Anonymous ID: 0cbc4a Jan. 27, 2020, 4:44 p.m. No.7934863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4896 >>5150 >>5229

>>7933476 (pb)

Regarding Rosenstein's sister at the CDC and the remark about injectable "Prozac" to calm us down. There is evidence that the DoD was working on a vaccine of this nature.


However, I think its much, much worse than that. Think about it. The brain damage, death and disability caused by vaccination is so devastating, plus all the other crimes perpetrated against the US population I have a worse hypothesis. This entire country is scene of such massive crimes that the criminals don't want anyone around to come after them or protest or ask for reparations, file lawsuits, etc.


The real bioweapons have NEVER been biological organisms in my opinion in modern times. Its ALWAYS been mandated injected ones to "protect" you from the fictitious threat of microorganisms. Any microorganisms sufficiently lethal to be a threat were probably created in labs, and are not that useful because they are not targeted and some people will inevitably protect themselves. Vaccines damage the recipient's immune system and cause many people to "shed" infective particles even if asymptomatic. Vaccines are a way to AMPLIFY the deaths from an outbreak and to kill in very targeted fashion.


Tom Frieden, formerly of the CDC had plans to hold people he suspected were carrying infectious diseases. Not sure if he was involved with this aspect, but I've also read of the creation of road blocks with "vaccination pods" using law enforcement to mass vaccinate the public.


I have a book called "Vaccine A" by Gary Matsumoto. He wrote about the Soviets realizing that a vaccine was a perfect bioweapon. At first, it was thought that giving someone a slow poison via vaccination was a bad idea, but then the sheer nefarious effectiveness of such a plan was realized. It's been practiced HERE by our own CDC for decades, I believe.


For grins look up information on a "German-American" businessman by the name of Fuad El-Hibri and his connection to the only FDA licensed anthrax vaccine in the US. I think that "gentleman" needs to be investigated.