Anonymous ID: ba0787 Jan. 27, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.7936163   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's crazy. I live in Canada and there are homeless Canadians everywhere. Families are living in the street and the rent is out of control, and they keep coming. It's a disaster.


My My My ! The hijacked and mutinized U.S. Republic , looks like the newly established Bolshevik Regime , that was forcibly established in Russia , in "1917" And following it's creation ; they had over 100,000,000 White European Christians brutally raped , tortured , mutilated , starved and murdered , by psychosexual sadistic Zionist Bolshevik Communist Fake Jews.


Tens of Millions of White European's were sent to the Gulags in Siberia , where inhuman POS like Yagoda had it's way with Whitey !


Guess what Whitey ! Why do you think these fake jews had these 800 Fema / Death camps built in North America? So you and your Families can be Railroaded off via Human Cattle Cars , to one of these Torture chambers , made exclusively for Whitey !


Think I am Making this all up ?


If these fake jews were so concerned about agenda 21 , why are they flooding every European nation with hundreds of millions of Wetbacks , Subhuman Apes and Sand Niggers and using DHS buses to transport them to all these so called Sanctuary cities and then to the welfare offices ,

Wake the bloody hell up , you stultified and zombified mass of White European's ! These fake jews aka Synagogue of Satan , are going to cull you all !


This is no f…g joke , these Fake Jews are currently slaughtering our people in every disarmed White nation !


They will have their weaponized global hordes of subhuman apes - wetbacks and sand niggers at your doorsteps , when they ""APPOINT"" Their newest Traitor into the White House .


Don't be surprised if this Killery is Appointed . Prepare yourselves and stock up on as much Ammo and weapons as you can and have a survival plan because what I have told you , you will forever remember !