Anonymous ID: 7c9871 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.7926867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6889 >>7054

Sheriff Clarke: We Build The Wall Inc., Fisher Industries Can Build The Wall Faster, Cheaper Than The Government, Trump’s Hands Are Tied


Three years into his presidency and President Trump is still fighting to build and pay for his border wall.


After a Republican-held Congress led by Paul Ryan failed to get his requests for wall funding passed by during his first two years in office, the president faced dauntless resistance last year from a Democratic-controlled House.


The commander-in-chief was forced to circumvent Congress through a national emergency declaration that had to be challenged in the courts to obtain required funding to secure the border.


While gridlock in Washington continues to impede border wall construction, We The People have the ability to bypass the government and build a wall along the 2,000-mile southern border faster and cheaper than the bureaucrats inside the beltway will permit, explains retired Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.


“Here’s the problem, when you go with the federal process, procurement process – it takes too long. You have too many people with their hands in the pot,” Clarke told Newsmax’s Chris Salcedo. “You have environmentalists that will throw long jabs up in front of you with environmental impact studies. It takes too darn long. It’s taken the president of the United States nearly four years to build 100 miles.”


As an advisory board member of We Build The Wall Inc., Clarke said he has no doubt Tommy Fisher, CEO of a private the construction firm Fisher Industries, and We Build The Wall Inc., a crowdfunded non-profit, can get the job done using less time and money than the government.


“I know Tommy Fisher, personally, very well. I worked with him on the border wall sector on private property that we built near the El Paso sector near New Mexico. He does great work. He’s got a great mind to be able to get this thing done.”


In just four days over Memorial Day weekend, WBW built its first wall on private property in Sunland Park, New Mexico, contracting Fisher Industries to construct the barrier.


The non-profit and the construction company are currently near completion of a second 4-mile long wall, of which Fisher contributed $13 million of his own money to build, in Mission, Texas along the Rio Grande as they joining forces to blueprint construction of a third steel bollard barrier along the border.


“Do the math – we could have had this whole thing done using private contractors because of the federal law and the federal process – the federal government does nothing cheap,” Clarke said. “They do nothing efficiently and they do not work with all-deliberative speed.

Anonymous ID: 7c9871 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:11 p.m. No.7926921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA Waterboarding Architect Confirms Sadistic Role Of 'The Preacher'


One of the architects of the US government's waterboarding program, known as "enhanced interrogation techniques," confirmed the role of a CIA officer known only as "the Preacher," who would provoke detainees on a deeply religious level while working to extract information from them.


According to James Mitchell - one of three men authorized by the CIA to conduct waterboarding during America's war on terror - said last Thursday during a pre-trial hearing at Guantánamo Bay, that the Preacher "would at random times put one hand on the forehead of a detainee, raise the other high in the air, and in a deep Southern drawl say things like, ‘Can you feel it, son? Can you feel the spirit moving down my arm, into your body?’"


According to The Guardian, Mitchell confirmed the chilling description written in his memoir, Enhanced Interrogation - confirming the Preacher's role at CIA black sites during testimony at a pre-trial hearing in the case against five defendants charged in the September 11, 2001 attacks, including mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


Mitchell, together with his friend and business partner, Bruce Jessen – who is due to testify next week – have been the public face of the US torture programme for five years, settling out of court in 2017 in a civil suit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of three prisoners.


Almost everyone else involved in the extensive programme, involving a network of black sites around the world, has remained in the shadows. In terms of legality, it is still the dark side of the moon.


Defence lawyers at the Guantánamo military commission hearings have asked to examine 52 witnesses. They have so far been permitted to question only two, Mitchell and Jessen.


James Connell, representing defendant Ammar al-Baluchi, lost his patience on Thursday when prosecutors objected that he was asking Mitchell about events he had not directly witnessed.


“He’s the only witness we’ve got. The government has blocked all the CIA witnesses,” Connell complained. -The Guardian


According to the report, government prosecutors changed classification rules four days before the current pre-trial hearing, amending them on Monday in order to reclassify facts which defense attorneys were forced to scramble to reframe before the next day of questioning. The Guardian suggests that "The longer the hearings have continued, the clearer it has become that the Mitchell and Jessen partnership was just a small part of the infrastructure of torture, with its own bureaucracy and personal rivalries. In his testimony, Mitchell railed repeatedly against the “middle management” who he believed was plotting against him."