Anonymous ID: 3c7b14 Jan. 27, 2020, 4:46 p.m. No.7934878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4892 >>4895

Liberal Reporter Goes Crazy on Ted Cruz For Exposing Biden Corruption, Asks if His 9 and 11-Year-Old Children Should be Put in Prison


Liberal reporters could not stand to listen to GOP Senator Ted Cruz shred the corrupt and criminal Bidens so they kept interrupting him, but one reporter went too far.


Senator Ted Cruz on Monday spoke to the press after Trump’s lawyers went scorched earth on the Biden crime family on day two of their defense in the impeachment trial.


Pam Bondi and Eric Herschmann both exposed Hunter Biden and his pay-to-play schemes in Ukraine and China.


Ted Cruz went off on the Bidens as reporters clamored to defend Hunter and Joe.


CNN reporter and Playboy White House correspondent Brian Karem became so flustered with Ted Cruz that he asked the Texas Senator if his children should be in prison.


Watch Ted Cruz shut down reporters as he goes on a 5-minute rant blasting the corrupt Bidens:


Here’s the shorter clip of the exchange where CNN’s Brian Karem asked Ted Cruz if his 9 and 11-year-old children should be put in prison:


“My children are 9 and 11. I’m sorry you want to throw a 9 and 11 year-old in prison,” Ted Cruz said.

Anonymous ID: 3c7b14 Jan. 27, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.7935391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5413 >>5423 >>5480 >>5567 >>5581

‘Conspiracy Theory Peddled by Breitbart’ – Biden Spox Responds to Public Drubbing by Trump’s Attorneys at Senate Trial on Biden-Ukraine Corruption


President Trump’s defense went scorched earth on the Biden crime family on Monday on day two of the Senate impeachment trial.


Pam Bondi and Eric Herschmann both exposed Hunter Biden and his pay-to-play schemes in Ukraine and China.


Ms. Bondi clearly and concisely showed how Hunter Biden was sitting on the board of a very corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company whilst his father then-Vice President Joe Biden was tasked with handling Ukrainian relations.


The Senators got to see for the first time all of the bank statements proving Hunter Biden was paid over $3 million in a 17-month time span for sitting on the board of Burisma, despite having zero experience in oil and gas.


Mr. Herschmann said on Monday there has never been an investigation into the Biden-Burisma scandal.


Biden, who has the cover of the fake news media responded to Trump’s lawyers and said it’s all a debunked conspiracy theory peddled by Breitbart News.


PERGRAM: Biden spox Andrew Bates on assertions made about Bidens in Senate trial: “We didn’t realize that Breitbart was expanding into Ted Talk knockoffs. Here on Planet Earth, the conspiracy theory that Bondi repeated has been conclusively refuted. The New York Times calls it ‘debunked’”


‘Conspiracy Theory Peddled by Breitbart’ – Biden Spox Responds to Public Drubbing by Trump’s Attorneys at Senate Trial on Biden-Ukraine Corruption

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila January 27, 2020 16 Comments


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President Trump’s defense went scorched earth on the Biden crime family on Monday on day two of the Senate impeachment trial.


Pam Bondi and Eric Herschmann both exposed Hunter Biden and his pay-to-play schemes in Ukraine and China.


Ms. Bondi clearly and concisely showed how Hunter Biden was sitting on the board of a very corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company whilst his father then-Vice President Joe Biden was tasked with handling Ukrainian relations.


The Senators got to see for the first time all of the bank statements proving Hunter Biden was paid over $3 million in a 17-month time span for sitting on the board of Burisma, despite having zero experience in oil and gas.


Mr. Herschmann said on Monday there has never been an investigation into the Biden-Burisma scandal.


Biden, who has the cover of the fake news media responded to Trump’s lawyers and said it’s all a debunked conspiracy theory peddled by Breitbart News.


PERGRAM: Biden spox Andrew Bates on assertions made about Bidens in Senate trial: “We didn’t realize that Breitbart was expanding into Ted Talk knockoffs. Here on Planet Earth, the conspiracy theory that Bondi repeated has been conclusively refuted. The New York Times calls it ‘debunked’”


Joe Biden is also on camera bragging about threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid from Ukraine unless they fired Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings.


“Well son of a bitch! He got fired,” Biden said bragging during a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.