Anonymous ID: 5a4115 Jan. 27, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.7933602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3613 >>3704

How many how large how evil are the crimes covered up by Bush's Barr boy during his previous stint?

Amazing how anons trust Bush's Barr boy without ever compiling such a list or considering the crimes they have forgiven in order to trust Q and trust Barr.

where is the typical anon deep dive rabbit hole search of Bush's Barr boys crimes and cover ups?

I was really hoping to weigh the scales of justice on his involvement

no one wants to know of Barr's crimescause they destroy hope / trust in Q?

or is this were the biblefags tell us God uses sinners for the good work, never the good, why be good if God can't even use good for the good? what good is good for?