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January 27, 2020

The Deep State Tapestry of Deceit is Beginning to Unravel

By Brian C. Joondeph

Deep state players in the Obama administration wove an elaborate tapestry of collusion, subterfuge, and electoral chicanery. While better suited for a Robert Ludlum novel, it played out in real time over the past four years.


Stars of the drama include familiar names such as James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe. Supporting actors played an unwitting role, namely Carter Page and George Papadopoulos.


The victim was then candidate Donald Trump. Heroes of the saga include Attorney General William Barr, U.S. Attorney John Durham, and a mysterious group simply called Q


The plot was simple. The Obama administration, in 2016 and before, wanted to preordain the 2016 electoral outcome. What better way to do this than to spy on the rival presidential campaign? Since spying is illegal, a pretense was needed.


That’s where the Steele Dossier came in. The DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and top Obama administration officials colluded with multiple foreign governments to fabricate opposition research on the Trump campaign alleging treasonous activities. This allowed the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, and likely others as well.


The Obama administration colluded with foreign governments to influence an election. How ironic that this is exactly what President Trump was impeached for, and why he is a “dictator” and an “existential threat to democracy”. Can you say projection?


The FISA court granted a Title 1 FISA warrant against Page, reserved for those accused of being “an agent of a foreign power,” one who is “knowingly engaging in clandestine intelligence activities.” Yet Page was never arrested or indicted for his activities. The reality is that he was a CIA asset “engaged in clandestine intelligence activities” not for Russia, but for America, and this minor bit of information was deliberately omitted from his FISA warrant application and three renewals.


The Barr DOJ has been pulling hard enough on this thread that after four years of FBI deceit and abuse of power, the Trump Russia collusion tapestry is unraveling before our very eyes. Like a game of Jenga, where blocks are slowly pulled out without collapsing the entire structure, the latest DOJ revelation is the “keystone” which held the entire charade together….