Johnny In The Woods ID: 6b6d98 Jan. 28, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.7944481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There was a young black boy lynched in West Wildwood in the 1990’s— west wildwood is an island in the bay off of wildwood down Glenwood Ave. His lifeless body was found hanging from a swing set in a small play area at the end of Glenwood Ave. the fbi supposedly came in and investigated but nothing ever came of it. West wildwood also has a sign upon entering which reads “small town charm on the back bay”. Just beneath someone scrawled in “niggers stay out”. It remained that wAy for a very long time. Chris Fox, by the way, is part of the very deep corruption going on back there. Wildwood has its own problem with very deep corruption. Pedophiles abound in cape May county! Slower lower, Middle Township. What happens when a teacher gets caught having sex with a minor? They get transferred to another school. Lots of Christian cults hiding things also. There are at least two houses in the crest with vault rooms and bundles of cash lining the walls on shelves. You can get a couple million, interest free for the weekend, but if you don’t pay on time, watch out. The interest after 2 days isn’t all that hurts.

Johnny In The Woods ID: 6b6d98 Jan. 28, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.7944581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What’s up with cafiero’s doughnut anyway? Hint. It’s a bit of forbidden air space. Why does the cia have odd planes always going in And out of cape May county airport?