Anonymous ID: 88bcae March 25, 2018, 8:09 p.m. No.795347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5360 >>5382 >>5616 >>5734 >>6268

Trump says on Twitter:


"Congratulations to all of the ”DEPLORABLES” and the millions of people who gave us a MASSIVE (304-227) Electoral College landslide victory!"


Hidden encoded message found there. 


Trump makes a tweet with encoded message. Only the wise understand.


Tweet from Trump.


Right click save the image as. See the name of the image:






















D = Donald. J. T = Trump.

U- IA- A






Donald J Trump says: Do It Q


Donald J Trump.

U, I, And America.




Note: Thus, anyone attacking legit Q on the boards will be considered a clown shill. (He last posted in December of last year and since then a fake Q has been representing him on the boards. He just posted as anon the other day. Note also that clowns are controlling the boards now and blocking links to non-clown created threads, shutting down computers and hacking connections of those who expose this. The clowns don´t want you to know who the legit Q is and when he last posted. He is unable to post now do to this ongoing clown operation.)

Steve Miller is Q.

“Do-it-Q” = Stephen Miler.


Notice how this bread is missing "the notibles". Why? Because many of them are clown shills!

relliMnehpetSolleH ID: 88bcae March 25, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.795612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>5635 >>5639 >>5679 >>5734 >>5902 >>5926 >>5967 >>6138

Key points you need to know about the true colors of the current US Inc. 


●  The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 dissolved the U.S. Fed Government. Thus, current Congress and Federal Government are illegit.


SERCO (The British Crown) – U.S. SES – CIA (The Swiss Octogon Templars and The Jesuits and the Nazis)– JTTF – NSA – The Pope and The Queen control the Shadow Government in the U.S., which controls via 500 lawyers inside the DOJ the entire government. This is the Obama private army, running the U.S. government still, even with Trump in office.






Breaking! True Swamp identified! True Deep State!




● US Inc. is broke and is under receivership.


The US Constitution has been suspended since the Civil War, and is applicable only in the State Supreme courts and in the US Supreme Court, but not in the Maritime Federal Courts, which operate under the gold-fringed flags. The Civil War never ended, there was never a truce. You are still an enemy combatant. This is how and why the Intel agencies treat you so and shoot you on the streets. You have NO RIGHTS at these courts, only privileges, that The Crown and The Vatican bestow upon you. The U.S. still is a Crown Colony. As we see from the case in the Bundys in Oregon and Nevada, The Constitution has been banned from Federal Courts, which operate under U.C.C. and case law, as a cover for the actual law they operate under = Maritime law or wartime law. You are judged as an enemy combatant.


● The Electoral college cannot convene in a Constitutional manner, so the elections are a sham.


● We are in a state of inter-regnum.


● The US is under a state of permanent martial law under Maritime Law. Every year Congress renews secretively this state of martial law and military rule.


● All this has been since the seats of the government were vacated in the late 1800s (when the fake “Organic” Constitution was fabricated, to fool everyone and replace the original one) and filled by a private corporation for profit, the Federal Reserve – Rothschild scammers, unconstitutionally, during Lincoln & after the Civil War.


● You are being lied to. History is not what you are being taught. It has been re-written by The Banking Cartel.


● The Constitution as a trust (and resulting TDA accounts) is fake, set up by the Vatican and British Crown to dupe you into servitude.


● The 13th amendment was ratified by the states and a fake version was concocted and put in it´s place. The original one forbids Titles of Nobility. All current Federal judges and lawyers are holding unconstitutional titles of nobility and are in violation of the ratified 13th amendment. (An example of this is judge Gloria Navarro in Oregon using her Title of Nobility to patent land, something no one else can do). Thus, all Federal judges are operating in violation of The Constitution of 1787-1789 (the oldest copies we have of the legit one). The CIA and SERCO are also operating in violation of The Constitution as they have no legal constitutional charter to do so.


● The Swiss Pharaonicc Octogon rules over the Pentagon & over the US. The US is still a British Crown Colony.


The Power Structure of the NWO




● There is no law foundation for the IRS to charge taxes.


● When you are born, your birth certificate is taken over by force and you are declared a ward of the state. A Corporation is set-up in your name in all caps and a bond in this name is sold on the capital markets. A TDA account is also set-up, to guarantee before the banking cartel that your debt is paid. But if you try to access your own TDA account, they put you in jail and the money in your TDA accounts goes to the private banks to scam it and use it however they want. When you die, the investors who bought your corporate bond cash in. if the Maritime courts sue you and the state wins, which they almost always do, as they work for the corporation, the corporation profits. The judges also profit from each case they successfully prosecute for the corporation.


● The BLM is stealing land from patriots and allowing judges to use their Title of Nobility to patent the land, someone an average person cannot do. The BLM also fractions up lots of land it seizes from ranchers and from the people, and illegally sells it to the likes of Harry Reed and other insiders. Hillary Clinton sold as much as 30 percent or more of all US Uranium to Uranium One and to the Russians. Saudi Arabia and China financed the HC and Clinton campaigns.


continued next post…

relliMnehpetSolleH ID: 88bcae March 25, 2018, 8:45 p.m. No.795713   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I looked up my birth certificate and fucking cried when I found out how much it's worth with that "strawman" account. God damn, Jew bankers are still profiting off of slavery right fucking now. 2018 and these wage slave chains are too damn heavy.


Yes, that is why they want people dead when they are old = to collect their account, scam their families and keep it for the banking cartel. Trump needs to end this scam.