Why are you always LARPing as a boomer?
Uh oh, anime..
Imagine being this triggered over a LITERAL CARTOON.
So, why do you LARP as a boomer?
It's kind of strange that your target demographic is newfag boomers.
You must consider them easy targets.
Shame on you.
So how come you spend all of your time promoting filters, LARPing as a boomer and creating memes specifically targeting the JQ?
Why do you use language that shills have been using throughout online spaces?
Try harder, pain is coming.
It's from delicious bat soup!!
Whoa whoa anon, you can't say nigger.
Wouldn't want the MSM to make a hit piece on the board!
You seriously just say free speech too hard for you while posting a generic meme about using a filter?
What the actual fuck am I witnessing..
Anon, if you say racist and anti semitic things.
Think about what the MSM will say!!
It's very important to adhere to (((their))) narrative.
Wow, just unbelievable!
How dare you post that misogynist meme!!
Don't you know the MSM will now screencap this and make a hit piece that will COMPLETELY discredit this board as racist, anti semitic and bigotted white supremacists?!
The power of the MSM is absolute and totally respected, you fool!!!
Do go on, fellow anonymous user of this board.
How exactly did you go about opening your third eye and accessing field consciousness?