Anonymous ID: 3b0cda Jan. 26, 2020, 7:56 p.m. No.7926818   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I agree… his could be the second whistle blower…..

This blows apart the entire narrative.

This dude helped INVENT the AI program that targets individuals to brainwash us and rig elections. He took this to many people high up and nobody got back to him. He is claiming it is available on the private sector as well (59:15)

Anonymous ID: 3b0cda Jan. 26, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.7926909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6976 >>7020 >>7054



Thought I would help break down this video minute by minute so yall can fast forward wherever you want. There are some BOMBSHELLS in this interview. Thank you to whoever did this!


28:00 Clearforce - Ran by the former CIA director

29:20 Minority report type behavioral profiles

32:55 Says he could walk into Patreus office

36:11 Filed a motion in on January 17th

Here Bergy tells the story of why he filed the IG complaint

41:55 Went to Sara Carter, Judge Janine,

Congressman Charlie Christ in - Jan 2019

Gus Gilchrest - Republican

43:00 Told Matt Gaetz at the inagural ball Disantis Bikers for 45. Told Gatez that he is the one

who pioneered shadownet for the Obama national security advisor

43:27 Tells them all that he can change the narratice from


43:50 Talks about him going to Sara Carter Judge Janine…. Posted text messages online.

44:43 Spoke to Judge Janine around Dec. 18th 2018

44:58 Sara Carter- Jan 13th 2019

All of them seemed interested. None of them ever got back with him.

47:00 Him, Judicial Watch, all being stopped and stymied by the FBI and congress along the


48:45 Senate Judiciary - The only ones who made time for him. 2 investigators took him to

a private room. Never heard back from them again.


51:40 Bergy states top request is documents goto Justice Roberts.

52:00 Lindsey Graham had hands on these docs showing that Bergy built “Shadownet” and he did nothing with it. Do we really want him in charge of the investigation when we could have proved Russian Collusion a hoax right here? Bergy has pic with Lindsey Graham. Told him 1 month before the 2018 Election. This changes story to Obama Shadownet instead of Trump Impeachment

55:00 Whistleblower complaint explanation

58:00 Jen asks Bergy asks if he is familiar with BIll Binney

58:40 Jen asks if this is capable of voice to skull tech

59:15 Jen asks how much is available to private sector? ALL are available! Look at clearforce. Look at Dynology. Jones owns these AI programs. Vice President of Jones company is a host on fox news

1:04:30 Jones Group connected to Burisma

1:05:20 Bergy says CNN Fox News everybody they are all playing a game on us. Says that they all check off boxes of military industrial complex.

1:05:48 He says they are probably using a program like shadownet on us. This tool uses assets like media, journalists, studios for content, all to brainwash us. ALL available to private companies NO RESTRICTIONS. Can't imagine the power of the artificial intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 3b0cda Jan. 26, 2020, 8:28 p.m. No.7927050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7054 >>7068 >>7092



More breakdown!! I will keep it coming. WOW THIS IS HUGE!!


1:06:55 Jones one of the big pushers for 5G

1:07:50 Says he loves what Bongino is doing

1:08:00 Trump Being SET UP BY Obamas former security council

1:09:00 Bergy says I LOVE ROGER STONE


1:10:00 Whistleblower through FEC turned him down

1:11:50 Dustin from twitter @ClearanceCosmic asks question if there could be investigation in the background? Is that why everyone is scared of his story?

1:15:55 Facebook- HR Clinton email about template for winning the election

1:16:42 Jones is part of the Atlantic Council. He could have access to facebook profiles.

1:17:30 Did Clearforce have access to Facebook profiles?

1:18:00 Bombshell about Cambridge Analytica

1:18:40 Jen tells him she thinks HE IS THE WHISTLEBLOWER

1:20:30 Says he doesnt trust Sara Carter?

1:21:40 Jen jokes he DID work with manafort

1:22:10 Tells a story of pedophile in government he tried to alert authorities with no success

1:25:00 Wikistrat raided by FBI?


1:27:35 Judicial watch stymied by the deep state every step of the way. Says there are Clinton assets in judges are preventing truths from coming out. Coverup!

1:28:40 Who is stonewalling efforts? Maybe general jones?

1:30:00 Will asks question

1:31:35 Will says “take it to the Q board” Bergy NODS YES!!!!

1:37:30 Will says bergy’s videos begin with the Eisenhower clip from Q Post 3777. BERGY TIPS HIS HAT!!

Anonymous ID: 3b0cda Jan. 26, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.7927068   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1:37:30 autists we need to look at this. Bergy's youtube videos begin with the Eisenhower clip from Q's post number 3777. HAS Q BEEN POINTING US TO BERGY????!!!