Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.795314   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5793

Someone was seriously trying to disrupt a bread with moldy bread

pictures and other crap postings. It happened at the same time a baker

removed some notables posts. I suspect that if it was because of the

notables, these 3 were most likely the reason if you want to dig.


>>789150 VOICE OF GOD technology

>>789256 This weapon has been used alot in middle East.

>>788601 Psych expert: Tech Giants have Too Much Power


But there was other new info in the bread about Jews and orchestration

of government and media to create war, especially WW2. I can't find this

because it was an image post but there were several quotes from Jewish

writers saying that Jews control government and the media and that they

must force Germany to have war whether she wants to or not. These quotes

were from different publications throughout the 1930s. We had seen some

stuff a few months ago about the Zionist planning for Jewish massacre in order

to create demand for the return to Israel, and that 6 million massacred was

mentioned back in the 1870s. But that was not nearly as detailed as the post

quoting many Jewish writers. If you want to dig in this area I would suggest

focusing on Jewish media of the 1930s more than on the general media.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.795328   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5345

The idea that Mary von Vestera was not dead at Mayerling but carted off in secret to give birth to a baby boy Adolf Hitler, 3 months later, seems reasonable.


However there are a couple of things that should be dug more.


In one photo Mary has a prominent lunar crescent on her head. The sign of Diana the moon goddess. One wonders whether her pregnancy was the result of a Moonchild working or Babalon working. Is there any evidence that the Vestera family might have been involved in such things?


Everyone assumes that her lover is the only possible father for the child, but we know that is not how Illuminati operate. Philip Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was a good friend of Rudolf. Was he involved somewhere? The conception would have had to be in June/July. Is there any evidence of Philip at Mayerling then.


In particular, the name Dorothea was used in Saxe-Coburg-Gotha but not in Habsburg, This suggests that Merkel is descended from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.


If this is what we suspect, then two major royal bloodlines were attempting to join the lines, and perhaps rule all of Europe, just as Hitler tried to do and Merkel is now trying.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 8:29 p.m. No.795554   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5580 >>5619 >>5685 >>6006

Saw a post while reviewing last bread where an anon asked for a summary of all the bloodline stuff. Here is my attempt.


Some anons are tracing the bloodlines of Hitler and Merkel based on the theory that they are related. We are close to showing that Merkel is the granddaughter of Hitler and that her mother came from an incestuous relationship between Hitler and his niece. It has been noticed that certain families have

historically practiced incest to control their bloodline and keep the control of wealth within the family.

They also have other odd practices like sending children to relatives to be fostered, changing wives

even in an age when divorce was frowned upon, having bastard children which are then adopted,

using many surnames to obscure the incest. Bastard offspring often become family servants.


Rothschild is the most famous such bloodline. It has been generally believed that Hitler's grandmother who was a servant in a Rothschild home in Vienna was impregnated by Rothschild. The thing that led people to linking Merkel and Hitler is that she resembles Hitler's mother Klara The House of Habsburg is another and people have tried to link Hitler to this one. The best they could do so far is that a mistress of a Habsburg also resembles Merkel. But we do not know who impregnated her if indeed she was an ancestor. The thing about impregnation is that these bloodlines are satanists. They are basically promiscuous bisexuals who dabble in sex magic and have been known to breed children at certain times with magical rituals with the intent for the child to become a dominant leader somewhere. Another family suspected of doing the same is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha whose English branch is surnamed Windsor. Rudolf Habsburg was a close friend of Philip Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. How close? Did he fuck Mary Vestera the mistress?


The thing that leads to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is that Merkel was born Angela Dorothea Kasner. In those days German names ran in families according to certain rules. Hitler's sister was Angela and she had a daughter Angela "Geli" Raubal who was Hitler's mistress. But who was Dorothea? The name was not in the Kasner family. It was not in the Habsburgs. But there are several Saxe-Coburg-Gotha with this name.


There is a real possibility that Queen Victoria was trying, through breeding to merge the royal families of Europe into one bloodline that would rule all of Europe. Hitler certainly tried to rule all of Europe. And now Merkel is trying to do the same. If we can show that Merkel and Hitler belong to a satanist royal bloodline then we can defeat the monarchy once and for all.ย The American Revolution tried to do this and failed miserable. The only British subjects who were freed in the 1770's were some American colonies. And Britain almost immediately infiltrated and since then has taken almost full control of the USA except for the military. And now, except for the military and the President.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 8:30 p.m. No.795567   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5652 >>5864

[3 posts consolidated for repost]



This is clearly a clown shill.


The biggest sign is the statement at the end about the Keystone.


Q has already explained that the KEYSTONE is the NSA information collection and POTUS+Military


Second biggest sign is Q NEVER CALLED OUT the SES. And anyone who thinks about it for a moment will realize that they are ALL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES therefore POTUS and SESSIONS and the OIG groups in every agency knows exactly who they are. If any of them actually committed criminal acts, there is already a framework in place to catch them.


The only thing useful to us is when we are digging through connections for the bad actors, if we come across a significant connection to an SES member, it is worth noting that fact.


But trying to find out how many in the SES are conspiring against the Constitution is a job for the NSA and MI.


TRUST the NSA and TRUST MI because Q certainly does. And stop this SES sliding on the board. We should be digging into bad actors who may be unknown to the DOJ because they do not look at NSA info.


PLUSโ€ฆ.he\she keeps saying that SESSIONS AND WRAY are SES and cannot be trusted! [Even said they had the evidence to show it - but don't, of course]


This is in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to what Q has dropped!


AND they said that Sessions was trying to take down Trump!!!!


(Like seriously, why would Q who has given direct evidence of a link to POTUS, tell us to trust Sessions if he was trying to take him down! DUH!!!)


One more useful bit of info. Read this Wikipedia article especially the LAW and Computer Science sections




The law section explains why the DOJ can't see NSA info.


The CS section explains what we are doing. We can see the NSA info so we are like the reverse engineering team that prepares a specification for the DOJ team. We map a portion of the criminal conspiracy network showing enough connections and info for a judge to issue a search warrant and witness subpoena to the DOJ. This should be the core of our work here.



Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 8:51 p.m. No.795765   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5917 >>6346



Here you go. This is 17 year old Mary Vestera with the crescent moon headpiece which I find odd and a bit flashy and blatant like the jewelry of Philipinne Rothschild.


I've also looked a bit more at the only photo available of Klara Hitler, Adolf's mother and this could very well be the same girl even the ear to my eye. In addition, looking again at photos of young Hitler, Rudolf Habsburg and Mary, it does seem like Hitler is related to both of them. So if there is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in Hitler, it would have to be in Mary Vestera. Her father seems to be minor nobility not well documented, but certainly not concentrated in Austria either so there may be something one or two generations back.


These people often hide true bloodlines by placing children in foster families.


I have examined some Saxe-Coburg-Gotha women (photos only) starting with Queen Victoria and although I can't see a blatant relationship, I think it is within the realm of possibility that Mary Vestera (or Klara Hitler) was a Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.


Need more eyes on this, ear specialist in particular. And researchers especially those located in Germany and Austria where all the source material will be found. Might need lots of trawling through museums and

palaces to find forgotten info.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.795986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



No, sorry. And I tried again just now because I find that when I try n different days I get different ideas on how to search kind of indirectly and therefore defeat people who are hiding info.


However, it is possible that Herlind has no middle name. My mother was born during the 1920's Weimar republic, an age of decadence, and for whatever reason which I don't know, she has no middle name. Could also be something to do with family feud and the person that an eldest daughter is supposed to be named after.


I had a theory that Herlind has a solid German name in spite of the Jewish roots of the Kasner's because Hitler himself named her. He saw this tough but delicate little girl and named her GENTLE WARRIOR which is HERLIND in German. Goes back to pre Christian times.


I think we would need people located in Germany to get any further with this but if the father was a minister in Hamburg, (he was) and his boss was a bishop and a US intelligence agent, (he was both) the original registers probably have no trace of anything they didn't want us to see.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.796048   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun




And if she was sent away due to pregnancy, did Rudolf really shoot himself because of getting her pregnant or was this some satanic ritual to kill the father and lay the groundwork for the big blood sacrifice to Satan that was WWI. This war seemed to destroy the House of Habsburg but now we know that they simply faded into the background and maintained their wealth and power. WWI also opened the way for Hitler to unite Germany, Austria and Sudetenland in one Germany which would them conquer and rule all of Europe up to the oild fields of Kazakhstan.


It is not unusual for satanists to kill members of their own bloodline as a sacrifice. Sometimes to gain power and rise in the power hierarchy as Joe Biden did with his firstborn or Gloria Vanderbilt did with hers to position her second son Anderson Cooper to a leading role in the Ministry of Propaganda. But sometimes a sacrifice is made because the member has completed their role and it is time for them to die. After all they should by now be able to reincarnate within the bloodline and continue the work in another body.

Anonymous ID: 908256 March 25, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.796087   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6167 >>6286



There was somebody setting up suggested notables posts in another thread or maybe another board. It had a URL like




If you know what board this is would you consider adding that to the bread as one line?


The idea is that if people are new and want to read more. they can easily go through proposed notables that didn't make it in the bread as well as going back through older material.