So much for dropping that HRC proof. This is getting old. How are promises kept if they keep falling flat? This is the shit that's pissing me off. TRUMP paid for signs that say he did but where are the results? If nothing happens tomorrow, I'm officially off the train, lads. I've got nothing left to give at this point.
He's going to drag this out for another term like OBAMA. Fuck all this.
We've been talking to a QUANTUM COMPUTING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE the whole fucking time. God damn it. All these months wasted.
Honestly, yeah anon. I'm so fucking tired of this slow crawl after being beat down for over 10 years.
Quit sucking presidential cock.
Living in my car, nothing else to do.
>Filter this faggot
Did I spoil the surpreeze, faggot?
Pic related. PERSON OF INTEREST using quantum computing to predict moves. Was used in chess a while back. Congratulations anons, you played yourself, worshipping a bronze computer. Wew. What a fucking shame. Q, GG but kiss my fucking taint. Can't piss on my face and tell me it's a "Storm"
I was told the same thing last week.
And the week before that.
And the week before that.
Aaaaaaand the week before that.
Can't recharge if we're running on fumes from empty promises.
Q-uantum computer is learningโฆ
"Trust the chan"