Anonymous ID: b1a441 Jan. 27, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.7933895   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seems to me that the following tells us to plant more trees, lots of them, on the lands outside of urban centers.


The global carbon cycle constitutes most of all life, is a main component for the fossil fuels, and is being changed by human activity, which makes it the ideal system to represent the flow processes of carbon in the urban and forested environments. As the Odum diagrams to the left show, the trees in the forested setting are able to store more carbon compared to the urban setting. Not only are there far less trees available in the urban setting, but human activity produces more carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels. Even in an urban forestry setting, the proportion of forested area to surrounding development is not enough to control atmospheric levels of carbon.


After completing my thesis and obtaining actual data of sequestration rates in certain tree species, a more detailed Odum diagram with real amounts of carbon, oxygen and inputs such as water and sunlight can be represented. Ultimately, the systems theory concept of material and energy flows is linked closely with urban forestry and carbon sequestration and will help with future research.