Anonymous ID: eb5a9f Jan. 27, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.7936808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6837 >>6867 >>6870 >>6878 >>6916 >>6933 >>6956 >>7041 >>7105 >>7140

Q and Q+….now that Q- has been indicted … if these boards continue to be pro [F] I think I’m going to lose my shit! All of these Qtubers are straight up Liars and charlatans!! Good honest people are constantly being tricked by these #RICO violators! Good honest patriots don’t want to follow Ramtha Cult ir Matrix Lies. Those DS have clearly hijacked OUR Movement!! Thanks for marking the mighty 200 so they can be constantly monitored and tracked. You Guys are brilliant. Hopefully they’re leading you to bigger fish! Fishing Is Fun! Coast Guard is Killing it!! Thank You! Gregham Knows Math! Haha