Anonymous ID: 552b98 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.7951113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmm… I think this misunderstands both.

Truth is not something that can be altered. Speaking the truth holds power. One is not free to determine what the truth is - yet it also matters little who opposes that truth, whether it is one person or the whole world. Truth has a tendency to make very compelling arguments even if the messenger is horribly murdered.


The belief that one can pray for just anything is no different than trying to cast spells under the eclipse.

However… Sometimes it's just vague enough to work…. If you were to ask the all knowing to save the world from destruction and devastation - and your enemies were to gain power and impose their reign … Maybe the spell or prayer was successful, just… You were standing on the wrong side and didn't realize it.


Life has a certain tenaciousness about it that seems to overcome and surpass itself even amid failure. That divine will, of sorts, seems to underwrite all, and I think many people are quick to credit the results of this to whatever idol they happen to subject their soul to rather than realize the true gravitas of what they are witnessing unfold.

Anonymous ID: 552b98 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.7951195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Millennial women have been sabotaged by third wave feminism, the destruction of men, the lure of a male career path, and the cost of living "adjusting" to normalize a two-income home (why charge less for rent when you can put the wife to work as well and charge three times as much?)


Said women are hitting 30 and the proverbial wall. Women in my age group have about 5 years to start popping babies out or we are looking at a complete population collapse within the next 30 years.


Unless someone can give us about 20 years back and assist in unfucking millennials - we are pretty much looking at a complete collapse of western civilization as it is replaced by foreign cultures and voting patterns.


The only other course of action that could potentially spare the culture would be to pull a Germany and throw out every unassimilated culture. So, we either start hooking up and romping like rabbits, get a new lease on our 20s, or make six gorillion look like a drop in the ocean while our population has a spazz attack over it.


Well… There is failure, but that's not really an option.


It would be interesting if we've had something of a fountain of youth under wraps somewhere. Surely, we've had some of the research into telomerase for over a decade….

Anonymous ID: 552b98 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:49 p.m. No.7951360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1619 >>1635 >>1651


Hmm… I believe I was likely proxy to the gate thing - and I almost wonder if my father knew just enough to kind of keep me more stupid than I probably should have been. It's hard to describe … I was always noted as being extremely sharp, yet my overall knowledge always seemed relatively childish or inferior compared to other children in gifted education programs. Children who would grow up to surpass me in academia, but who would ultimately fall victim to a sort of elitist brainwashing and become rather obtuse by comparison to how they were when we were classmates.


They seemed to hit a plateau that I have yet to feel I have encountered… And while they may still have me bested in terms of memorizing flashcards for a specific subject, I seem to have maintained an ability to walk between disciplines comfortably and while bringing them all to bear on a problem.


But I digress.

Prayers for your father, anon. Mine passed away during the Obama years, and he knew his sons would be facing down the shit he and others like him forecast. I learned how to "speak into the future" from him - statements I took one way as a child but morphed as time went on to completely change my understanding of what side, even, he stood on. Cleverly kept me more compliant with the system in my youth but allowed me to understand as I got older.


Perhaps yours will be able to see the light ahead by looking back for it. If that makes any sense.