Anonymous ID: c3e52a Jan. 28, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.7951165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jan 29 (1:29) Will the Complete Dem Witness List Be Revealed?


Q3685 15 Dec 2019

"Anons determine significance of 1:29 from [Dec 2] drop?

What was released precisely @ 1:29?"


Q3642 2 Dec 2019

(pic of a pen wand watch at 1:19)


On Dec 2, 2019 news outlets announced House Democrats released witness list


House Democrats announced a list of four constitutional law experts who will testify at a Dec. 4 public impeachment hearing, and the panel will include pundits who have criticized the Trump administration and defended the impeachment proceedings. It also includes a witness who has criticized the impeachment investigation.


The Democrats have summoned Noah Feldman, a Harvard Law School professor, to testify in Wednesday’s hearing on the constitutional grounds for impeaching the president. Feldman was among the first people to suggest Trump was trying to bribe Ukrainian government officials into investigating his political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. Democrats have adopted the term, which Feldman in September said constitutes an impeachable offense.


“What makes Trump’s alleged conduct so terrible is not that he froze aid to Ukraine for a policy purpose. What makes Trump’s alleged conduct outrageous is the appearance that he was doing it for his own personal benefit,” Feldman wrote for Bloomberg Opinion.


Feldman has called for a new special counsel to investigate Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr, and he also called on Democrats to make the often secretive impeachment proceedings more accessible to the public.


Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan, a former Obama administration Justice Department official, is also a witness, Democrats announced Monday.

Anonymous ID: c3e52a Jan. 28, 2020, 10:05 p.m. No.7951483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jan 28 Trump Ralley and General Washington's Battle of Trenton letter


As the Crossing the Delaware was as significant forduringPresident Trump's rally as it was for Gen Washington's victory at Trenton, looked at the letter Gen Washington wrote to the Continental Congress Jan 1, 1777.


The second 2 paragraph stood out and mentions the date 28 (for Dec 28, 1776). The rally was Jan 28, 2020 which is 243 years + 1 month or 2917 months from the letter. Q243 was Saudia Arabia Controlled US Politicians. On Qmap, Q 2917 (2 Mar 2019) is titled "Hillary Clinton Is the Real Racist; What She Did in Haiti Is Pure Evil"


The 'real' racist.📁📁

FAKE NEWS coverage?

Pure evil.




Over 243 years, our Nation has went from leaders with good hearts like General Washington to popular "leaders" of vile hearts like HRC. Thankful we are blessed with President Trump and Q Team to restorie the character exemplified by General Washington.


General Washington's letter, paragraph 2:


The Accounts you give me, in yours of the 28th Ulto of the good Effects that are likely to flow from our Success at Trenton, add not a little to the Satisfaction I have felt on that occasion. You are pleased to pay me many personal compliments, as if the merit of that Affair was due solely to me; but I assure you, the other General Officers, who assisted me in the plan and execution, have full as good right to your Encomiums as myself.