Anonymous ID: 0883b1 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.7951171   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1197 >>1562

>>7950863 LB

>>7950889 LB


i like ice cream. i make ice cream. many gourmet brands always popping up. some pints go up to $8 in the freezer section of major supermarkets. I saw The Big Gay Ice Cream brand advertised on a vice show for best ice cream in NYC. Vice has an ice cream show where they go to major cities for great ice cream shops. Vice is a zionist commercial but i figure how bad can ice cream be? Big Gay Ice Cream started as a truck and portable fisting room… it eventually was so successful it turned into an ice cream shop. So I go to the market and whammo…big gay ice cream is there. Now my first thought is will I get HIV from the ice cream? Or any other myriad of STDs. That is not good for future business so i am pretty sure it is safe. I bought 2 flavors. American Globs and Banan-o-Graham.


These things were $6.99 each. that is expensive for a pint. When I go to the counter the register lady looks at me fine but the kid bagging looks at the pints, puts his head down and starts laughing. SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY BUYING THE GAY ICE CREAM!!!


I get home and open the American Glob pint. I swear to allah, the fucking ice cream tasted like total ass. I am smelling the fucking thing now and I am wondering….did these fucking guys shit in this ice cream. I spit it out and put it in the bag. But I gots to know. Is the other one shit in as well. I open the other flavor, Banan-O-gram…even worse, tastes like shit and smells horrid.


FUCK MIKE BLOOMBERG AND FUCK THAT ICE CREAM. I took both pints off my property and threw them in the garbage at the market.