Anonymous ID: 0ee708 Jan. 26, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.7927973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7987 >>7988 >>8038 >>8254 >>8467 >>8540 >>8616

Any other anons think this whole Bolton thing might be a setup–not Bolton setting up POTUS, but POTUS using Bolton to set up Schiff & Co?


I was blown away when POTUS selected him to be an advisor–the man has every red flag you can think of: CFR, globalist, neocon, never heard of a war he didn't want to throw our troops at. I figured POTUS picked him to keep an eye on him.


Of course, things went as you might expect–he left on bad terms. Supposedly. But what if he's part of the Plan? You don't even have to believe that he's one of /ourguys–with a career like his, Q probably has a dossier on him like a telephone book.


I don't want to go too far into it, but it all seems a bit suspicious to me–the trip to Qatar, the leak that his book contains info on POTUS withholding aid in return for an investigation (which Bolton denied). The Democrats are both desperate and stupid–at this point, they'd probably give up Hunter Biden for Bolton, because he's really the only one that could provide first-hand testimony.


Knowing /ourguys are always ahead, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see him up there and give shit testimony. Then again, he could just be the asshole we've always thought he was.