Anonymous ID: 31299d Jan. 27, 2020, 5:26 p.m. No.7935427   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7933385 (PB)

Time for Mr. Judge to demand the proof of income in order to set the level of child support, no? You know … the proof he already gave Hunter a deadline for? That, or toss him in the klink for contempt of court.

>>7933707 (PB)

Without question, he'd get a state funeral. Trump would not divide the country like that … they aren't prepared to dismiss his presidency yet. When they DO get to that point, let them look back and say that Trump treated him better than he deserved for the sake of the union.

>>7933655 (PB)


For generations, this was the norm. This contributed to a strong, intelligent, population that advanced civilization. See the other photo for what happens when we don't build these bonds and transfer the immunities and intellect to the next generation.