Anonymous ID: 068714 Jan. 27, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.7937384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7403 >>7444



MBS met Kobe Bryant at the same Hollywood party that he allegedly exchanged cell numbers with Jeff Bezos


This may have nothing to do with Kobe Bryant's death, but it is an interesting coincidence that Bezos makes the hacking allegation just days before Kobe dies in a helicopter crash. Moreover, the paperwork filed by Churchill Ripley LLC, the consulting firm that was used to arrange MBS's multi week tour with business leaders in early 2018 does not mention the Hollywood dinner on April 4th 2018 and states that MBS met with Kobe on February 12th, 2018, nearly 2 months prior.


WTF is going on here?


VICE: Technical Report Suggesting Saudi Arabia’s Prince Hacked Jeff Bezos’ Phone


NOTE: The forensic investigation of Bezos’ phone was led by Anthony J Farrante of FTI Consulting, a former FBI investigator who also worked on the hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 by Russian nation-state hackers.


NDS/FARA Registration Form dated 9/28/2018! (26 days after Khashoggi's assassination)


Saudi Arabia reaches out to NBA superstar Kobe Bryant amid sports drive

The firm helped organise was a February meeting between Princess Reema and Kobe Bryant on the topic of “the development of basketball in Saudi Arabia”.


Sportswashing: how Saudi Arabia lobbies the US's largest sports bodies




Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Finally Freed By Saudi Anti-Corruption Commission

in early February 2018


MBS does a several week tour in the US meeting various Business contacts including Kobe Bryant. The Western Media covered this trip and highlighted a Hollywood dinner, which occurred on April 4th 2018. This was the same dinner that alledgedly MBS exchanged phone numbers with Jeff Bezo as well as met Kobe Bryant, though no known pictures exist of the two together.


The assassination of Jamal Khashoggi—a Saudi dissident, journalist for The Washington Post, and former general manager and editor-in-chief of the Al-Arab News Channel—occurred on 2 October 2018 at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, and was perpetrated by agents of the Saudi government.

Anonymous ID: 068714 Jan. 27, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.7937652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7712







>Could you glow any more? Vice, the guardian? MbS is on board. Kasho was a DS faggot.


No, look in the mirror clown


your non argument sucks


What's key here is that the FARA forms disputes the media's account of the meetings tha MBS had.


MBS wanted Kobe help him bring basketball to Saudi Arabia. If the deep state is trying to frame MBS, Kobe may have had the credibility and courage to dispute the narrative that BEZOs is pushing.

I am not saying that Kobe's death is related, but it should be considered as a possibility if foul play is found to be involved