Anonymous ID: 6678e7 Jan. 27, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.7936593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609

>>7936354 (lb)

Perhaps, I have no way of evaluating that claim. I can only go by what you have posted in regards to what we do know from the drops. See my reply to you before this one on another post of yours. I stand by my comments.


>>7936394 (lb)

>I never said no arrests

Was not talking about arrests specifically, read the rest of the partial drop I quoted, in context of each line. Why must disinformation be provided? I replied to your post

>>7936319 (lb) which you stated

>Not from Q

in reply to


>Some disinformation is necessary.


Q has said disinformation is necessary, and explained why in my quote from #2937. You said otherwise. Have a good night, my final reply to you.