Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.7931037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Johnny snorted as he sat at the bar, his usual haunt that was far enough out of his own town that he knew that he wouldn't be recognised by anyone that knew him – or no one that mattered, at least. It was nothing unusual, of course, to have a jock who was in the closet, but he wanted his scholarship to go through right to the end of college, riding it out as he worked his sexy bull ass off in his schooling side. He probably wasn't the typical sort of jock that one could find at college and that was shown in the secret side of his life that he wasn't quite ready to spill to the world, his blue-grey and white hide hiding all that he wished to show.


Maybe one day. Grunting, Johnny snorted into his beer, glugging it down as if he was trying to wash something away. Yes, he was gay and that sort of thing didn't fly out in public for a jock not unless he wanted his fucking ass kicked on the football field. It wasn't how things should have been but, alas, it was how things were and there was nothing immediate that he could do about that, trying to find his way through life regardless of it. His sexuality and time to flourish there would come, he was sure, and then all those sods that mocked those who simply preferred males would get their comeuppance in the end.


Still, he needed to get his needs met and that meant taking his ass out to the bar from time to time, seeing what tail he could pick up. Most went for him as a top, which was all well enough and who wasn't going to want to get their tail up under another guy's tail when it was offered? There was another inkling of what he wanted but, still struggling with who he was, it was simply easier to work and push through the noise, topping where desired and simply getting his rocks off like that.


That was…until he met Kevron. The feline had a rough and rugged air to him, a black cat rippling with so much muscle that his T-shirts surely had to be custom made just so that he didn't bust his way out of them. Grossly overdone in the best of ways, a ruff of black fur around his neck rendered him something of a lion in that regard but, well, he wasn't so worried there about how he identified. Kevron was who he was and all the feline cared about in that case was what he could take for himself and use his body for.


"Hey," he rumbled, seating himself next to Johnny. "Not seen you here before. That should be fixed. Immediately."


The bull cocked an eyebrow, beer in paw. Damn, the big cat didn't have to say much to get his point across, didn't he? It was impressive…in a way that made his guts squirm.


"No…" He grunted in turn, eyes sliding down, as submissively as he ever could have liked. "Can't say I've seen you either."

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7931047   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It was an unspoken agreement, an understanding of sorts, but the feline's paws had swept over his body in such a commanding way that, well, Johnny had been lost to the stud cat right from the very beginning. As in so many other ways, resistance truly was futile as they drank and laughed and bellowed out their amusement over shared topics, the bond made in the trinity of drinking.


It went without reason that he'd been taken back to Kevron's place after all that, quivering with excitement, seeing something else in the cat that he had not yet found in anyone else at the bar, but finding another guy there, a lion with a thick, blue mane, had been a surprise enough.


Did he dare? Oh, he did, letting Kevron and Keinok (the lion) bear him down onto the bed, screwing him senseless. The night had been a drunken blur of lust and passion in the very best of ways but had left him wanting to know more, to do more, to feel more – to actually remember every last little thing in such detail that he could not help himself from replaying everything over and over again. He remembered, vaguely, swirling his tongue around the lion's shaft, drawing him sweetly into his mouth, his fat, bull tongue being put to work. He could have used a bit more lube from how his tail hole, fortunately and unfortunately, hurt the next day.


He'd do it all again though and wanted it too, the clarity of such memories eluding him when he wanted to call it back the most. Though, despite everything, it had been a time before he'd been able to get his tail back to the bar again to see about actually getting Kevron's number, the feline barely saying a couple of words to him even though the meaning of their tryst could not be alluded to. There were hot, sweaty nights in their future together, though the faintness of his recollections, even how he had been spit-roasted between the two of them, left him craving more, wanting all of that in stark, raucous definition.


The problem was that once he'd had a taste of the sexy duo, he just hadn't been able to get enough of them. However, the second time he turned up on their doorstep, the bull was more nervous than ever, his tail hole clenching down in anticipation and nerves, although not even Johnny could have told which one was more dominant in his mind.


Keep it cool, he told himself, even as they led him inside, casual and charming, a pair of studs that knew how to work what they'd got. They know what they're doing.


And, oh, how they did, Keinok smirking and taking charge, taking the bull, quite literally, by the horns. His masculine paw closed around Johnny's horn and tipped him to the side, grinning as he leaned back against the kitchen counter, commanding the situation as easily as he would order a drink in the very bar that he had first found the cute little stud of a bull in.

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7931054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Mmm… Bull meat," he rasped teasingly, running his tongue across his lips. "Didn't think you'd be back here for more of this so soon."


With his free paw, he gripped his cock crudely through his jeans but there was nothing sneering about the action or his attitude, playfulness twinkling in the backs of his eyes. Johnny gulped, hard, a lump travelling down his throat like a mouthful of cum.


"Mm…" He grunted, eyes slipping away, not quite knowing what to do when he was sober. "Er…"


"Shush now," Keinok chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I've got the stuff here to bring you out of your shell, little stud, don't you worry one bit about that."


A corrections officer, even though Johnny didn't need to know that, Keinok most certainly knew how to handle a little stud like Johnny, hauling him into the bedroom without even seeming to use up any effort. Precision was what he went for over brute strength but there was no doubt in his mind at all that Kevron would not bring that into play with coarse amounts of driving daringness, challenging the very limits of what Johnny, at that time, thought that he could manage.


And Johnny was barely a single cloven hoof into the bedroom before Kevron lunged for him, snarling and peeling his lips back from his teeth. The flash of white was brief as he nipped and caught Johnny's shoulder in a bite, slamming him down into the bed in a tackle that took Johnny's breath away. He may have said something but it was the bossy shove into place that rocked Johnny to his core, tearing him from his past reality, luxurious lust coursing through with each rabid pound of his heart.


Did he fight back? Did he use his strength against the even larger feline? Oh, but he could not, whimpering as he was borne down, his jeans yanked down. Revealing his jockstrap was just to be expected but Kevron snarled as he used his weight against Johnny, revealing just how much power was left behind that raging mass of muscle and testosterone. Although he'd been the one to introduce himself to Johnny initially and bring the prime slut-boi back for Keinok to enjoy too, he was still a cat of few words, choosing them all with forceful deliberateness.


"Get down… Such a slut for cock, aren't you?"


Grinding and huffing, Kevron's cock swelled against that muscled backside, the rise of it irresistible even to him, a cat who had it all, everything and anything he wanted. And he'd have the slut just where he wanted him to be too, exactly where he wanted him. There was simply no other choice in the matter.


Johnny's head spun as he was pinned, bellowing in such a way that he could not possibly seem dominant in such a moment, grinding and trying to find something to bear back against. Yet Kevron ensured that he didn't have anything to brace on, ripping off his jocks violently and stuffing them into the bull's mouth, letting him inhale his own musk and reek, masculine and yet…reducing him to less than such as he was forced to take in his own scent.


Johnny moaned, not holding back as he let the feline handle him like he was nothing more than sex doll, a stripped-down Keinok appearing before him with a ring between his paws and some lengths of leather.


"Open wide," he purred, not needing to use his muscle to heave the jock into place. "Get that cock-sucking mouth open for me, just like you want it."


Johnny could have held back but he wasn't about to worry there that someone was going to tell all of his dirty little gay secrets, even though they weren't dirty truly at all but just one guy having his fun with other guys. Like the little bull he was swiftly becoming (just for them, helping him explore his sexuality even if they were not quite aware of the depth of it all), he opened wide, even blushing and pushing his tongue out over his bottom lip, gleaming with saliva.


Keinok smirked, cocking an eyebrow. Very nice…


"Yeah, that's better," he growled, eyes alight with lust. "Can't have you getting away from us now, can we?"

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.7931062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He toyed with Johnny as a lion would with the wildebeest, his hapless prey no longer able to escape. Not that the innocent Johnny would have ever have wanted to get away, his ropey tail pushed up, a paw connecting with his bare buttocks. Jumping, Johnny grunted around the musky, still-sweaty jockstrap in his mouth, unsure of what to do, working it over his tongue as he managed, for then at least, to push it out through the ring of the gag. It was a distraction but one that he most certainly didn't want to choke on as Keinok condescendingly patted his head, not helping him in the slightest while Kevron surveyed the tight buttocks that were the focus of his attention. Did the bull stud have even a fucking ounce of spare fat on him?




"Don't squirm…" He growled, eyes narrowing. "You're right where I want you…"


Snarling, Kevron peeled back his lips from his teeth, spat out a curse and smeared his seed over that fresh paw print, rising up through the bull's thick coat of hair, slapping him about like a piece of meat even as the bull's cock ached and throbbed. He drooled pre-cum in a small yet noticeable stream, the musk of him rising through with a throb of desire that not even the bovine could deny.


"Fucking little slut…"


Yes… Johnny's eyes rolled back, losing sense of his place and time in the membrane of reality, his anal ring closing down but not because he wanted to keep anyone out but wanted someone, a thick, meaty length of dick, driven up inside him. He needed to pull it into him, whimpering and whining, but Keinok shoved what was quickly revealed to be a ring gag, holding his mouth open for their pleasure while the lion's shaft swelled slowly but steadily.


Moaning, the bull couldn't take his eyes off it, watching it as the other feline stripped down behind him, the brush of cloth rustling over thicker fur audible even to him. But he could not help himself from clenching down against the slap of that huge paw, covering such a large portion of his ass that he would have swooned if he'd been in such a position too. Johnny could not have said whether he liked spanking or not but it awakened something in him as he howled, grinding and bucking, the sharp flare of pain not even registering in terms of his arousal. Strictly, it should have made blood rush to other parts of his anatomy and away from his cock but he wanted it all the more, drooling through the gag, his eyes fixed on the shaft before him that he could see, suddenly, in shockingly delightful definition.


Yes, that was what he'd wanted – not the clouding of alcohol pouring through him, fuzzing up the edges of his mind, but the sharpness of it all. He wanted to growl and grunt and feel every last little thing they had for him, not dull it all down and wonder if he'd really lusted so much for them the next day. So much so that he did not mind at all as the lion took a spreader bar and locked it between his legs, the leather cuffs easily tightening around his ankles, keeping them apart right where the two studs wanted him to be. Johnny whined, eyes plaintive, but there was another light bondage to be had as the corrections officer smirked and produced a pair of standard handcuffs to take his paws in hand too.

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7931072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Johnny groaned, passed between the two of them, claws taking care of shredding his casual shirt too, the buttons popping off as the lion took care of them. Keinok revealed every last inch of delectable bull-flesh that he'd wanted for himself since last time, lips quirking as if he was imagining having a cigar (or maybe even something else) lodged between them. Maybe that could come later though, when he was balls-deep in the whore, testing out if he really could take as much dick as he remembered.


The lion grinned. Yes… There was much he could do and he'd left his cock on show while his balls were still tucked back behind his jock, waiting until Kevron pushed over the bull's back. Johnny snorted anxiously but there was no stopping that lubed-up cock from finding its target in a willing submissive's rump, teasing entry so sweetly than one could have been forgiven for thinking that the cat operated with any sense of finesse. Snarling viciously, his eyes gleamed with predatory glee, grinding in as Johnny was forcibly yet carefully penetrated, forced to feel every last inch of that cock as it burrowed up deeper and deeper inside him, placing the bull into acting the part of a passive player where he should very much have been active.


Johnny's mouth opened and closed, eyes glassy. Words would not come, pleasure screaming through him, the pain of the stretch barely noticeable. It was not his first time but it was still something that he had to bear through, relaxing the best he could, although the cock before his muzzle…mm… Like the hot searing through of his rump, that was at least something to focus on right then and there, trying to yank his tail up even further for the breeding rod grinding into him.


Oh… Oh, he wanted it and, still, he didn't know how to ask for it. Maybe that was just why they'd gagged him, although he could not help but notice that the gag was perfectly shaped and sized for a cock to slide into his mouth still, the musk of Keinok's jock rising up, drawing him in. And yet he was forced to stay right where he was, the lion's paws supporting his shoulders so that he could not fold too far forward, although a pillow or something would soon have to be shoved under his chest just so that his mouth could be made the best use of.


Smirking, Keinok drew him in, crooking his finger into the gag as he played the pad across the bitch's tongue, letting him swipe it lustfully up against the singular digit.


"Get your nose in there, bull, feel what a real stud is like…"


Johnny shivered as his nose was pressed into that musky jockstrap cradling the lion's balls, though Keinok was keener on freeing them completely – in due time of course. His orbs churned with the need to orgasm and he whimpered softly, yet that was not to be for him, not quite yet, lust rising through, a pulsating need that came like the throb of climax itself. Keinok let him sniff and grunt into his sweaty jock, even pinging it off his nose, laughing at the bull's reaction, juddering back with a wide-eyed snort – though that could have just been Kevron grinding into his ass with particular depth and need.

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7931080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For the bull could not possibly forget who was behind him right then and there, the cat growling and powering in, overcome with the breeding lust that a stud truly embodied. That was just why Johnny was right to be driven down under him, his tight hole strained around his shaft, twitching and pulling. Damn… Was the slut really trying to drag him in? His eyes locked with Keinok's in a glitter of a smirk, though it was hard, truly, not to grin at all while ploughing such a willing submissive slut. It was only then that Keinok tipped his cock down into Johnny's muzzle, driving deep and forcing him to test out just how well he could pull back his gag reflex, hold it down for the ultimate pleasure.


And he had to, eyes streaming as he hacked, chest convulsing, a pillow under his chest to support him, though he could not have said just when it had been pushed under there. It didn't matter, nothing mattered but the cock in his mouth, drooling thickly over his tongue, the flexible appendage trying to curl and flutter up against it, sweeping around the fat rod. God… To have a cock in his mouth again… Could there have been anything better? It had been so long and, oh, that experience so long ago without the blurring influence of alcohol had not satisfied him like Keinok's dick did, swallowing it down.


Yes, swallowing… All he had to do was to swallow and swallow, gulp around him, lust for him, the grinding force of the lion's cock teasing deeper, thrusting and claiming. The two of them did not thrust in unison, just rocking Johnny between them exactly as he pleased, Kevron hissing and lashing his tail, ears slipping back to his skull. Harder, yes, there was only harder when it came to the rocking drive of his lust, grinding in, forcing Johnny's anal ring to spread around him, the thicker base of his cock. Each and every thrust slapped his balls up against Johnny's, the bull grunting around the cock in his mouth, every muscle in his body tight and tense, striving for his own release. Oh, for a paw on his cock… But maybe that was the nuance of submitting that he was yet to learn, the art of cumming without even using his paws, giving up everything he was for the ardent domination of studs who actually knew how to use a tight little bitch just like him.


Could he be that bitch? Did he want to be a slutty boi just to please them? It was all that he had never had the chance to consider before, always being the one that topped, and yet the studs there were finally able to open up that door to him, however tentatively the charm of it came through.


"Give in to it," Keinok huffed, rasping out his advice. "You know you want to try…to see just how far you can go…"

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7931083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That was true, so very true, but Kevron grinding into his tail hole, so needy and tight, so very slutty, was more than enough to take his mind off and away to another place. Kevron grunted like a true breeding stud, though he only had any inclination to take a tail hole as something to be filled. Fuck the ladies… He had better things to screw in his inclinations and tastes!


The feline snarled, lips pulling back, showing off, relishing in his power. There was no sense between him and Keinok that they had to go more gently, work Johnny up into a frenzy, as the bull was already moaning as much as he could around the other cat's cock, begging them for more, if ever he could. Sometimes, one didn't need words to say that they needed more, could take more, as he was spit-roasted between them, slavering and drooling, unable to help the humiliation of saliva slopping from his lips. But no one cared about something like that as Kevron grunted, hammering in, taking advantage of his tail hole softening and loosening up, each driving stroke giving him another flush of red-hot pleasure.

Anonymous ID: 772384 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.7931095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1138

"Too hard…" He huffed, tail lashing, muscles tense with desire. "No… No… No, you need this!"


So much… So much more. Kevron could not hold back and neither did he have any inclination too, each pounding thrust of his hips coming with a clench of his glutes. The resounding smack of flesh on flesh echoed through the room, Keinok smirking, but he too was languishing in the attention of Johnny's mouth and lips, though the ring gag did the job nicely for him to give the stud bull (well, not so much of a stud anymore) a taste that he would not forget so easily.


"You can have a taste soon, cow…"


But he wasn't a cow, he was a bull, Johnny thought, but there was nothing in that term for him as he tried to bellow, tongue pressed up to the underside of the cat's cock at the very moment that Kevron slammed in, grinding in deep. He let out a feral yowl, claws pricking into the bull's hips, though there was no teasing away the rush of orgasm as it demanded attention, the tightly milking hole of the bull doing all that he could. Slamming in brutally, he snarled and let loose, paw connecting viciously with his rump just to make him clench and tense at the right moment, nuts tightening at the pinnacle of climax.


Johnny howled around the shaft in his mouth but even that one was thrusting anxiously, striving to keep up with Kevron, driving right up into the back of his mouth. His gag reflex would have to wait for at least a little while longer, lusting and driving, his own cock aching for something of a release. Not quite enough, not enough, and the ring of pain only made him want to cum even more as Kevron released under his tail, grunting and groaning, every muscle in the feline's body seeming to tense in a way that even Johnny could feel, pinned on the bottom.