Anonymous ID: 6a6f46 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.7951201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1272 >>1349 >>1558 >>1636

Bill Kristol-John Podesta Collaboration Quietly Cited in Mainstream Media Impeachment Coverage


Alliance for Securing Democracy is a Deep State Who's Who


The Alliance For Securing Democracy is popping up in the mainstream press during the President Trump impeachment saga to offer supposed expertise on Russian disinformation. Though presented in the mainstream media as a credible source of punditry, Alliance For Securing Democracy is actually a group of bipartisan anti-Trump neocon/neoliberal operatives closely linked to the Deep State. The Alliance For Securing Democracy was recently cited in the Washington Post article “Russian spies hacked Ukrainian gas company at heart of Trump impeachment trial, company says,” by Ellen Nakashima, and the New York Times article ‘Chaos Is The Point’: Russian Hackers and Trolls Grow Stealthier in 2020.” The group clearly exists to push the narrative that Russians and other disinformation agents are influencing the 2020 election as Democrat allies gear up to push for increased censorship of pro-Trump information on the Internet, and it also seems to find time to criticize President Trump’s trade policy. The group has a new 2.0 version of its “Hamilton 68” dashboard for monitoring supposed Russian influence online.


The group’s Advisory Council includes former Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, Hillary Clinton campaign boss John Podesta, Bush Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff, John McCain operative David Kramer (who infamously circulated the discredited anti-Trump Christopher Steele dossier in the nation’s capital), Obama’s Russia ambassador Mike McFaul, and Hillary Clinton’s State Department deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan (who testified that he used non-secure email along with Clinton), in addition to various other statist Intel-World radicals and former government officials. The group has over 175 individual and foundation donors, and lists six of them on its “Supporters” page, including Democracy Fund founded by ebay founder Pierre Omidyar, the Sandler Foundation, and the Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust named for Eliot Spitzer’s parents.


“The Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), a bipartisan initiative housed at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, develops comprehensive strategies to deter, defend against, and raise the costs on authoritarian efforts to undermine and interfere in democratic institutions. ASD brings together experts on disinformation, malign finance, emerging technologies, elections integrity, economic coercion, and cybersecurity, as well as regional experts, to collaborate across traditional stovepipes and develop cross-cutting frameworks,” the organization’s website states.


Anonymous ID: 6a6f46 Jan. 28, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.7951402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1440 >>1521 >>1643

Something very strange happened:


I have only made 2 posts, when I went to submitt the second post, regarding China..initially Flood detected message appeared..resubmitted it took longer than usual but it did post. Here's the thing:


My post ID changed from 6a6f46 with one post to a9b05e with 7 posts


How is this possible?

Anonymous ID: 6a6f46 Jan. 28, 2020, 10:10 p.m. No.7951527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I appreciate what you are saying, however there too much that doesn't add up for me here. We don't have any real eyes in China, it's very difficult to get any real news out of there without the State run propaganda machine being involved. Then there is the numbers that just don't add up either. That said..What do hospitals typically have equipment and lots of it..looking how many generators would it take to keep it running much less have proper electrical mechanisms in place, albeit minor but important however.


Finally there is this thought: What if this is not a virus at all, what if this is a way to round up and clean the country of CCP (Communist China Party) and those cases who have been reported in other countries are those who had left before the quarantines where imposed knowing they would have that knock on their door. So I propose what if those containers are really temporary prisons until they stand trial?