Sum ting wong
Clear mind, (meditation practice helps).
Being very Present in the moment.
Intention and clear belief.
High level of awareness.
Realization everything is frequency and vibration
Ask the question. (if you are permitted to do so)
wait and see what comes to you.
Sauce: Power Vs. Force
Sauce: Kinesiolgy
The skillful are not obvious
They appear to be simple-minded
Those who know this know the patterns
of the Absolute
To know the patterns is the Subtle Power
The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name.
Actually we are designed to access "it". Look at our neuro anatomy and chemistry (frontal cortex). Its obvious what a bird does with its wings. Why is it so difficult to understand our special attributes? Every thought does matter. Thought preseeds all experience.
Is it really so surprising? Maybe if we simply reduced the amount of frequencies we are bombarded with every day. Tv, Cell phones, computers disrupt the natural pulse of the world around us. So much distraction. Go sit with nature for a while and see what comes your way.