had participated, said he would no longer be involved in anti-government demonstrations.

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.7926851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6878 >>7054

Italy's Salvini fails in bid to seize left's northern stronghold


ROME (Reuters) - Italy’s right-wing leader Matteo Salvini failed in his effort to overturn decades of leftist rule in the northern region of Emilia-Romagna on Sunday in an election that brought huge relief to the embattled center-left. Pollster forecasts based on an ongoing count predicted the incumbent PD governor, Stefano Bonaccini, had won between 51%-49% of the vote compared to 43%-45% for the candidate backed by the League and its allies.


Salvini had campaigned relentlessly in the region since the start of the year, seeking a shock victory that he hoped would bring down the fragile national government, which includes the PD and is riven by internal strife. Although he fell short in Emilia-Romagna, Salvini took comfort from the fact that his rightist bloc had secured a resounding victory in a separate regional election held on Sunday in the underdeveloped southern toe of Italy, Calabria.


But the main prize was undoubtedly Emilia-Romagna, one of Italy’s wealthiest regions, which is home to the Ferrari sports car and Parmesan cheese, and has proved an impregnable leftist stronghold for generations. “Emilia-Romagna has sent a signal. Salvini knows how to talk about problems, but he doesn’t know how to sort them out and the people have responded,” said PD leader Nicola Zingaretti. Underscoring the enormous interest in the ballot, turnout hit 68%, some 30 points up on the last such election in 2014.


But while the PD dodged disaster, there was less good news for its coalition partner, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, which looked on course to win barely 5% of the vote in Emilia-Romagna and little more than 6% in Calabria. The party emerged as Italy’s largest group in 2018 national elections with 33% backing, but it has seen its support slide in recent months leading to a wave of defections amongst its lawmakers and the resignation of its leader Luigi Di Maio. Political analysts predicted that Sunday’s ballot-box setback would weaken the 5-Star’s standing within the coalition and give the PD more power to dictate its own policy priorities.

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:09 p.m. No.7926898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6938

U.S. House Judiciary head Nadler to miss some impeachment proceedings after wife's cancer diagnosis


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jerrold Nadler, one of the U.S. House lawmakers leading efforts to remove President Donald Trump from office said on Sunday he would miss some of the Senate impeachment trial after his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Nadler, who chairs the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, said in a statement that his wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in December. The Democrat from New York will not be in Washington during the day on Monday, when the president’s lawyers are expected to continue their defense.


“On Monday, I will be in New York with her to meet with doctors, determine a path forward, and begin her treatment,” he said, adding his wife had already undergone surgery. '''“I am sorry to miss some of the Senate Impeachment Trial, which is of critical importance to our democracy. Nadler helped present portions of the House’s case for why Trump should be removed. His Judiciary panel drafted the articles of impeachment, charging the Republican president with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress stemming from his dealings with Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 1133c2 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.7926965   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thinking this is possible, although it seems she has been under some sort of treatment, for a time now, it mentions surgery already performed.