Anonymous ID: 1fa525 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.7951175   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7950682 (lb)


I think the Mark of the Beast has been in full swing for decades already. The temple the 'A'-man stands in is a human body. A clone. People who claim knowledge on the issue say the clones are even named "Mark" and we're on the 4th or 5th generation of them. It's an 'M' ark (ark houses something, in this case the soul/consciousness-transfer). It's said that the gigantic Quantum computer at Antarctica is named "the Beast." 666 is the number of A-man.

It's even 13:18 (perfect)

MR (Mr.)

We can't buy or sell right now if you hadn't noticed. We trade debt instruments and don't actually own our houses. I believe those who've taken the mark can, and/or "buy or sell" means something entirely different than we think. Bi means to split off into 2. Ore (iron?). Cell (biological?). Our language is SOOOO deceptive. It was made that way on purpose for sure…once you start dissecting it, you can clearly see that. Why is there a letter called a "double you"? Where's your double? Money is people. It's also shit (don't quite understand this yet, but I'm so not kidding). Back to double/two-you. Where is he? Do the elites control the double you? Are you supposed to have an active second life somewhere? In your dreams? What if the saints who didn't take the M ark of the Beast and were "beheaded" means 'B'-headed. Not 'A' men, but 'B' men. When you see the expression "Wait What?" I think it's saying "Double-you AI tee, double-you hat/ai etch at/A tee." Don't ask me to explain further, as I'm still muddling thru it myself, but we truly don't know what we don't know. In the mean time, I'm in agreement with you re: the Bible etc. It's an absolutely supernatural book that does things it could not were it not God.

Anonymous ID: 1fa525 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.7951270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


flat earth gematria digits flood this post number and timestamp.


I was an adament heliocentrist/sphere-earther when I showed up here 2 years ago until I started realizing how often this occurs. So then I went to look at all of Trump's tweets to see if he encoded flat earth language on the dates/times I'd expect if it were true… and I found them. They're subtle, but they are there. Combine that with him saying brazil is closer to space than the U.S. is and other stuff… and it got me digging much more. I'm not a FE'er, but I'm closer to that camp now than I am the "as we're told" model, which just doesn't hold up at all under serious scrutiny.

