Anonymous ID: 7f8c2a Jan. 26, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.7927435   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7457 >>7477



I also searched it myself and was able to cap a screen of Google placing this in their search results.


But if I search for that same phrase now, the results have changed.


It's curious how this was allowed to occur. Is someone being placed on notice? Could this be a sacrifice of some sorts? Or even an elaborate distraction from tomorrow's defense proceedings in the impeachment hearing.

Anonymous ID: 7f8c2a Jan. 26, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.7927487   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7508



Could it be possible that we could interact with the AI by sending it directed questions such as "why did the search results show that kobe bryant was assisnated?"


It also looks like anons may have caught it sooner than Google so it's possible that Google themselves may truthfully not have been aware of this occurring.

Anonymous ID: 7f8c2a Jan. 26, 2020, 9:50 p.m. No.7927596   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7601 >>7631



So I'm not entirely sure how this all ties into everything but the Qmap is very very very interesting and teeming with some connected information.


First off Trump posted the morning of 1/26 at 10:27am.


What's funny is that sleepyeyes could easily be a subconscious trigger for us to see the reference to POTUS being up all night.


The reason I mention this is because if you drop the 0 from the time you get 1/27, oh and if you search the Qmap for post 1027 you get


Now it begs to question whether it's the night of the 26th into the 27th or the 27th into the 28th.


The time that Q posted post 1027 was interesting as well. It was at 945 pm and at this point we didn't have enough posts to search using a 2400hour clock so if you search for post 945 you get


Oh and if you reduce the entire timestamp of post 1027 which is at 9:45:45pm, you get 9:9:9


So I searched for post 9


Seriously guys, this shit is going to be nuts.


Just check this out there's even a 2 year delta post for tomorrow in


And btw, if the drops start to go fast, we know it's coming.


Because of


Telling us the castle is clean.


Which points us to the marker in qpost 992



If any errors in posting, I'm terribly sorry, I'm mobile atm.

Anonymous ID: 7f8c2a Jan. 26, 2020, 10:38 p.m. No.7927765   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7789 >>7806 >>7842 >>7893




I figured it was some sort of word /subconcious linguistic mental programming of sorts.


Is there a concerted effort here to attempt to program and there's a tram actively denying those attempts?


From what I'm noticing through the interactions of these posts is that there seems to be some sort of message being sent which for me in my own mind seems to be unveiling some interesting dot connections.