Reason for the whole shit show is the final vote.
Their votes will be held against them forever.
You are either a defender of your oath of office, or you are not.
Reason for the whole shit show is the final vote.
Their votes will be held against them forever.
You are either a defender of your oath of office, or you are not.
Dresses like that every day.
VP AOC. Life insurance. kek
My biggest fear about warren is that when Otraitor was running, and I'm walking around telling everyone that would listen, there is no way the American public will elect that asshole.
They did it twice.
Rather have Pelosi than Ryan. At least you expect Pelosi to back door you at every opportunity.
Ryan is the biggest cuck ever to hold that position. FUCK HIM Twice.
Is it on the UK board?
Did it say "Brought to you by Carls Jr.?"
Apparently that particular drunken moron didn't.
Bolton is a Neo-con douchebag.
Trump just used him and his connections to get what he wanted, then booted his ass.
He is just a crybaby pussy.