Anonymous ID: 177e1d Jan. 26, 2020, 7:41 p.m. No.7926693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6702 >>6707 >>6711 >>6738 >>6812 >>6852 >>6896 >>6907



Kobe Bryant chasing the Elephant - Funny Smart Car Commercial


My observations on this odd commercial.


The commercial begins with a zoomed in shot of an elephant eating two peanuts from the hand of child dressed as a zebra.


We zoom out to see the zebra-child is flanked by one child dressed as grapes and another child dressed as watermelon. The viewer assumes that the grape-child and watermelon-child are also holding peanuts, but the contents of their hands are unseen. The grape-child looks sad that the elephant did not eat from his hand.


We zoom out again again to see even more children. We also see a man in a redcoat & top hat, a camera man & boom operator, and the half-buried head of an ancient god.


The other children are dressed as fruit and vegetables: a cherry-child, pineapple-child, banana-child, strawberry-child, and one corn on the cob-child. Notice that the only child whose leggings do not match the color of their costume is the watermelon-child. That child's leggings are black. This child's face is unseen though we do see his white hands. Notice only one child is dressed as an animal. All the rest are vegan foods (fruit, vegetable, or nut).


So we begin with an African elephant eating two peanuts from the hand of an African zebra-child, next to a "black-faced" watermelon-child and a sad grape-child.


Notice also in this zoom-out that the other children dressed as food cannot approach the elephant just yet because a man in a red coat and top hat is corralling them with his open arms. He is their handler. It is not yet their time to feed the elephant.


This zoom-out also reveals a child dressed as a peanut who seems oblivious to what is happening behind him. But he isn't oblivious. He is doing exactly what he should do as an actor, and we know he is an actor, because the boom operator lowers the camera to focus on the peanut-child who we see in the next scene up close and personal. He is playing on a game-boy. He's an actor with a script. He looks oblivious but this is all a movie.


Next the director of this commercial gives us two shots from the perspective of the elephant separated by one shot of the elephant's one eye. In the two views from the elephant's eye we see that behind the peanut-child is an altar. We see the peanut child and altar together in two scenes. We saw two peanuts in the zebra-child's hand. Think roasted peanuts. Think roasted children. Notice also the altar is only visible from the elephant's perspective. It is not in the scenes from the viewer's perspective. The elephant sees the altar, but to the viewer it is hidden in plain sight.

Anonymous ID: 177e1d Jan. 26, 2020, 7:42 p.m. No.7926702   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Notice also the half-buried head of the god in the background. It is perhaps Neptune (notice the whale fin above his crown). We only ever see the statues right eye. In one scene his left eye is hidden by the children. In another scene his left eye is hidden by the elephant's legs and his right eye is visible perfectly framed under the elephants genitals.


Notice also that there are two men who show up in two different scenes who should be visible from other scenes but are not. The first: There is a man under the elephant's chin in the one shot of the elephant's one eye. We see a side view of this man and only ever see one of his eyes, just like the elephant and the statue of the god. The second: Once the camera zooms out to show the peanut-child running away, we see another man who wasn't there before. He is dressed all in blue, including his hat, and he is talking to the grape-child. He wasn't there before. These two men just seem to show up randomly on this movie set. Where did they come from? Why are they there? Are the two men there for the two roasted peanuts?


The peanut-child is scared when he sees the elephant and runs away. We cut to a scene where the child is in the background and a woman dressed as an angel is in the foreground. The angel walks away with a coffee in her hand. There are no guardian angels in this movie you are watching. They are off duty. Someone else will have to save this child. Enter the "Smart: Open Your Mind" car from behind the angel. The smart driver with the open mind will save the child.


Notice that this scene of the angel walking away is also from the elephant's perspective and that behind the angel is a set of flood lights pointing directly at the elephant. In the next scene where the peanut-child enter's the smart car there is another set of flood lights pointed directly at the peanut-child. A gaffer has set up lights to reveal what is happening.


The driver of the Smart car is Kobe Bryant. The peanut-child imposes himself on Kobe. Kobe has a confused and suspicious look until the child points out the elephant. Kobe does the smart thing in his smart car and drives away smartly. "Smart" can mean quick or brisk and also quick-witted. Kobe acts quickly to save the child. He does not pause to over-think. He just acts.


Notice also in the scene of the angel there was a man in a flannel shirt with a ladder in his arms walking under a boom light. He is the gaffer. In the following scene where Kobe sees the approaching elephant and drives off, this gaffer is on his ladder working on a different set of flood lights pointed directly at the elephant. The gaffer is shining his lights on the elephant.


Kobe and the peanut-child drive off into the various movie sets surrounded by actors in various costumes from various movies/cities/historic periods. We note that only four actors seem to be aware of what is happening. The angel (female) we previously saw has met up with another angel (male) and in front of them are two ballerina twins. All four turn their heads to see Kobe drive off. None of the other actors in this scene seem to notice.


Notice the twos: Two peanuts in the zebra's hand, two views of the peanut-child and the altar, two angels, two ballerinas, and those two men who are in no other shots though they should have been. Twos are showing up a lot here for some reason.

Anonymous ID: 177e1d Jan. 26, 2020, 7:42 p.m. No.7926707   🗄️.is 🔗kun




One eye is another theme that will show up at least twice more.


In the next scene the peanut-child is afraid but Kobe is confident. We think they get away when Kobe drives under the veil of a line of clothing hung across the street. It is as if he is exiting the movie set, even though he is still on it. Moments later Kobe and the kid are flanked by the elephant approaching through another veil of door beads. It is as if both Kobe and the elephant have exited the veil of Hollywood, even though they haven't. Or perhaps this "under the veil" reference means both have gone deeper into Hollywood. Not sure here. Also, while this commercial looks like it was shot in Hollywood it wasn't. While all the background signs are in English, the Smart car's GPS is in Chinese. Kobe does a sharp turn to the right to get away from the elephant and behind him is another one-eyed robot thing. This one-eyed robot sees Kobe drive away with the peanut-child.


Kobe drives off into Stage 18 next to another camera boom, though this time there is no camera man in the chair. But there is a director in a red shirt in his chair inside Stage 18. Stage 18 is being used to stage the moon landing under the infamous "Blue Marble" image of earth. Kobe drives through a faked scene of the faked moon landing. There are two flood lights in the background. While each flood light has eight bulbs, one of the flood lights only has five lit. Eight plus five equals thirteen.


Incidentally, many who say that the earth is flat also claim that we never went to the moon. Famous basketball players including Kryie Irving, Shaquille O'Neal, and Stephen Curry all believe the world is flat. I didn't dig deep enough to see if they also think we faked the moon landing. We do know Walt Disney himself was heavily involved in NASA way back in the day, and his movie Dumbo helped perpetuate the whole idea that elephants love peanuts and are afraid of mice, which is the whole damn theme of this commercial. So there are lots of connections to Disney here as well. Also, that famous picture of the "blue marble" was clearly faked by NASA. It was just a view of part of the earth through a round portal in the vessel the astronauts were in at the time, and that vessel was likely still within earth's higher levels of the atmosphere at the time. It wasn't far enough away yet to see the whole supposed "globe earth." And didn't China recently fake it's own moon landing? Just sayin'.


Back to the car chase.


The elephant approaches from the dark side of the moon to chase Kobe out of the darkness of Stage 18 into the light. Notice there is a set of flood lights next to the elephant but they are turned off. Kobe exits Stage 18 into ancient Rome. The red moon-director's shirt is mirrored in the bright reds of the praetorian guard and the horse plumes. Kobe gives an embarrassed wave to confused actors. He's not where he should be.


The peanut-child points to the GPS to get them back on track. Again, if there was no moon landing, if we can't go to space because space is not what NASA has told us, then how do our GPS systems work? The director of the commercial has just set up a paradox to confuse normies. Kobe is not confused. He waves off the child's suggestion as if to say "GPS won't save us here, Kid."


We see the elephant again, this time in Kobe's side view mirror. In that same view is a barrel, perhaps of wine. Grape-child anyone?

Anonymous ID: 177e1d Jan. 26, 2020, 7:43 p.m. No.7926711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6754




At this time another pattern has shown up. Nearly all the adult actor's outfits are red, white, and blue, though some are yellow. Also, most of the buildings and background decorations are red, white, and blue, though some are yellow. America and China. Also, in the ancient Rome set, we don't see any flood lights.


Now the elephant has got them. Kobe must slam on the breaks to avoid hitting the looming elephant. Behind Kobe's smart car is a false background of a modern city skyline. I'm guessing it's from somewhere in China, but I don't know. Anyone know what city this is? I have no idea.


Enter a young girl in a mouse costume. Are elephants really afraid of mice or is that just an old wives tail? I don't know. I do know Disney's Dumbo helped to cement this wives tail into the common culture of today.


The mouse-child scolds the elephant and the peanut-child and Kobe both close/cover their eyes. They are afraid for the young girl. The young girl looks to be 6 or 7 years old, which was the age of Kobe's late 13 year old daughter in 2013 when this commercial was made. Behind the mouse-child and the elephant are another set of boom lights and a ladder. They are pointed directly at the elephant, though perhaps directly at the mouse-child? Not sure here. They are shining a light on the elephant and/or the mouse-child. However this time only seven of the eight lights are lit. One of the light's "eyes" is out.


Kobe and the peanut-child exit their car to see if the mouse-child is OK. She is. She points to the elephant who is now on top of the smart car. This should crush the car but it doesn't. Kobe and the peanut-child laugh in relief. But should they be relieved?


The elephant raises one foot into the air. In statuary, when a general is depicted on a horse with one foot in the air, it means that the general was wounded in battle and those wounds may or may not have led to the general's death. The elephant's pose leaves a question that no one would have asked in 2013 but we gotta ask it now. "Will Kobe die of his battle wounds?" The elephant will eventually crush that car if he doesn't get off it. Kobe isn't in the car anymore, but how safe is he? Behind the elephant is yet another set of flood lights, this time with all eight lights on.


The words ">>Big, in the city." show up. Under that phrase is the world "smart" and some Chinese characters I don't know.


After that " 400-811-0000" fades in at the bottom with "Smart open your mind." appearing above the phone number and web page.


Commercial ends.

