Anonymous ID: 78ce51 Jan. 26, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.7926441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6465 >>6624 >>6761 >>7054

Ex-SoftBank worker arrested over alleged info leakage to Russians


TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Tokyo police on Saturday arrested a former employee of SoftBank Corp. on suspicion of illegally obtaining trade secrets of the firm after being instigated by two officials at the office of the Russian trade representative in Japan.


Held by the Metropolitan Police Department for alleged violation of the unfair competition prevention law was Yutaka Araki, 48, of Urayasu in Chiba Prefecture. The police also requested the two Russian men, believed to be intelligence officials, appear for questioning through organizations including the Foreign Ministry. The MPD suspects that Araki illegally accessed a SoftBank server on Feb. 18 last year and obtained two sets of trade secrets to which he had been related. One of the Russian officials, who is a diplomat, is suspected of having abetted Araki to get the information. The other, who may also have been involved in the case, returned to Russia around spring 2017, according to the police. Araki admitted to the charges, saying that he was instigated and handed the trade secrets to the Russian side as he wanted some pocket money, sources in the police said.

Anonymous ID: 78ce51 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.7926970   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CAL642 China Air Lines departing Hong Kong

SUMO20 central Japan NE same general area as the F-18 growler earlier. Both dropped off screen well before landing.