Anonymous ID: fac108 Jan. 26, 2020, 7:30 p.m. No.7926600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6613 >>6618 >>6624 >>6637 >>6761 >>7054 >>7130

For those who can read topographic maps. Flight data indicates Kobe's copter was flying around 1200 feet at the time of the crash. topo maps show that in the region where the copter went down, the floor elevation along Las Virgenes Rd is 800 feet, and a short distance to the east, the elevation rises sharply to near 1700 feet. Wi Tu Lo, Bang Ding Ow.


The red star is where the accident site was, specifically where the emergency vehicles were staged.


Note there is a gun club right near where the copter went down. Gun Club Rd.


State Funerals require careful planning.

Anonymous ID: fac108 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:04 p.m. No.7926868   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Overheard at a Los Angeles grocery store this afternoon…


Subject: Black woman, attractive, well dressed, long hair, talking to someone on her bluetooth, walking around with a single basket (I'll guess actress). I heard what sounded like Kobe talk, and specifically about the rape charges. Heard these words: "She probably didn't know how to interact with powerful men." In other words, defending Kobe, blaming the girl.


An aisle later, I passed her as she said: "I'm not saying we should be arming up, but more like we have to get strategic. Very strategic." She noticed me at that point and quickly walked away.


They're panicking. And stupid.