Anonymous ID: 6caa32 Jan. 26, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.7927442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511


The anon post this morning was a plane, and sputtering. So was the reporter's.

LA Times:

Kurt Deetz, a former pilot for Island Express Helicopters who used to fly Bryant in the chopper, said weather conditions were poor in Van Nuys on Sunday morning — “not good at all.”


"The crash was more likely caused by bad weather than engine or mechanical issues, he said. “The likelihood of a catastrophic twin engine failure on that aircraft — it just doesn’t happen,” he said."


and says it was foggy with two PD's confirm.

>>7927402 that pic is way moar than 2 miles visibility.


spoop level increasing.