Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.7944226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4263 >>4485 >>4690

Trump Attorney Patrick Philbin Destroys Dems, Unelected Bureaucrats, ‘The Constitution Vests All Executive Power in a US President’


President Trump’s defense team wrapped up their opening arguments on Tuesday.


Trump’s deputy counsel Patrick Philbin blasted the unelected bureaucrats in the executive branch who believe their foreign policy disputes with President Trump is an impeachable offense.


Intel community underlings like Eric Ciaramella, Sean Misko, who went from NatSec to work for Schiff, and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman plotted to remove Trump from office because they disagreed with the President’s foreign policy related to Ukraine.


According to the Constitution, President Trump sets foreign policy, not unelected staffers who have no accountability to the American people.


“The President cannot defy agencies within the executive branch,” Philbin argued. “Article 2 section 1 of the Constitution vests all of the executive power in a president of the United States — he alone is an entire branch of government — he sets policy for the executive branch.”


Philbin explained that the president is given such vast power because he is elected and accountable to the American people.


The US has an election every four years to keep that power in check.


In contrast, the career bureaucrats are not elected and therefore have zero authority to set foreign policy.


“It inverts the Constitution,” Philbin said of giving unelected bureaucrats power over foreign policy. “The sole power is vested to the President of the United States.”


Case closed.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.7944264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4290 >>4342

Hunter Biden Settles Paternity Case; Avoids Courtroom Confrontation Over Financial Info


Hunter Biden reached a temporary settlement agreement in his child support case just 48 hours before a deadline for a mandatory court appearance to explain why he shouldn't be held in contempt for failing to submit overdue financial information


Biden's baby-mama, an Arkansas stripper, filed the paternity suit last May. On Monday afternoon, Arkansas Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer approved the tentative agreement - postponing Biden's in-court appearance originally scheduled for Wednesday.


Child support payments will begin on Feb 1, according to a copy of the order filed in the Independence County Circuit Court, which redacted the monthly amount. The final figure, however, will be determined after Biden turns over relevant financial records. He also agreed to pay support dating back to November, 2018.


"He's doing the right thing by finally stepping up and paying what he should've been paying," said Roberts' lawyer, Clint Lancaster, in a Monday statement to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on Monday, adding "He's going to begin paying monthly child support. He's going to pay retroactive child support back to November of 2018. And he's going to pay attorney's fees and costs."


If Biden turns over financial documents by March 1st, the contempt motions will be withdrawn.


The agreement delayed a hearing on motions to hold Biden in contempt that were filed by Roberts’s attorneys last week. Her attorneys claim Biden has failed to provide information ordered by the court, including the names of any of his businesses, tax documents, and all sources of income for the past five years. The contempt motions will be considered during the next scheduled pretrial hearing on Mar. 13 and will be withdrawn if Biden turns over the relevant documents by Mar. 1, according to the deal.


Biden also agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to Roberts for her “attorneys fees and costs.” -Washington Examiner


Biden - who has been living in a $12k/month rental home in the Hollywood Hills, has denied that he's the child's father despite a court-ordered DNA test determining he was. His attorney, Brent Langdon, told the Gazette that the agreement would "avoid the necessity of a hearing on Wednesday."

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.7944282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4493

Mahmoud Abbas Calls Trump Mideast Deal 'Conspiracy', Says 'Jerusalem Is Not for Sale'


On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump unveiled his long-anticipated 'deal of the century' - a peace plan for for the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. According to a map published by the Trump White House, Palestinians have been offered two significant plots of land in the south of Israel connected with the Gaza Strip.


Following the introduction of the Trump administration's so-called deal of the century, Palestinian National Authority (PNA) President Mahmoud Abbas stated that Jerusalem is not for sale, and dubbed the offer a conspiracy.


Abbas observed that the deal "is not going to happen" and that people will throw it in the "garbage can of history".


"Jerusalem is not for sale, the 'deal of the century' will not go through, and our people will send it to the garbage can of in history," Abbas said. "We will not bow and we will not surrender … we are united in the face of all the extermination plans that our people will reject. We say 'no, no, no,' to the deal of the century".


According to the text of the proposed plan, Jerusalem is expected to remain "sovereign capital of the State of Israel, and it should remain an undivided city" - the proposition Abbas firmly rejected.


The sovereign capital of the State of Palestine should be in the section of East Jerusalem located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine,” the plan reads.


Abbas stated that the Palestinians do not accept the Trump deal, as well as US mediation efforts, noting that talks could only begin with the 'Middle East Quartet' comprising Russia, the US, the European Union (EU), and the United Nations (UN).


The PNA president said that a new round of intra-Palestinian talks intended to reach a comprehensive reconciliation would start soon.


Abbas claimed that the United States would eventually recognize an independent Palestine within the pre-1967 war borders.


"Time will come when America will be forced to say ‘yes’ in the UN Security Council to an independent Palestinian state within the borders of June 4, 1967," Abbas said.


Prior to the presentation of the deal, Trump said that he had sent a letter to Abbas, giving him four years to study the US-proposed plan and negotiate the accord with Israel.


"During this time, the Palestinians can use appropriate deliberation to study the deal, negotiate with Israel and achieve criteria for statehood and become a truly independent and wonderful state."


Trump promised Abbas the support of the United States and other countries if he chooses "the path to peace."


Abbas has repeatedly accused Trump of pro-Israel bias and rejected all his previous mediation efforts. The Palestinian leadership is yet to respond to the new US peace plan.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.7944339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Was A Top Official In Maduro’s Government Doing With A Spanish Minister On A Madrid Tarmac?


Delcy Rodriguez, vice president of the illegitimate government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela, has been banned from entering the Schengen area of the European Union since 2017, as a result of the sanctions against twenty senior Venezuelan officials.


However, in the early hours of Monday morning, Rodriguez landed in Madrid, at the Barajas airport, and received a visit from the transportation minister of the new socialist government in Spain, José Luis Ábalos. The scandal has leaked to the press. The Spanish newspaper Voz Populi had the exclusive. And since then, the government has already provided about a dozen versions of what happened.


First, they denied the meeting between Ábalos and Rodríguez happened at all. Next, they said the minister went to the airport for a personal visit with a friend. Then, they clarified that the friend was Felix Plasencia, Minister of Tourism for Maduro. Plasencia is not among the senior positions sanctioned by the European Union. After that, they said that Ábalos was forced to give a “forced greeting by circumstances” to Maduro’s vice president, because Plasencia — surprise! — was traveling on Rodriguez’s plane. Later, Ábalos said he went to the airport because he had been asked to do so by Interior Minister Fernando Grande Marlaska.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.7944361   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Has Not Accepted U.S. Offers to Send CDC Experts to Aid in Coronavirus Fight



U.S. health officials said that they have been offering for weeks to send experts to help China combat the coronavirus that has claimed at least 106 lives.


At press conference Tuesday, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said the U.S. first offered to send experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on January 6 but China has not yet accepted the offer.


“CDC experts are standing by, ready willing and able to go immediately to China, either on a bilateral basis or under the auspices of the World Health Organization,” Azar said. “This is a major public health issue and we basically just need the best public health people we have in the world working on this.”


U.S. personnel could aid China in answering critical public health questions about how the virus spreads, its incubation period, and if it can be spread by those not yet showing symptoms, CDC Director Robert Redfield said.


“We are urging China: more cooperation and transparency are the most important steps you can take toward a more effective response,” Azar said.


Although U.S. officials appeared to be frustrated by China’s apparent reluctance to accept aid, they emphasized that China has been far more cooperative than it was during the 2003 SARS outbreak.


Azar described his conversations with Chinese counterparts as “very hopeful and productive.” Azar said the CDC was able to quickly develop a rapid diagnostic test because China had made the virus’ genome available.


Azar also said that the U.S. would be willing to implement travel restrictions if it decides that such measures are appropriate.


“In terms of travel restrictions, as I spoke about in my opening remarks, it’s important to not take anything off the table with a rapidly emerging novel infectious disease,” Azar said.


World Health Organization said on Tuesday that China has agreed to allow international experts to China as soon as possible but did not specify if that included U.S. officials.


Smart move?

Deadly Coronavirus from China or CDC?

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.7944387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4599

Sweden: Just Seven Convictions After Year of Over 250 Explosions and Bombings


Sweden saw just seven convictions for bombings in 2019, despite there being over 250 known cases of explosions in the same year.


New figures released from the Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Bra) have shown that in 2019, the country saw a total of 257 reports of explosions and bombings, up from prior estimates and an increase of 59 per cent from 2018, broadcaster SVT reports.


A further review by the broadcaster has shown that the number of people convicted for these attacks has been poor, with only seven convictions of public endangerment due to the use of explosives.


Marie Borgh, who is the head of the national bomb protection, has claimed that the main reason for the lack of convictions in explosive cases is due to the difficulty of prosecuting individuals.


“The technical evidence is difficult when it is blown up. Most of it is blown away in connection with the detonation. Often, someone may order this job based on a conflict that exists. A bomb builder will build the bomb and someone else will then carry it out,” Borgh said.


She went on to add that police did not think the bombings were intentionally being carried out to kill people but added, “Some of the charges have been so powerful that there was a risk of it. This is obviously ignored, though it may not be the basic purpose.”


Swedish gangs, who are largely seen as being behind the bombings, have previously used hand grenades against rival gangs in order to spread fear according to Police officer Gunnar Appelgren who noted in 2018 that hand grenades were easy to find and inexpensive.


“Some groups initially estimated that hand grenades are good for scaring or attacking another group. Then you are in a spiral, where hand grenades become part of the weapons used in these gang conflicts,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.7944492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4592

Coronavirus: Japan and Germany confirm patients who caught disease did not visit China


Two people from Japan and Germany who had contracted coronavirus had not visited the area in China where the deadly viral outbreak originated, authorities have confirmed.


One of the patients was a Japanese tour bus driver in his 60s in the city of Nara who had driven two groups of Chinese tourists who had come from Wuhan earlier this month.​


He was diagnosed with pneumonia on Saturday and has now been hospitalised.


Another man in his 40s who lives in Wuhan and arrived in Japan on 20 January was also confirmed to have contracted the virus, the ministry said.


The ministry said it was checking on people who had been in contact with the two new patients. The latest infections bring the total number of confirmed Japanese cases to six.


It comes as Germany’s first case of the virus was believed to have been infected by a Chinese colleague who visited his workplace.


The 33-year-old from the Starnberg area south of Munich is in isolation as a precaution, officials in Bavaria said. They said his condition was good.


The man took part in a training session at his workplace last Tuesday which also included an employee of the same company visiting from China, said Andreas Zapf, the head of Bavaria’s office for health and food safety.


The woman, who had not previously shown any symptoms, flew home on Thursday and went to a doctor after feeling ill on the flight, Mr Zapf said. She then tested positive for the new virus.


The woman lives in Shanghai, but had been visited a few days earlier by her parents, who come from the worst-affected Wuhan area.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.7944530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4644

Congress gives $4 million to combat climate-change with weather-modification via aerosols


The media portray Americans who believe in chemtrails and weather-modification as tinfoil hat-wearing “conspiracy theorists,” as if there are no real conspiracies and ignoring the inconvenient fact that it was the CIA who concocted the label “conspiracy theory” for the express purpose of discrediting by denigrating skeptics of the official version of the Kennedy assassination.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.7944560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4570 >>4657 >>4682

The pedophile control system deliberately selects pedophiles and lifts them into positions of power so that they can be controlled via blackmail.


With help from intelligence agencies from the CIA, FBI and Military Intelligence, all of which are full of pedophiles, this occult control system has created a complete matrix of power and thought control. Governments, industries, Hollywood, police, media, key positions in these groups are all in a big secret club.


This isn’t mindless conspiracy rambling but backed by many, many case studies and brave witnesses.


First the Dutroux Affair, where an elite pedophile ring was uncovered but then immediately recovered up by police and judges.


Next is the Franklin Scandal, which uncovered a child trafficking ring with ties to the white house.


-“Conspiracy of Silence”:


-“The Franklin Coverup” by former state senator John DeCamp goes much deeper into the rabbit hole


The Presidio, an occult child abuse network uncovered on a US military base (Make sure you read all the way to the Empirical Evidence section)


David McGowan’s The Pedophocracy addresses all of these cases too


A major key to the puzzle is the Greenbaum Speech by Dr. Corydon Hammond where he revealed the occult mind control programming he was finding in his patients. He found that most of his patients with Dissociative Identity Disorder were victims of ritual programming under extreme sexual abuse.




Knowing all of this it becomes easy to see what is happening with cases like Jimmy Savile and Jeffery Epstein. They are a part of this big pedophile club. Lots of people’s beloved actors and politicians are a part of this club.


Love vibes to all, thanks for reading, if anyone is skeptical please check the links, because if this were true wouldn’t you want to be informed?


Those of you who understand this well, please leave your ideas and favorite sources in the comments to help discussion.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.7944621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4634 >>4656

Rabbis call for removal of church at Auschwitz


Four U.S. rabbis led by New York’s Avi Weiss gathered on Sunday in front of a church next to the Nazi German death camp at Birkenau in Poland arguing for its removal from a site where more than a million Jews were murdered.


World leaders will gather on Monday at Birkenau and the nearby Auschwitz camp to mark the 75th anniversary of their liberation.


“This protest for us is very much part of the commemoration. For there to be a commemoration ceremony without an expression of deep, deep outrage that the church is still here would send a message that we’re ok with this,” Weiss said.


The rabbis argue the church should not be on the site of one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in the world and it violates a 1987 agreement between European cardinals and Jewish leaders that there will not be any permanent Catholic place of worship on the site of the Auschwitz or Birkenau camps.


“This (the church) in my mind is the greatest desecration of the history of the Holocaust,” Weiss said.


“Beneath this ground is a cemetery … their bloods are crying out from the ground demanding justice.”


The rabbis want the church to be moved elsewhere in Oswiecim.


Weiss was making his first visit to the church since 1995, when at the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz he was arrested for orchestrating a sit-in in to protest against what he sees as attempts to portray it as a place mainly of Christian martyrdom.


On Sunday, as mass ended, the rabbis tried to enter the church and speak with some of the parishioners, as well as with the priest. The priest turned away from them. He did not want to speak with them and slammed the door.


Some parishioners raised their voices and expressed displeasure at the rabbis’ presence but didn’t want to speak to Reuters.


Weiss led a long and ultimately successful campaign in the 1980s to secure the removal of a Carmelite convent from outside the Auschwitz grounds. It had been set up in a building just outside the wire once used as a store for poison gas.


Jews were brought from all over Europe to Auschwitz-Birkenau to be murdered during the war as part of a Nazi genocide campaign in which six million perished. Tens of thousands of Catholic Poles, including priests and resistance fighters, were tortured and killed there too.

Anonymous ID: b1d87c Jan. 28, 2020, 1 p.m. No.7944638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700

Trillions are thrown towards an endless war that kills thousands, yet we can’t afford to spend a penny to help millions of Americans