Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.7941420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1617

Hundreds Of Virus Carrying Planes Headed For US, London, Paris, Vancouver


Lockdowns are for the peasants, not those with money.


What Does Halt All Traffic Mean?


This morning, I Decided to Research this Question:


Results below.

Lockdown? What Lockdown?


There is no lockdown in China, if you are wealthy.


Check out this Beijing Flight Schedule for today. Here's the Wuhan Flight Schedule for today.


Lockdowns are for those with no money, not the wealthy.

Beijing Departures


25 flights on a page


5 pages for the 00:00-06:00 departures


26 pages for 06:00-12:00 departures


22 pages for the 12:00-18:00 Beijing departures


20 pages for the 18:00-00:00 departures


That's about 1825 flights out of Beijing.

Wuhan Departures Today


How easy is it to escape Wuhan?


You can still catch a flight from Wuhan to Anchorage, Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok, Singapore, Taipei and countless cities in China including Beijing and Shanghai.


There are 8 pages of flights out of Wuhan today. That's about 200 flights. Most of the flights are within China, but that hardly stops containment.


In the 00:00-06:00 slot one flight left for Anchorage. Another left for Bangkok, Thailand and another went to Tokyo.


In the 06:00-12:00 slot, two planes left for Tokyo and three to Hong Kong.


In the 12:00-18:00 slot, three planes left for Seoul, South Korea and two went to Taipei, Taiwan.


In the 18:00-00:00 slot, one plane went to Bangkok , three went to Taipei, three went to Hong Kong,


Wuhan Departures Tomorrow


Tomorrow, there are four flights from Wuhan to Singapore, three to Taipei, two to Bangkok, three to Tokyo, three to Paris, and six to Hong Kong, three to San Francisco,


The rest headed for other parts of China including Beijing. Then where?​ Here are international possibilities from Beijing.

US and Canada Destinations From Beijing Today


New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Anchorage, Newark, Vancouver

European Destinations From Beijing Today


Amsterdam, Istanbul, Paris, Prague, Milan, Moscow, Frankfort, Munich, Athens, Barcelona, Warsaw, Rome, Stockholm, London

Other International Destinations From Beijing Today


Sydney, Singapore, Melbourne, Abu Dahabi, Manila, Auckland, Hong Kong, Seoul, Macau, Osaka, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Taipei.

Flight Ban Starting Today?

Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.7941444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1512 >>1572 >>1645

O’Keefe Releases Part 4 #Expose2020 – Two Bernie Field Organizers in South Carolina Admit Sanders Campaign Attracts “Truly Radical People”


James O’Keefe strikes again!


Project Veritas on Tuesday released part 4 of its #Expose2020 series with an undercover video of two Bernie field organizers in South Carolina admitting the Sanders campaign attracts “truly radical people.”


In the recorded conversation, Mason Baird, a South Carolina Field Organizer elaborated on how he envisions a Bernie Sanders presidency, Veritas reported.


In Baird’s view, creating a militant labor movement that is institutionalized by the federal government would be the best route to consolidate Sanders’ power. Here are the statements Baird made during conversations with a PVA journalist:


“I’ve canvassed with someone whose an Anarchist, and with someone who’s a Marxist/Leninist so we attract radical, truly radical people in the campaign but obviously that’s not outward facing…”


“Um…well, I think the goal is just to build a…you know, build a coalition…so, a lot of people…their politics fall outside of the American norm, so their politics are Marxist/Leninist, they’re Anarchists, so these types of folks they have more of a mind for ‘direct action’ for engaging in politics outside of the electoral system.”


“Bernie said that – that the only way that we’re going to – the only way we’re going live is if – is if we have this mass movement going after the election.”


“For the first time, for the first time, in like, my life, maybe even, probably most of our lives in American history, we’re going to have – like if we have Bernie in the White House, we’re going to have, a real plan for dual power; where we’ll have the presidency and we’ll have a mass movement, right alongside it, that’s like going to be like institutionalized and supported…and I’d like to participate in it.”


“…Once we break up Google, YouTube, Facebook, nationalize these things, then that would be a huge thing forward so far as education stuff goes.”


“We would need a federal government and labor union movement that is working together to strip power away from capitalists and preferably directing violence toward property. At the end of the day, this kind of stuff will come out through practice, through the work and it’s hard for me to talk about it in the moment we live in cause I think China today is not what Mao envisioned, right it was through the practice of Chinese people doing the work to create the China today. So, it never – we’re never going – I think a lot of the stuff – a lot of these answers are going to come through practice – we’re going to try things – things aren’t going to work – we’re going to move on to the next thing, and we’re going to try to be as conscious and intentional about those things, but when you get into a certain level of detail, and depth, it’s like, that’s kind of my ‘cop out’, it comes through the work, you know. The answers come through the work.”


“It would, it’s gonna take, you know, it’s gonna take militancy…like a militant labor movement that’s willing to…strike, and if necessary, you know, just destroy property and things like that.”


“A militant labor movement is kind of our last – our last real chance before we try…other means.”


“…After we abolish landlords, we don’t have to kill them, that’s my feeling I think it’s damaging to the soul, but um, there were plenty of excesses in 1917 (Russian Revolution) I would hope to avoid. Labor, I think that’s a big source of power for us, and just try to gain as much leverage and power in the short time that we have. You know, Lenin didn’t have the internet, they were a peasant society, and I mean it was like, so you know I would hope that like, that we would – we’d have – we’d be doing a bunch of prep work before the capitalists got hip to what we were doing, I guess. That’s my best uh, I’m not excited about the prospect of armed struggle…”


“…And so I think that, um, I think if we pay attention to, to the lived experience of people in post-Soviet States and in Russia and things like that, then we do find that, yeah, like a lot of the stories we’re told in the United States about, you know, the Gulags and the persecution of the Kulaks and things like that are exaggerated…we certainly don’t have, uh, uh, a straight perspective on that stuff here in America.”

Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.7941484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

South Dakota on Track to Ban Gender Reassignment Surgery and Hormone Therapy for Children


The House State Affairs Committee in South Dakota has passed a proposal that will make it illegal for doctors to treat children younger than 16 with hormones or gender-reassignment surgery.


South Dakota is one of at least six states with proposed legislation to outlaw the practice.


Now that it has passed the state affairs committee, it will pass to the Republican-controlled House floor.


The lawmakers originally wanted the penalty for doctors who violate the measure to be a class 4 felony, but it has been lowered to a class 1 misdemeanor.


The bill’s sponsor, Republican State Rep. Fred Deutsch made the common sense argument that young children shouldn’t be making life altering decisions based on childhood feelings.


“A child’s belief that he or she is of the opposite sex, and the South Dakota doctor’s decision to provide the procedures banned in this bill, are based solely on a child’s feelings,” Deutsch told reporters. “There’s no blood test, there’s no brain scan, nor any objective medical test to detect it. It’s feelings, and as you all know, feelings change, especially in children.”


The Democrats have argued that the legislation will lead to the LGBTQ community and their allies boycotting the state.


“There will be blowback,” Democrat House Minority Leader Jamie Smith told the Washington Times. “We’ll be labeled as a state that is not welcoming and is not inclusive.”


“As you all know in South Dakota, we don’t allow children to smoke, play video lottery, buy a South Dakota lottery ticket, gamble in Deadwood, or buy, serve or consume alcohol,” Deutsch explained. “Why is that? It’s because children aren’t prepared or qualified to make the decisions of this magnitude, even though they believe they may be.”


South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem has expressed skepticism of the bill.


The American Civil Liberties Union has vowed to fight against the South Dakota legislation and any similar bills that pass nationwide. They were previously involved in the boycott over North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” that was eventually overturned.

Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.7941501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1645

Kentucky Senate unanimously advances 'born alive' abortion bill


'Who can dispute that that's a human life?'


A bill to ensure medical care for the survivors of attempted abortions is moving forward in the Bluegrass State.


The Associated Press reported Monday that the Kentucky's state Senate approved of a born-alive abortion bill — also called SB 9 — by a vote of 32-0 and now goes on to the state's House of Representatives.


The legislation would require doctors and health workers to provide "medically appropriate and reasonable life-saving and life-sustaining medical care and treatment" to infants born alive during failed abortion attempts. It also bars providers from denying or depriving a born-alive infant of "medically appropriate and reasonable medical care, medical treatment, or surgical care." Violation of those provisions would be considered a felony under the law.


"We want to make sure that life is protected not only in the womb, but certainly after the baby's out of the womb," said Sen. Whitney Westerfield, the legislation's lead sponsor.


The bill passed out of committee last week with a 9-0 vote and without anyone speaking in opposition to it, The Courier-Journal reported.


But while pro-lifers view the legislation as an effort to protect some of society's most vulnerable members, the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky characterizes it as a veiled effort to "push abortion completely out of reach."


"Abortion is and always has been necessary, and Kentuckians must be able to avail themselves of this care, regardless of the personal opposition our elected officials may have to this procedure," reads a letter from ACLU of Kentucky advocacy director Kate Miller last week. "Bills like these perpetuate myths and lies about abortion care, patients who receive this care, and the doctors who care for them."


"Who can dispute that that's a human life?" Westerfield said in defense of his bill last week. "It's outside the womb. It's alive. Who would advocate for it to be killed?"


He added, "We want to make sure the law's there to punish those that are trying to do it and get away with it."


Born-alive legislation became the subject of national debate last year after Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam came under fire for his remarks about a radical abortion bill that would have allowed for the termination of unborn life up to the moment of birth and even potentially after.


In response to the Northam controversy, the U.S. Senate held a vote on a federal bill to ensure medical care for abortion survivors in February, but it failed to get enough votes to move forward, with 44 Democrats voting against it.

Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:33 a.m. No.7941531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555 >>1643 >>1645

UK Approves Huawei 5G, Throws Roadblocks in Path of Post-Brexit Trade Deal


The United Kingdom has shrugged off concerns of handing China a back-door key to the nation’s critical national infrastructure and spiking post-Brexit trade with key Anglosphere allies, signing off the involvement of Huawei in the future 5G data networks.


Tech giant Huawei, a company critics claim is controlled by the Chinese government and uses its advanced, cheap, and pervasive equipment to commit espionage on foreign powers — claims the company strongly denies — will have a so-called limited role in the rollout of next-generation 5G technology, the British government has decided.


Delingpole: Huawei, Coronavirus and Boris’s Great Brexit Betrayal


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 27, 2020


The move was decided Tuesday by the UK National Security Council, a group of senior cabinet ministers chaired by the Prime Minister and attended by civil servants and military bosses, following advice from the Civil Service, which decided in spite of the many warnings and potential pitfalls presented by the Huawei deal to rubber-stamp the deal last week.


Under the decision, Huawei will not be permitted to supply equipment to “sensitive parts” of the network core, but will provide a third of the equipment to what the BBC reports to be the “periphery” of Britain’s future 5G network. The report states the permitted equipment will include masts, clearly implying the radio backbone of the network itself which will handle consumer and business data will use Huawei technology.


The distinction between the core and the periphery has been enough for the government to overlook security warnings from both senior intelligence figures as home, and key allies abroad. But the United States, for instance, which has been absolutely clear in its calls for Huawei to be totally excluded, believes the distinction now will not protect the network from potential espionage and sabotage in future.


What is less clear, is why the British government has so willingly entered into a relationship with Huawei which appears to sabotage the government’s own aims on Brexit — namely signing trade deals with close allies after leaving the European Union. Australia and New Zealand have warned the UK against imperilling the Five-Eyes intelligence sharing agreement — the deepest and most successful of its kind in human history — by admitting Huawei into the nation’s data architecture, and the United States has explicitly said Huawei involvement would imperil a post-Brexit trade deal.


U.S. Warns Britain Accepting Huawei 5G Will Imperil Post-Brexit Trade Deal


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 25, 2020


This is of particular importance because signing a trade deal with the United States quickly after Brexit appears to be a key lynchpin of the post-EU strategy, as an easy passage of that agreement would be a major signal to the rest of the world that the UK is emerging ready to trade, and easy to do business with. It also holds the European Union’s feet to the fire, as their anticipated prevarication over signing a deal with the UK would be shown up as a sham in the light of a quick deal with the U.S.


Yet, the BBC reports, China seems to have given the United Kingdom a simple choice — choose Huawei or face “substantial” repercussions to trade and investment. Given the choice between the U.S. and China, Prime Minister Johnson appears to have chosen Beijing.


Given this disconnect in stated policy and public action, some may view the advice of unelected civil servants to the National Security Council to ignore security and trade concerns and sign with Huawei anyway with concern.


Responding Tuesday, a White House spokesman said the Trump administration was “disappointed” with the decision, while Conservative statesman and former party leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith has said the decision “beggars belief”.

Anonymous ID: 2cec76 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7941590   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cartel Gunmen, Soldiers Clash After Cocaine-Filled Plane Lands South of Cancun


A group of cartel gunmen managed to land an airplane filled with cocaine in southern Mexico before soldiers arrived, setting off a fierce shootout and killing one. The gunmen reportedly used automatic weapons and a .50 caliber rifle.


The shootout took place in Bacalar, Quintana Roo, on Monday near the highway to Merida. The scene was northwest of Chetumal and approximately 200 miles south of Cancun. The gunmen unloaded the plane and were preparing to torch it before authorities arrived.


“This morning there was a shootout in Quintana Roo, a plane with drugs,” said Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador during his daily news conference later in the day. “The one heading up the operation was the commander of the zone, he was shot, there was a shootout and they killed his driver and wounded him.”


A news release by Mexico’s Army revealed that shortly after 3:30 a.m., authorities spotted a plane flying from South America and sent out an intercept team. As the troops arrived, the gunmen injured four–including a general leading the operation. One of the soldiers died shortly after the clash.