Anonymous ID: ea4605 Jan. 27, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.7935107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Smoking out the Deep State: Start with farces such as Faux ChitChat Book Club Sludge Entertainment Channel!!! Conservatives who have "providers" such as CommieCast believe it's the be all-end all for "news". This CRAP HAS TO GO!

Communist Pravda is "reporting" how Judge Jeanne "confronted" RUDY, who is putting his EVERYTHING ON THE LINE for this country. And some Mockingbird ENTERTAINER is going to question HIM for "evidence", as though HE'S wrong? Thought she was on our side? Oh NO - can't mention ROSEMONT SENECA, can we, Mockingbird Pravda.

Hey Hannity, what happened to "#IstandwithShine?" But keep being repetitious (Censored), instead of taking your huge followings to a LEGITIMATE NEWS Outlet (whether OAN or anywhere else), which could USE some needed exposure.

Mark Levin, keep $elling those books and screaming.