Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.7933382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gantz: Trump plan can be implemented when we have ‘stable’ government


Gantz also called the plan a “significant historic milestone.”


US President Donald Trump’s peace plan may only be implemented by a new government and in dialogue with Israel’s neighbors, Blue and White Party leader Benny Gantz said following his meeting with Trump met in the White House on Monday.

Gantz called the meeting “exceptional,” and said his plan is a “significant historic milestone,” though he would not give details.

“Immediately after the [March 2] election, I will work towards implementing it from within a stable, functioning Israeli government in tandem with other countries in our region,” he said in a statement to the press before his return flight to Israel.

Gantz and Trump met separately from Netanyahu for political reasons, so Gantz would not appear to be second to the prime minister. However, Netanyahu and Trump plan to make joint remarks on Tuesday, when the US president makes his “Deal of the Century” public.

The Blue and White leader said he and Trump “discussed the importance of dialogue with the Palestinians, neighboring countries and King of Jordan.

“I spoke with the president about the captives and missing [IDF] soldiers held by Hamas, and stressed that any arrangement must include their long-awaited return,” he added.

In addition, Gantz said that he and Trump discussed the Iranian nuclear threat, as well as threats by its proxies along Israel’s borders, including Hezbollah in Syria and Lebanon.

In his remarks in Hebrew, Gantz explained that he was returning to Israel in time for the vote on the prime minister’s request for immunity from criminal prosecution, which he said was key to Israel’s democracy. He said that Netanyahu will not be able to function as prime minister in a time of sensitive security issues when he is preoccupied with his trial.

When Gantz repeated his remarks in English, his comments were identical to those in Hebrew, except that he omitted the part about Netanyahu’s immunity vote.

Before his meeting with Netanyahu in the White House, Trump said he invited Gantz to the White House so that the timing of the plan’s release wouldn’t be seen as political, in order to help Netanyahu win the upcoming election. He called Netanyahu and Gantz “two good competitors, fighting it out.”

Trump also commented on the fact that Israel is having three elections in one year, which has delayed his plan’s release: “We keep waiting and waiting and waiting, so let’s go. What kind of system is that? Very strange system.”

Earlier in the day, Gantz went jogging and was spotted by Israeli reporters en route to the White House, who asked him about the prospects for peace.

“Of course there will be peace. We’ll make sure of it,” he said without providing any details.

Gantz was joined in the meeting by Yoram Turbowitz of Blue and White’s strategic team. His adviser on the peace plan, Gen. (res.) Amir Eshel, was also part of the delegation.

Campaign adviser Ronen Tzur, who accompanied Gantz to Washington, did not go to the White House. Tzur said he was never supposed to be in the meeting.

Hours before the meeting, the Likud campaign pointed out past tweets Tzur wrote calling the US President “Donald Adolf Trump,” and saying that he will one day write a book called Mein Drumpf.

Tzur clarified that he disagreed with Trump on some subjects, but he now believes Trump is “the most courageous president of the US and the most significant for Israeli security… I salute him.”

Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.7933658   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ Hires Antitrust Staff As "Broad Investigation" Into Big Tech Firms Accelerates


The US Department of Justice Antitrust Division has been on a hiring spree amid investigations into Silicon Valley tech giants, according to Reuters, citing two DOJ officials with knowledge of the matter.



The department is scheduled to post an advertisement for positions, potentially on Monday, for additional attorneys, paralegals with an interest in tech and others to work in San Francisco to focus on the tech industry, one of the sources said.


A job posting for five people for two-year Washington positions that dates from November specifies that the attorneys hired will work on a broad investigation of major digital technology firms into whether they engage in anticompetitive practices. The posting includes a link to the agency’s press release announcing the probes. -Reuters


Companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Google are facing a litany of antitrust probes by the US government, along with Congressional investigators and state attorneys general.


"We have capacity to take on a good number of folks," said the source, who added that the number of new hires in the antitrust division will depend on the caliber of applicants.


The division works in conjunction with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to analyze mergers to ensure they are legal, as well as accusations of price-fixing.


In July, the Wall Street Journal reported that the DOJ was opening a broad antitrust review into whether dominant technology firms are unlawfully stifling competition.


The review is reportedly centered around examining the practices of online platforms that dominate internet search, social media and retail services; the report notes that the new antitrust inquiry is "the strongest signal yet of Attorney General William Barr’s deep interest in the tech sector, and it could ratchet up the already considerable regulatory pressures facing the top U.S. tech firms."


The agency is also reportedly looking into how the most dominant tech firms have grown in size and might—and expanded their reach into additional businesses, as well as weather big tech firms have abused the power that comes with having such large networks of users.


The DOJ's Antitrust Division began 2019 with a staff of approximately 622, which dropped to around 600 over the course of last year due to a hiring freeze which has recently been lifted. In the past six months, 86 employees have been hired - including an unspecified number of attorneys, paralegals and others.

Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.7933673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3716 >>3748 >>3933

Pam Bondi DROPS A MOAB ON DEMOCRATS, BIDEN CORRUPTION — Bondi Blows Up Burisma Scandal for All America to See – This was BRUTAL!


Pam Bondi took to the Senate Floor on Monday afternoon in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.


Former Florida Attorney General Bondi exposed the corrupt and nefarious actions by Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Burisma scandal.


Pam Bondi opened her testimony by mentioning the Democrats mentioned Burisma and Hunter Biden 400 times during their opening arguments last week.



And it was the FIRST TIME most of these Senators had heard about this corruption.


This was an amazing opening argument!

The liberal media was hoping to hide this from the American people!

Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.7933733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3808 >>3917

After Three Years of Being Unable to Respond in Court or Congress to Liberal Lies About Russia and Ukrainian Hoaxes, Trump Team Finally on Stage So MSM Cuts Away – Watch Live Feed Here


President Trump’s team has been stymied and unable to respond to Democrat claims and corruption in court. They were unable to respond to Mueller’s Russia Hoax and now the Dem’s Ukrainian Hoax. Finally the Trump team has opportunity on the Senate Floor to make its case and FOX News cuts to Juan Williams and the Five. The rest of the media won’t show it either.


Please watch the Senate Hearings here at Rightside Broadcasting:

Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.7933846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3958

West v. Steele: Trump-Russia dossier was ‘FABRICATION,’ colleague & spy expert revealed… YEARS ago


One of Britain’s leading experts on espionage, Nigel West, was hired to examine the dossier written by his friend Christopher Steele. He concluded it was rubbish. So why did it take almost three years for his story to come out?


Steele’s scandalous document, which claimed extensive ties between the then-US President-elect Donald Trump and the Kremlin, was published by BuzzFeed in January 2017 and quickly became the cornerstone of ‘Russiagate.’ Media talking heads insisted that much of it had been corroborated. In fact, nothing was.


West, hired to examine the dossier back in 2017, quickly concluded that “there is… a strong possibility that all Steele’s material has been fabricated,” according to the Sunday Times.


This is not just anybody’s opinion, either. West – the pen name of former MP Rupert Allason – is one of Britain’s foremost authorities on intelligence matters, and happens to known Steele personally, having met him at a NATO intelligence conference some years back.


“I’ve always had the highest respect for him,” West told RT on Monday. Which is why he was surprised to discover some basic errors in the dossier, such as treating one particular source as an expert in three entirely different fields, or making up the existence of the Russian consulate in Miami, Florida.


The source in question starts out as a middle-manager at the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow, but is later described as an expert on cyber warfare, and later yet as an expert on money-laundering by Russian immigrants in the US, West explained.


On the face of it, it looked inherently improbable that this single source was as proclaimed.


Back in early 2017, it didn’t matter. Steele had claimed that the Russian intelligence obtained compromising material – “kompromat” – on Trump, specifically a recording of him with prostitutes at the Ritz-Carlton in 2013, urinating on the same bed where US President Barack Obama had slept previously. Even FBI director at the time, Jim Comey, described the dossier as “salacious and unverified” in a testimony to Congress – which did not stop him from signing an application for a FISA warrant that the Bureau used to spy on the Trump campaign via one of its advisers, Carter Page.

Anonymous ID: f67db7 Jan. 27, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.7933876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Reconsider travel’: US advises Americans against traveling to China as first death from coronavirus confirmed in Beijing


The US has urged citizens to “reconsider” traveling to China in the State Department's newest advisory, amid the ongoing deadly coronavirus outbreak as another person fell victim to the disease in the Chinese capital of Beijing.


The travel advisory warns Americans about an “increased risk” of infection and explicitly calls on them not to travel to the Hubei province – the source of the outbreak that was essentially quarantined by the Chinese authorities. It also said that all non-emergency US personnel and their family members were ordered to leave the troubled province last week, thus confirming earlier media reports.


Further advice to those who would still travel to China despite the warnings includes such recommendations as avoiding contact with sick people as well as any animals, animal markets, and animal products such as uncooked meat.


The advisory comes as China’s capital of Beijing confirmed its first death from the deadly respiratory disease, caused by the novel coronavirus named 2019-nCoV, bringing the total death toll in the country to 82. Hundreds of new infections are also confirmed every day and the number of cases confirmed countrywide has surpassed 2,800.


The virus has already spread beyond China’s borders, with cases confirmed in 15 countries including Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia as well as France, Canada and the US itself. Chinese authorities recently revealed that the disease can spread before any symptoms could be detected, sparking concerns among some US doctors.