ID: 728cad Jan. 28, 2020, 6:07 a.m. No.7939779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9902 >>0038

This will be a nice dig for summon, unable to do it myself.


>How do you move money, drugs, guns and bodies around?

Planes, trains, automobiles and boats.




Ray LaHood


Highlights (from Wiki, but well sauced footnotes for starts):

  • From Illinois

  • Republican

  • Arab-American (Lebanese ancestry)

  • one of only three Republicans who did not sign on to Gingrich's Contract with America

  • served on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee from 1995 until 2000, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence beginning in 1998, and the House Appropriations Committee beginning in 2000

  • appointed by Obama as Transportation Secretary in Dec 2008 before Obama took office

  • known porkbarrel moneyman and spendthrift; The Washington Post reported that of the $60 million in earmarks LaHood secured for his district in 2008, $9 million went to campaign donors


>Here's where shit gets spoopy


"On January 21, 2012, LaHood's son, Sam LaHood, was detained by the Egyptian government and not allowed to leave the country as part of a politically charged criminal investigation by the Egyptian government into the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) monitoring local elections in Egypt. LaHood's son is the Egypt director of the International Republican Institute. The Egyptian government detained twelve NGO representatives from leaving Egypt.


On February 5, 2012, Egyptian authorities charged LaHood's son and 42 other individuals with "spending money from organizations that were operating in Egypt without a license." Nineteen Americans were part of the 42 charged. The U.S. government said that $1.5 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt could be withheld if the investigation was not finished quickly. Faiza Abu Naga, Egypt's Minister of International Cooperation, was seen as the person pushing the investigation forward. Sam LaHood left Egypt along with several foreign NGO workers on March 1, 2012. Sam LaHood was tried in absentia by an Egyptian criminal court, and convicted of operating without a license and receiving foreign funding. LaHood was given a five-year jail term and fined 1,000 Egyptian pounds ($143).


Paging the Podesta brothers, cleanup on aisle Libya


Happy hunting, Anons