Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7941769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Retired General Remains in Jail as Rape, Incest Trial Postponed Again


The jury trial of retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene on rape and incest charges has been postponed for eight more months.


Grazioplene was scheduled to face trial Monday, but Prince William County's Circuit Court has continued the proceedings until Sept. 14, according to Christina Shaw, a deputy clerk at the Circuit Court Clerk's Office.


The two-star, who retired from the Army in 2005, was arrested Dec. 7, 2018, and indicted by a Virginia grand jury on three counts of rape and three counts of incest allegedly involving his daughter between Aug. 1, 1987, and May 31, 1988, according to the Dec. 3 indictment documents.


The Army charged Grazioplene in 2017 with violating Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice with six specifications of rape of a minor on multiple occasions between 1983 and 1989, The Washington Post reported.


But the Army dismissed the case after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces ruled there should be a five-year statute of limitations on rape charges, according to an Army Times story.


The current indictments against Grazioplene do not name his victim, but The Washington Post story reported that Jennifer M. Elmore, 47, said in an interview that she first reported to the Army in 2015 that her father, Grazioplene, had sexually abused her when she was a child.


When reached for comment, Elmore's attorney, Ryan Guilds, declined to comment on the case. contacted Grazioplene's attorneys – Thomas Pavlinic and John Irving – to find out why the trial has been continued but did not receive a response by press time.


Grazioplene's trial was continued twice in 2019. His original trial date was postponed from April 29 to Sept. 3 and then continued until Jan. 27 to give his attorneys more time to locate key witnesses, according to the Defendant's Notice and Motion to Continue.


Grazioplene remains in custody at the Prince William-Manassas Regional Adult Detention Center, according to an official at the jail.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.7941781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel paper: Now Soleimani is dead, time to target Turkey’s intelligence chief


Israel paper called for authorities to keep a watchful eye on the head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency as he and the former general of Iran’s Quds Forces are “very similar to each other”.


In an article entitled “The Sultan and Soleimani”, Makor Rishon claimed that Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq earlier this month, and the head of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organisation, Hakan Fidan, are “very similar to each other and both are carrying out proxy wars in the name of their country in Iraq and Syria”.


“Since Soleimani lies three feet under after the attack, now it is time to focus on the plots of the head of the Turkish Intelligence Service (MIT), Hakan Fidan, who is his twin,” the paper continued.


In 2018, the newspaper warned its readers of the Turkish government’s activities and funding of Arab cities in Israel with a strong Ottoman history, particularly Acre and Jaffa.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7941793   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lacking Evidence, Pompeo Blames Iran for Rocket Fire on Baghdad Embassy


Accuses Iran of 'wanton disregard for Iraqi sovereignty'


Three rockets hit the US Embassy compound in Baghdad on Sunday, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in keeping with his foreign policy priorities, was quick to make this all about Iran, despite a conspicuous lack of evidence Iran was in any way involved.


Pompeo called Iraqi PM Adel Abdul Mahdi to express this outrage, telling him that Iran’s attack demonstrated a “wanton disregard for Iraqi sovereignty.” The State Department also pushed Iraq to do something to protect the embassy.


But who actually fired the rockets? That’s not clear at all. Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), the government-run Shi’ite militia group that the US usually just calls Iran for narrative’s sake, has denied any involvement. One of the PMF groups, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, pointed out that the type of rocket that hit the embassy wasn’t even the type any of the groups field anymore, saying it was old and not used in years by any of the militias.


That should be fairly easy to confirm for the US as well, since a lot of the PMF groups are armed by the Iraqi government, which is armed by the US. Iran, likewise, wouldn’t be depending on very outdated rockets, as the US has consistently played up the threat posed by Iran’s large, advanced missile program.


Pompeo has long been an advocate of US hostility toward Iran, and anything that happens even close to Iran he makes sure is blamed on them. The lack of evidence is, as ever, a reason to take his position with a grain of salt, but it’s clearly never been an obstacle for him before, and won’t be now.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.7941806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi accused of ‘Judaising’ the Quran


A copy of the Qur'an that was translated to Hebrew and approved by Saudi authorities has more than 300 errors


A translation of the Holy Quran into Hebrew, approved by the Saudi authorities, has been found to contain more than 300 errors, a number of which appearing to support Israel’s narrative over its claim to Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Amongst the most serious errors, discovered by the Palestinian news agency Shehab, is the omission of the name of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), who is mentioned at least four times in the Muslim holy text. Equally serious is the translation of Al-Aqsa Mosque to “The Temple” which is the Jewish name for the Muslim holy site.


The website of the King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Quran, which produces about ten million copies of the Quran every year in 74 different languages, displayed the error strewn copy on its website.


In response to queries about the mistakes, the King Fahd Complex said that the concerns had been presented to “competent authority in the complex, and is awaiting the appropriate procedure by the complex management after verification and study.”


A copy of the translation was made available to the public in a PDF format until last Saturday evening, before Shehab’s publication of a video alerting to the errors.


In the video, researcher on Israeli affairs, Aladdin Ahmed, is shown raising alarm over the mistranslation, many of which contain doctrinal implications. The name Al-Aqsa Mosque was replaced in the seventh verse of Surah Al-Isra (17th Surah) which tells of the miraculous event in which Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is transported from Mecca to Jerusalem.


The Hebrew translation contains a parenthesis alongside the translation of Al-Aqsa Mosque to “The Temple” in which it is stated that it is the same place as where the temple of Prophet Suleiman (pbuh) is located.


Muslims are very likely to see this as a dangerous mistranslation, giving the impression that the Islamic holy text itself endorses a fundamentalist Jewish reading of history while at the same time justifying Israel’s attempt to demolish the holy site in order to rebuild the ancient temple.


Many are unlikely to see, what is thought to be a “Judaised” reading of the Quran, as being a mere coincidence. Saudi-Israel relations are at a crossroads at this current moment. Under Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the kingdom appears to have turned its back on the Palestinians by signalling that he is ready for political normalisation with Tel-Aviv even if it means complete abandonment of the Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.7941840   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1 Thessalonians 5:3


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.7941862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2213 >>2435

New Zealand’s Hidden Role at the Biggest US Bombing Base in the Middle East


A recent issue of Air Force News revealed that a senior NZDF officer served a six-month posting at the Qatar base, placing New Zealanders at the heart of the main targeting and bombing centre in that region, writes Darius Shahtahmasebi


Last month the coalition government declared the end of New Zealand Defence Force deployments in Iraq. The announcement was silent, however, about the future of another deployment of New Zealand personnel, to a U.S. military base in the Middle East that has attracted controversy thanks to its role at the center of a large proportion of U.S. bombing missions in the region.


The base is called the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) and it is located at the Al-Udeid airbase in the small Persian Gulf nation of Qatar. Bombing missions that have been controlled from the base – where aircraft take off and land every 10 minutes, 24 hours a day – are implicated in large numbers of civilian casualties.


A recent issue of Air Force News revealed that a senior air force officer, Group Captain Shaun Sexton, served a six-month posting at the Qatar base; placing New Zealanders at the heart of the main targeting and bombing center in that region. The presence of New Zealand staff at the base has been kept largely quiet by the New Zealand military before now.


Last month, the New Zealand government delivered its decision to withdraw NZDF personnel from Iraq by next year. But what of Qatar? A spokesperson for NZDF told the Spinoff that “NZDF personnel based in the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) operate under a separate mandate to the NZDF personnel in Iraq. This mandate has been approved until 2020.” Whether they intend to maintain the postings to the Qatar base after 2020 remains unclear.


According to information released by NZDF in response to an Official Information Act request, there are five New Zealand personnel currently serving at the Al-Udeid Airbase. Two of the troops coordinate air tasking in support of the Combined Maritime Forces, Operation Inherent Resolve (Iraq and Syria) and the Resolute Support (Afghanistan) mission. New Zealand also has three personnel supporting intelligence functions within the U.S. Central Command Forward Headquarters at the base.


NZDF confirmed that New Zealand personnel at the COAC work across all regional operations, including those in Syria, where the legality of U.S.-led operations has been thoroughly questioned (although the NZDF states that its troops are not involved in combat operations). NZDF said that because the way the CAOC operates, it is not practical to delineate participation on a country-by-country basis.


The base was responsible for 8,713 airstrikes (or weapons released) in 2018, 39,577 strikes in 2017 and 30,743 in 2016 (including both manned and unmanned aircraft).


Group Captain Shaun Sexton told Air Force magazine that “serving in the CAOC gives an amazing perspective of what is happening in the Middle East”.


He added: “You truly get a birds-eye view, allowing fascinating insight into the politics and tensions in a key region of the world and into the employment of military effects, especially air power.” In March 2015, a former chief of the operations division at the base, Lt Col David Haworth, told the Associated Press that “what we are doing today would [not] be even remotely possible without the coalition partners.” This included intelligence gathering.


According to Sexton, “most of the people serving in the CAOC are from the United States Air Force. However, the other 15 nations in the coalition have a huge role to play.”

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.7941948   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Schumer slams 'absurd' GOP proposal to read Bolton manuscript in classified setting


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday slammed a proposal floated by GOP senators to review former national security adviser John Bolton’s unpublished book manuscript in a classified setting, calling the idea “absurd.”


Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) on Monday night said the White House should give senators access to Bolton’s draft book, which claims President Trump linked security assistance for Ukraine with an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden. Lankford said the manuscript could be viewed in the Senate’s sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF).


The highly secure room located in the basement level of the Capitol Visitor Center is usually used for classified briefings or to review sensitive intelligence and national security documents.


“What an absurd proposal. It’s a book! There’s no read for it be read in the SCIF unless you want to hide something,” Schumer said at a press conference.


“To what extent are some of our Republican colleagues going to twist themselves [into an] entire pretzel to avoid the truth?” he added. “Our view is simple, we want for witnesses, four [sets of] documents.”


Lankford said in a Facebook video Monday evening that it’s important senators have access to the information in Bolton’s book, even if he’s not called as a witness.


“I think getting that information firsthand would be really important for us,” he said.


Lankford is suggesting senators have a chance to review the work in the SCIF because officials on National Security Council are currently examining the manuscript to ensure it doesn’t include any classified information.


“We should get access, I believe, even though it is going through the classification [process]. Every member of Congress has classified clearance. We should be able to get access to that document to be able to read that manuscript for ourselves rather than getting it thirdhand from The New York Times,” he said.


Lankford said in an interview Tuesday morning that he is in talks with the White House to make the manuscript available to the Senate.


When asked about Schumer’s criticism, Lankford said the manuscript must be made available in the SCIF because it hasn’t finished going through the declassification process.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7941987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2013 >>2116

CDC investigating 110 more coronavirus cases in 26 states – only 5 confirmed cases in US so far


As authorities in China scrambled to handle a coronavirus that has killed at least 81 people, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday described a surging potential crisis even as they pushed back on the latest thinking from Beijing about just how easily it spreads.


Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters that the number of confirmed cases stateside had reached five—and that there had been a total of 110 “persons under investigation” for the virus in 26 states over the past week.


Thirty-two of those people tested negative, and there had been no confirmed person-to-person transmissions inside the country, Messonnier said on Monday.


The confirmed cases in the U.S. include patients in Orange County, California; a man in his 30s in Washington state; a woman in her 60s in Chicago; a passenger who felt ill after flying into Los Angeles International Airport; and a student at Arizona State University who does not live in university housing, the CDC said on Sunday. All of the U.S. cases appeared to involve patients who had recently traveled from Wuhan, China—the epicenter of the deadly virus.


Seventy-three people were still being evaluated for the virus as of Monday.


“We understand that many people in the United States are worried about this virus and how it will affect Americans,” Messonnier said, adding that “risk depends on exposure,” which for Americans remained “low” on Monday.


In each U.S. case, health officials have said they will trace the patient’s contacts and identify anyone who may have had prolonged exposure, then monitor those individuals for symptoms. In the U.S., anyone who has had close contact with confirmed patients has not been quarantined unless and until they display symptoms.


That policy came into question over the weekend, when China’s health minister Ma Xiaowei said “the ability of the virus to spread is getting stronger” and that authorities in that country now believe the virus can spread during the incubation period—even before infected patients become symptomatic. A study published last week in the journal Lancet appeared to bolster that contention.


But Messonnier said the CDC had not seen “any clear evidence of patients being infectious before symptom onset” as of Monday, even if authorities in the U.S. “are being very aggressive and very cautious in tracking close contacts” of infected individuals.


“This outbreak is unfolding rapidly, and we are rapidly looking at how that impacts our posture at the border,” said Messonnier. “I expect that in the coming days, our travel recommendations will change.”

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7941996   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harahan man indicted on child pornography charge following ICE HSI investigation


NEW ORLEANS – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New Orleans Special Agents arrested a Harahan, Louisiana, man Thursday on a federal felony charge of receiving child pornography. The arrest stems from his indictment January 16 pursuant to an investigation by HSI with assistance from the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation.


Charles Lopez, 27, was arrested at his residence following a months-long criminal investigation after HSI and LBI executed a federal search warrant April 30, 2019, at Lopez’s home, where evidence was obtained indicating Lopez received images and videos depicting sexual exploitation of minors.


If convicted, Lopez faces a mandatory minimum penalty of five years imprisonment up to 20 years, followed by up to a life term of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. This indictment is a criminal charge and guilt of the defendant must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty.


This investigation was conducted under HSI’s Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 19,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child exploitation material, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children. In fiscal year 2018, more than 3,000 (3,191) child predators were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative and more than 850 (859) victims identified or rescued.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.7942034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2069 >>2152

Trump deal: A prize for Israel at the expense of Palestine


Just as US President Donald Trump is taking time off his controversial impeachment trial to unveil his much hyped-up peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a potentially explosive situation is unfolding in Palestinian territories where there is huge resentment among the leadership and the people towards the so-called ‘deal of the century.’


Palestinians argue that one primary flaw of Trump’s deal is that despite presumably offering a recipe for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, it totally excludes and sidelines them, as one side of any mutual agreement.


Palestinians view the deal as Washington’s seal of approval for Israel’s long-desired annexation of their territories it has been illegally occupying for decades, in total disregard for UN Security Council resolutions and the opposition by the vast majority of the international community.


The timing for the unveiling of the deal has also drawn much attention as both President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are embroiled in major national scandals. The US president is in the midst of an impeachment trial, while the Israeli premier is facing three corruption indictments.


Palestinian leaders from different factions raised their voices on Monday against the US-devised deal and stressed the need for popular resistance in the face of the American scheme which Trump prepares to unveil in the presence of Israeli leaders at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday.


Palestine has already rejected the so-called peace plan as “the slap of the century.”


The scheme is reported to be hugely biased towards the Tel Aviv regime by extending Israel’s “sovereignty” over all settlements and annexing the Jordan Valley in the West Bank.


Washington released the economic portion of its initiative during a conference last June, which was boycotted by Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause against Israel’s decades-occupation.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.7942112   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Large Turkish Military Convoy Heads To Southern Idlib As Syrian Army Crashes Militants Near Maarat Al-Numan


A large Turkish military convoy crossed the border with Syria through a checkpoint of Kafr Lusein, located in the north of the province of Idib, and is heading towards southern Idlib, according to reports in pro-opposition sources.


The convoy reportedly consists of 30 vehicles, including 12 armored vehicles carrying equipment.


The development came as Syrian government forces besieged a Turkish observation point in Maar Hattat, a village in Idlib province. This was the third Turkish observation post besieged by the Syrian Army in recent months. All of them were located near positions of al-Qaeda-linked militants.


The Syrian Army command launched an offensive in Idlib on December 19, 2019. Government troops have liberated about 50 settlements in the south and the east of the province. Currently, they are preparing to liberate the key town of Maarat al-Numan located on the M5 highway.


The Turkish military convoy that entered Idlib will likely not able to rescure Idlib militants from the Syrian Army. Noneheless, it will be able to establish another ‘observation post’ designed to contain further Syrian offensives against the terrorists. One of the possible locations is Saraqib.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.7942134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2146 >>2150 >>2165 >>2215 >>2219 >>2435

Bill Gates funded the PIRBRIGHT institute, which owns the patent on coronavirus


Believe it or not, the coronavirus strain that’s currently spreading throughout China and abroad is a patented virus that’s owned by an entity called The Pirbright Institute, which is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


The patent page for coronavirus explains that it “may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject,” suggesting that this is just another weaponized viral strain designed to sell more useless, deadly vaccines, while at the same time killing off a few thousand, or perhaps a few million, people.


A close look at the patent page also shows that the Pirbright Institute owns all sorts of other virus patents, including one for African swine fever virus, which is listed as a “vaccine.” It is thus no surprise that Bill Gates is a Pirbright Institute financial backer, seeing as how he’s one of the most aggressive, vaccine-pushing “philanthropists” on the planet.


The way this whole coronavirus situation is taking shape would seem to be exactly what Gates once proposed as a “solution” to the alleged problem of “overpopulation.” At an infamous TED Talk, Gates explained that vaccines are one of the keys to reducing global population levels, and what better way to do that than to unleash patented coronavirus on the masses in order to later introduce a patented vaccine for it?


Bill and Melinda Gates hosted “Event 201” back in October, described as a “high-level pandemic exercise”


What’s further interesting is that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a “high-level pandemic exercise” back in October that involved discussions about how “public / private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”


Held in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum, this latest endeavor by Bill Gates is highly suspicious, to say the least, especially when considering that it was held just in time for the coronavirus outbreak.


As is usually the case with suspicious disease outbreaks that get the media and academia talking about new vaccines and public-private partnerships, Bill Gates’ fingerprints are almost always hiding in the background. And this is exactly the case with coronaviruses, which could accomplish many of Gates’ expectations for the future, including mass depopulation, mass vaccination and mass consolidation of government power.


“These events are increasing, and they are disruptive to health, economies, and society,” reads an announcement about “Event 201,” as they called it, or the meeting with Gates and his cronies from back in October.


“Managing these events already strains global capacity, even absent a pandemic threat. Experts agree that it is only a matter of time before one of these pandemics becomes global – a pandemic with potentially catastrophic consequences. A severe pandemic, which becomes ‘Event 201,’ would require reliable cooperation among several industries, national governments, and key international institutions.”


This reads like a predictive script for what we’re now seeing with coronavirus, as governments around the world scramble to “manage” this deadly outbreak with martial law, vaccine fast-tracking, quarantines and plenty of fear-mongering.


“If we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower [the global population] by perhaps about 10 to 15 percent,” Gates is infamously quoted as saying about the true intent of his “humanitarian” efforts.


Be sure to stay tuned for more breaking news about the developing coronavirus crisis.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.7942156   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not Allowed To Speak in Jerusalem, Zelensky and Duda Rewrite History At Poland’s Holocaust Remembrance Event


On January 27th, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Poland to attend the commemorative events dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp.


Initially, Zelensky was going to attend the January 23rd ceremony in Jerusalem, but he wasn’t given an opportunity to address the world leaders in attendance.


In Kiev, on the January 25-26 weekend, Zelensky told The Times of Israel firmly that “I will attend the ceremony” even though he believed he should have been invited to address it.


“For me personally, it doesn’t matter whether I speak. But so many people who died in this tragedy [of the Holocaust] were Ukrainian Jews — starting with Babi Yar… The statistical information that we have shows that one in four of the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust were Ukrainian. That is why, for Ukrainians, it is very important to honor the victims of the Holocaust. I think it would be fair, therefore, that the president of Ukraine would give a speech.”


Thus, he attempted to rationalize not being invited and express what a humiliation that was with made-up facts.


Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, said that Zelensky’s announcement was “puzzling” since hundreds of thousands of Holocaust survivors lived in Israel and would be unrealistic to plan a seat for each and every one.


“This morning [January 23rd], the Ukrainian president announced his withdrawal, claiming that he is transferring to a Holocaust survivor,” the memorial center said in a statement.


“It was explained to the president that we have assented to survivors who approached us in recent days. Therefore, his decision is puzzling, and it is a pity to take such a step in an event entitled ‘Remember the Holocaust to fight anti-Semitism.’”


Zelensky, however, got his chance to make his revisionist historical remarks in Poland.


“Being here at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day is very important to me. The Holocaust tragedy has left wounds in the heart of every Ukrainian. We will never forget that every fourth Shoah victim out of six million was from Ukraine,” President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said during a press conference with President of Poland Andrzej Duda.


He added that Ukraine would never forget the horrific crimes that had taken place in Babyn Yar, when the Nazis killed more than 150,000 innocent people, as well as nearly 9 million military and civilian Ukrainians who were killed during the World War II. Conveniently forgetting that many Ukrainian collaborators took place in the killings.


He said that many people fought to save the Jewish, risking their lives.


“Although there were far more people who were saving Jews at the hazard of their life. Those people had big heart and big courage,” Zelensky stressed.


He and Polish President Andrzej Duda made some other astounding claims, attempting to completely disregard the fact that some of Poland’s and Ukraine’s national heroes are Nazi collaborators and it is showing since both of the leaders were not allowed to speak in Jerusalem.


According to Zelensky:


Auschwitz was liberated not by the Soviet Army, but rather by the “Ukrainian Front” and the Ukrainians themselves;

The prisoners of Auschwitz were called the “ray of light that conquered darkness”;

The Petliura followers in the Polish attack on Soviet Russia were proposed to be called the “Pilsudski Soldiers” who “fought the Bolshevik attack”;

Finally, the USSR was accused of being guilty of the Holocaust, because if it weren’t for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, then the Holocaust would not have happened.


It should be reminded that the 1st Ukrainian Front was a formation of the Red Army named after the geography of its operations.


The so-called “Plisudski soldiers,” and Petliura together attacked the USSR, captured Kiev, but when they began being captured by the Red Army, they began crying of the “terrible attack of the Bolsheviks on Europe.”


Petliura was later shot in Paris for organizing Jewish pogroms, and the French court acquitted his murderer. On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Poland Ukraine are attempting to heroize a mass murderer of the Jewish.


In recent months, revisionist claims by Poland and Ukraine are becoming the norm, and there is a very apparent attempt at rewriting history. Any attempts by Russia and others to present facts and point out what really happened are met with harsh rhetoric and accusations.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.7942181   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chaotic Libya Being Helped Towards Stability


The international conference about Libya in Berlin on January 19 was a success, in that the parties agreed to a meaningful set of conclusions and recommendations that appear to have a reasonable chance of at least limiting conflict and halting further expansion of Islamic State in the region. One reason for tepid reaction and lack of enthusiasm about the outcome on the part of the Western mainstream media was that participants included Presidents Putin and Erdogan, both of whom were influential in pursuing compromise and moderation in the path to peace in the violence-stricken country whose Western-inspired destruction began in 2011.


Twelve countries and four international organisations were represented in Berlin, and it is notable that the event was hosted by Angela Merkel who, as with Presidents Putin and Erdogan, had refused to join in the jolly U.S.-sponsored blitzkrieg that wrecked Libya, and even more notable that NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wasn’t invited to attend. It was no doubt borne in mind that nine NATO countries conducted a total of 5488 airstrikes on Libya between 19 March and 31 October 2011, while cruise missiles were fired by the U.S. (228) and the UK (18).


Nothing was said in Berlin about the responsibility of the U.S.-NATO alliance (and other culprits including, amazingly, Sweden) for reducing Libya to the utter chaos in which it now exists. As observed at the meeting, “The conflict in Libya, the instability in the country, the external interferences, the institutional divisions, the proliferation of a vast amount of unchecked weapons and the economy of predation continue to be a threat to international peace and security” and attendees committed “to refraining from interference in the armed conflict or in the internal affairs of Libya and urge all international actors to do the same.”


It is regrettable, to put it mildly, that NATO’s U.S., UK, France and Italy, all of which were represented in Berlin, had not in 2011 “refrained from interference” in Libya, and the western media refrained from making the slightest mention of their culpability with, for example, the Washington Post recording lamely that Libya’s President Muammar Gaddafi “was toppled and killed by rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings and NATO intervention.”


Intervention? The word ‘intervention’ is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as “action taken to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse” and this certainly is not what the U.S.-NATO military alliance accomplished in its seven months of bombing and rocketing all over the country. There was no improvement whatever to the situation in Libya, and the U.S.-NATO blitz led directly to its collapse in ruin and vicious civil war.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.7942207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2222 >>2326

Fake News Alert: Chinese State-Controlled Media Tweets Picture of First NEW Coronavirus Hospital, Here’s Proof It’s Not Real


Large media outlets can never be trusted.




I don’t care what country they call home.


This evening I was doing a search for blogs in Taiwan and China and found several of them have experienced interruptions in service.


How convenient.

Eventually I stumbled upon some information from National File that is deeply disturbing.


Chinese state-run newspaper the Global Times posted an image of a purported “novel coronavirus hospital” called Huoshenshan Hospital on Twitter Monday.


“1st building of #Wuhan‘s special novel #Coronavirus hospital, Huoshenshan Hospital, completed construction on Monday, in 16 hours,” the tweet read. “It is expected to be transferred to the military for management on February 2. Another Leishenshan Hospital is also under construction.”


1st building of #Wuhan‘s special novel #Coronavirus hospital, Huoshenshan Hospital, completed construction on Monday, in 16 hours. It is expected to be transferred to the military for management on February 2. Another Leishenshan Hospital is also under construction.


— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) January 27, 2020


Click the timestamp on the tweet and you will see it has been taken down by Global Times, or another source inside Twitter.




Because the tweet was pure propaganda.

Here’s more from National File…


The tweet was quickly scrutinized by people who noticed that the image of Huoshenshan Hospital provided by Global Times is actually an Alibaba stock photo for a portable “container school building.”


The images have been available on the internet months prior to the tweet by Global Times celebrating a new “hospital.”

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.7942243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331

Australia under attack fro m own military


Canberra bushfire: Police door-knocking to alert residents as blaze grows


A fierce bushfire burning south of Canberra that has been threatening homes has been downgraded to a 'Watch and Act' alert level.

The Orroral fire, burning in the Orroral Valley, is still raging out-of-control and has already torn through more than 9500 hectares of land in the Namadgi National Park.

The blaze reached the 'Emergency' warning level earlier in the night but has since eased, with authorities still warning it is the most serious Canberra has faced since the deadly 2003 fires.


He said the heat of the landing light likely started a grass fire under the chopper when it landed in the park, with the fire growing rapidly and damaging the craft before it took off.





Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.7942254   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Argentina's Ex-President Macri Pronounced the New Head of the FIFA Foundation


As Macri himself reportedly said, his new role will allow him to combine his three passions: education, football and helping young people attain a better future.


Mauricio Macri, a businessman who served as the President of Argentina from 2015 till 2019, has been appointed as an executive president of the FIFA Foundation, local news website Infobae reports.


According to the media outlet, this development was announced by FIFA President Gianni Infantino, who said that Macri "has the ideal profile to lead this project".


"Through his experience as a leader of a great nation he knows the central role that education has for the future of our societies and, as the leader of one of the most successful football clubs, he knows the unique strength and passion that our sport", Infantino said as quoted by the media outlet. "His experience and vision of the future will undoubtedly allow our foundation to intensify its work and expand its scope to contribute to social improvements throughout the world."


In response, Macri reportedly said that this appointment is an honor, adding that his new role will allow him to combine his "three passions: education, football and working for young people, so they have a better future".


The FIFA Foundation was established in 2018 as an independent entity whose objectives are "to help promote positive social change around the world and raise support for the recovery and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed sports infrastructure worldwide", according to a statement posted on FIFA’s official website.


The organisation’s goals are overseen by the FIFA Foundation board, whose notable members include Infantino himself, and may be supported by FIFA, FIFA Partners and FIFA Legends.

Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.7942297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2380

Deadly Coronavirus from China or CDC?


While the news is filled with dire warnings about the Coronavirus outbreak in China which has resulted in scaling-back the Chinese New Year celebration and the total quarantining of at least one major city, the question remains: how does this new outbreak relate to existing coronaviruses, namely SARS and MEARS?


Did this new version really start in China, or, as some have stated, is it a “weaponized” virus unleashed upon the world?


Let’s start with the Patent. Yes there is a Coronavirus Patent. [1] The US government owns it. It was issued to the CDC in 2007.


Here is some of what it says:


“Disclosed herein is a newly isolated human coronavirus (SARS-CoV), the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Also provided are the nucleic acid sequence of the SARS-CoV genome and the amino acid sequences of the SARS-CoV open reading frames, as well as methods of using these molecules to detect a SARS-CoV and detect infections therewith. Immune stimulatory compositions are also provided, along with methods of their use… Without wishing to be bound by a specific theory, it is believed that an immunogenic response may arise from the generation of an antibody specific to one or more of the epitopes provided in the immune stimulatory composition. Alternatively, the response may comprise a T-helper or cytotoxic cell-based response to one or more of the epitopes provided in the immune stimulatory composition. All three of these responses may originate from naïve or memory cells. One specific example of a type of immune stimulatory composition is a vaccine.”









Anonymous ID: 76c6bb Jan. 28, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.7942333   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Harvard Chemistry Chair & Two Chinese Nationals Arrested For Lying About China Ties, Smuggling "Biological Material"


Will this Harvard Chemistry Department Head be remembered as the Aldrich Ames of the modern-day 'Cold War'?


In a shocking revelation made Tuesday afternoon - a revelation that will almost certainly rattle the US-China relationship at an already fragile time - a federal court unsealed indictments against Harvard professor and Chemistry Department Head Charles Lieber, along with two Chinese nationals. One is a Boston University researcher who was once a lieutenant in the People’s Liberation Army, according to prosecutors, and the second was a cancer researcher who tried to smuggle 21 vials of biological materials in his sock - allegedly. Lieber has been arrested, though it's not clear if he's still in custody.


Though the official charge was lying to investigators, Lieber's actions look like an unvarnished attempt at espionage, complete with an extremely seductive monetary reward.


Professor Lieber


Lieber was reportedly paid $50,000 a month by Wuhan University of Technology for participating in its "Thousand Talents" program, and was given more than $1.5 million to establish a lab and do research at Wuhan University of Technology, according to federal prosecutors in Boston, according to WSJ.


According to prosecutors, Lieber deliberately lied to defense department officials about his "foreign research collaborations."


When Defense Department investigators asked Mr. Lieber in 2018 about his foreign research collaborations, he told them he had never been asked to participate in the Thousand Talents Program, the complaint said. But Mr. Lieber had signed such a talent contract with Wuhan University in 2012, the complaint said.


NIH also asked Harvard about Mr. Lieber’s affiliation with Wuhan that same year, the complaint said. After interviewing Mr. Lieber, Harvard told NIH in January 2019 that Mr. Lieber had no formal affiliation with Wuhan after 2012 and that he had never participated in the Thousand Talents Program, even though Mr. Lieber had a formal relationship with the university through 2017, the complaint said.


In conjunction with the program, Mr. Lieber became a “strategic scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology, according to the complaint. For “significant periods” from 2012 to 2017, his contract called for a $50,000 a month salary on top of $150,000 in living expenses paid by WUT, it said. He was also awarded more than $1.5 million by WUT and the Chinese government to set up a research lab, it said.


“The charges brought by the U.S. government against Professor Lieber are extremely serious,” a Harvard spokesman said Tuesday. “Harvard is cooperating with federal authorities, including the National Institutes of Health, and is initiating its own review of the alleged misconduct. Professor Lieber has been placed on indefinite administrative leave.”


The Trump Administration has made cracking down on Chinese academic and corporate espionage a priority, and has made several arrests of Chinese nationals working in critical roles funneling info back to China. But this is probably the most high-profile case to date, since one of the suspects is a pioneering American scientist.


Interestingly enough, not long after news of the arrests hit the press, another report surfaced claiming China had rejected President Trump's offer of assistance to contain the coronavirus - even as Wuhan is in desperate need of supplies.


Is that just a coincidence?