Almost time to break out the AR-15 for cleaning while watching the impeachment trial again.
Kobe….fucking nigger preacher!!!!
Sekulow up first.
Isn't purple a mixture of red and blue?
He's probably wearing it as a non-partisan reference.
Now if he had said, 'Military' that would have been something.
Purple on Soros is one thing.
Purple on someone that is non-partisan is another.
You have to look at the person before you can claim DS purple.
Not everybody that wears a purple tie is DS or cabal.
Shit I've got 4 in my draw now, but I'm not a fucking DS or cabalist black hat.
Who did he represent in White Water?
WOW! Dersha-what-ever filled to impeach Ronald Regan!
'Let me comment briefly'….he trying to make a joke? KEK!
The should have taken some tannerite to those stones.
>I'm watching him right now on the Senate floor
If that's your proof, then your a fucking idiot.